STRANGE Animal Behaviors You Won't Believe!

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We’ve lived side-by-side with animals since the beginning of time, but there's so much about them we don’t understand. Some animals can predict earthquakes before they happen, while others seem to be capable of superpowered punches. This is a list of some of the strangest behaviors exhibited by animals. Some of them you won’t believe!

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14 Tarantulas Throw Their Hairs
Most of us are pretty terrified of the hairy little beasts we call Tarantulas, but most might not know that they are relatively defenseless when something actually wants to try and kill it. So what does a tarantula do when it’s cornered and threatened by a bigger animal? It rips its own hair off and throws it. When people get into fights it might involve ripping the other person's hair out, but a Tarantula apparently likes to beat you to the punch. The hair is actually pretty sticky and a bunch of its little hair getting caught on a predator can slow it down while it makes a getaway. Bonus points for the tarantula if it can get it into the predator’s eyes.

13 Crocodiles Cry
The term “Crocodile Tears” came from a myth that crocodiles cry while they eat and evolved into a phrase that denotes an “insincere show of emotion”. However, it might not be a complete myth: some scientists have found that crocodiles do in fact cry while they’re chowing down. Folklore suggests they cry because they feel remorse for the prey they killed to eat, but scientists think it might just be an uncontrollable bodily reaction. Crocodiles might cry to protect their eyes while they hunt prey or fight with other crocodiles.

12 Jellyfish Live Forever
There is a species of Jellyfish that hangs around the Japanese sea that can actually reincarnate itself and virtually live forever. The species called Turritopsis dohrnii also appropriately nicknamed immortal jellyfish is capable of turning back its biological clock over and over again. When the Immortal Jellyfish reaches sexual maturity, it can undergo a rapid metamorphosis that sheds most of its body and results in a return to its juvenile polyp stage. Although they can pretty much do this forever, they are still susceptible to damage and disease so they’re not completely immune to death.

11 Bullet Snap
The Pistol Shrimp has an incredible ability to click down with their claws and create a pressure so high that the resulting soundwave makes a sonic boom. This wave of pressurized air and sound can concuss prey and predator alike, and is so pressurized that it momentarily gets as hot as the sun. This is why it has earned itself the name of Pistol Shrimp and the colloquial name Bullet Shrimp.

10 Bowerbirds Build Bachelor Pads
Bowerbirds are creatures that are known for building spectacular bachelor pads to attract potential mates. They create spectacular nests and decorate them with specific colors that they think will get girls to pay attention to them. Since they just collect brightly colored objects, it usually means small fruits and flowers but they are now known to collect garbage too! These nests are more artistic than utilitarian, and they are truly unique in this phenomena. They will spend weeks just to finely tune the perfect nest just so a girl will come by and be impressed.

9 Cows Eat Facing Magnetic Poles
Something you might not know cows do is that they only eat when they’re facing magnetic North or magnetic South. Scientists were using Google Earth satellites to study how organisms might be affected by magnetism and found that cows both graze and rest with their bodies aligned North-South all the time. They also found that cows near big power poles seem to be a little confused and don’t do it as consistently. It’s hard to understand why they do this and the reason why so many animals seem to have internal compasses is still a mystery.
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Even the lizard cry when eating, in remembrance of it fallen past, oh yea lizards are reptile and only birds are fowl. Lizard eat lizard, Fowl eat lizards.


I dont agree with the belief that cows either face north or south. I had heard this before, last week we were dtivng through the country. Cows were facing every which way lol
