Image Streaming - A Technique for Better Visualization and Creativity

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Visualization is a far more powerful tool than most people realize for problem solving, creativity and even physical performance. Our cognitive 'workspace' is essentially what gives us the ability to manipulate concepts in our mind and to make plans. It's essentially synonymous with our working memory.

Einstein demonstrates the power of using visualization to solve problems. He visualized what it might be like to travel on a beam of light and used this to 'intuit' the workings of the universe.

I'm not saying you'll be able to do that, but using a technique called 'Image Streaming' you can enhance your ability to visualize images, sounds and concepts and to work with them in your mind. Not only that, but you may improve verbal fluency and develop key brain regions related to visuo-spatial problem solving. Watch and learn!

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Here's an advanced version of Image Streaming that I've created called "Glimpsing". Hope you like it. So this is the concept: you can take any picture or image of your desired goal or aim from your phone or computer first. Then, you speak out loud every single feature you see while looking at the picture( or you could write them down as a list) if you want. Finally, you take your phone away, closing your eyes or leaving them open, and say those SAME EXACT features that you saw in that picture until your mind recalls those features again. So basically, it's image Streaming and Priming blended together. Hope this helps with those aphantasia issues!!💯👌


Even a 15 second lucid dream is the most exhilarating feeling in your life. I highly recommend practicing more.


The place I used visualization the most was in two places... the first was in the military and specifically SWAT and weapons training. Where visualization could be used in the absence of ammunition. To close your eyes and see every movement and assess yourself and feel of something was off in your movements like drawing your gun or finer details like pulling the trigger without reacting to the ensuing recoil. 10 years plus out of the military I still practice that visualisation just in case i need that skill again.

Second place it was VITAL wad on my paramedic training. You had a lot of students with limited time and equipment. So often visualisation was the only practice you could get in... feel and see what you are doing. See yourself making mistakes in your mind as you do know on that subconscious level that you stuffed up and how to correct them...



A good method to increase yours vizualization skill is to solve math, physics and logical problems without using a piece of paper


if you wrote a book all about maximizing abilities, i'd totally read it. so much content on this channel it'd be cool to have the best of the best information all in a single book... also on the lucid dreaming thing, it might help you if you look at your hands throughout the day and ask "am i dreaming?" because your hands will likely be with you in your dreams so it can serve as a reality check kind of thing to help you become aware your dream state... also keep up all the good work, i'd seriously like to see you make that book btw, youre one of the few people ive seen where youre knowledge and physical success makes me go "damn", not really jealousy cause i admire your success and respect that you share what you know for free, but damn i need to step up my game... ps if you havent read them yet youd probably really like The Art of Expressing the Human Body by Bruce Lee, The Miracle of Breath by Andy Caponigro, and Can We Live 150 Years? by Mikhail Tombak, especially the breath thing is really interesting, if you breathe slower than 15 sec inhale, 15 sec exhale you almost immediately enter into a higher state of consciousness, i learned that from some other yoga book and it totally works, some people can breathe one breath an hour and theyre basically in a psychedelic trip all the time, if you ever investigate the connection between oxygen and other chemical production like tryptaphan, seratonin, testosterone, dimethyltryptamine, etc i would reallyyy like to see what you discover


As someone who is trying to be a novelist, I will certainly give this a try; I get the feeling it'll help a lot.


I began practicing lucid dreaming as a child, years before I encountered the term.
I'll go back even further. I accidentally discovered self hypnosis at around age 5. I was staring at myself in the bathroom mirror and found my mind disassociated from my body. I had a sense of leaving my physical form. It was unsettling, but not frightening. I tried it a few more times after that, but decided it wasn't an experience I enjoyed.
As to lucid dreaming, I've always had vivid dreams, even nightmares. I found it necessary to take control of the direction of these dreams and steer myself toward wakefulness.
On one occasion in particular, I remember seeing a factory brightly lit in the middle of a vast, dark field. Decades later, while driving along Highway 27 south of Lake Okeechobee in the middle of the night, I saw the same factory again. It was a sugar cane processing plant, which operates 24 hours a day.
Our minds are ours to control, to be sure. But they also travel both forward and backward in time. Rather than fighting this, it's sometimes worthwhile to follow it, and see where it goes.:)


one way to do image streaming is to make the multisensory verbal description in mind,
not out loud. but this has an advantage/disadvantage, it can put you to sleep (it's good for insomniacs). the advantage/disadvantage depends on the purpose you want. But with proper training you get to control it. and in time it becomes better than lucid dreaming because you can use it whenever you want, not just when you sleep.


