pyknic: Pronounce pyknic with Meaning, Phonetic, Synonyms and Sentence Examples
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This video shows pronunciation of pyknic in a sentence, pyknic meaning, pyknic definition, pyknic phonetic, pyknic synonym and pyknic example
pyknic Definition/Meaning : having a squat and fleshy build
pyknic Phonetic : 'piknik
pyknic Synonyms : heavily built, stocky, thickset, sturdy, sturdily built, well built, burly, strapping, brawny, muscular, solid, heavy, hefty, girthy, meaty
pyknic Examples :
One's physical or bodily shape can be classified into the pyknic type, the muscular type and the intermediate type.
Instead of the pyknic or compact extreme, Sheldon found a round and soft one.
pyknic Definition/Meaning : having a squat and fleshy build
pyknic Phonetic : 'piknik
pyknic Synonyms : heavily built, stocky, thickset, sturdy, sturdily built, well built, burly, strapping, brawny, muscular, solid, heavy, hefty, girthy, meaty
pyknic Examples :
One's physical or bodily shape can be classified into the pyknic type, the muscular type and the intermediate type.
Instead of the pyknic or compact extreme, Sheldon found a round and soft one.