Im into dbz, lifting, videogames, yesterday i looked into lucid dreaming, today he talks about it, this guy spies on me


I had lucid dreams when I kept a dream journal and wrote down my dreams right after I had them, after a week or so of that as dreams got more vivid I had a full on lucid dream where I could fly and stuff


My only problem with image streaming is finding somewhere to do it without everybody thinking I'm nuts, so I need a private place.

Also I tried to explain image streaming to a couple of dumbo's. As soon as I mentioned visualization this guy interjected "that's manifestation I know all about it" I didn't bother explaining any further.

No image streaming is not manifestation - if bad or ugly stuff comes into your minds eye so be it, that's what you describe. For image streaming to work you do not will what to see. You let your subconscious show you stuff. Most of the things you see will be weird anyway. Surreal subconscious things. If that changes the more you do it I dont know.

Image streaming strengthens the network connections between conscious & unconscious parts of the brain this can also be done with mind mirror EEG training. A completely different technique.

Manifestation is based upon positive visualization. But if you dont image stream first you are unlikely to be able to visualize well in the first place. Again a different thing altogether from image streaming.

Autogenic training takes much longer & has parallels with image streaming in the advanced meditative stages.

Compared to Image Streaming, Mind Mirror neurofeedback & Advanced Autogenics - Manifestation is not a real cognitive technique at all but a fad

On Lucid dreams I have them & find they are linked to my meditation sessions during the day. Maybe being conscious in Theta does it? When in the dream something weird will happen, you will think hey wait a minute that simply cant happen. Ha haa this must be a dream. Then that's it you become lucid - fully aware its a dream & can do what ever you want.

If however you accept the illogical thing. Think hey that's weird it cant be possibly happening. But there it is what do you know & go about your dream business - the lucidity wont come. So an epiphany is required.

Epiphany is a great thing ;-)


A fun practice is to read fiction in „slow motion.“ Do picture research on the setting, imagine the look of the characters and try to visualize the hole prosa.


I stumbled on Image Streaming as a means of possibly treating aphantasia. Aphantasia is the inability to visualize things in your minds eye. For me when I close my eyes and try to imagine something, I don't see anything. No images. Imagine my shock to learn a month ago that people actually do see things and there's a name for this condition. I'm excited to practice this and see if it works to give me actual mental images. Great content and I appreciate your input!


I’m a bit late but apparently the was a study done at Johns Hopkins showing that writing and speaking can ‘exist’ in different parts of the brain, or rather that they are quasi-independent. So doing this technique while writing is a great supplement after all! Also, hope you eventually learned to lucid dream @The Bioneer! Writing out visuals and dreams also helps get Lucid so I hope this worked out for you.


Interestingly, the riddle about the monk can be solved easily by a theorem in calculus known as the "Intermediate Value Theorem"


I have listened to this video twice already, but today i got gems i missed on my first two attempts. Keep inspiring the masses baba


visualization can be used in every part of our life and to improve it . It so under used thats why I try to teach it. SO great job bringing more awareness to people about the power of visualization.


8:34 is extremely important and i bet a lot of people closed the video before getting there rofl


Your channel is really informed and I appreciate it a lot. I have never had someone to look up to but so far on your channel I've grown to admire how hard you work and how much you manage to care for yourself. I hope I can reflect that someday in my own life.


This legit works - Win Wenger was a very smart man to create thus simple yet effective tool - RIP Win ❤️.

If you are struggling to begin with, intend to think of your favourite kids cartoon.
Cartoons are less detailed, easier to imagine and change about more.
If you spend 10 minutes every day as consistently as you can for 90 days, you'll make progress.
