Wildlife Takeover: How Animals Reclaimed Chernobyl | Free Documentary Nature

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Wildlife Takeover: How Animals Reclaimed Chernobyl | Wildlife Documentary

Where humans move out, wildlife moves in…
What would happen if the world were suddenly without people – if humans vanished off the face of the earth? How would nature react - and how swiftly?

On the edge of Europe, a deserted location reveals the surprising answer. An abandoned village can change in a very short time into a sanctuary for plants, birds and animals. Shy and rare species, some thought to be on the brink of extinction are found in robust good health.

This is Chernobyl, deserted by people after the worst nuclear disaster in history and now reclaimed by a remarkable collection of wildlife and the descendents of pets that were left in the city when the people went away.
This film unmasks the surprising faces of the new inhabitants. In houses where people once lived and laughed, unexpected wildlife is making itself at home. The adventures of a likeable cast of non-human characters give viewers a rare glimpse into an alternative world. Here wild animals face challenges in an environment totally outside their experience, while once-domestic species must rediscover their wild natures within.

Where is this place of abandonment and sanctuary? The location is well known and draws a cloud of uncertainty over the future for these animal characters.


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Where humans move out, wildlife moves in.

On the edge of Europe, a deserted location reveals the answer. An abandoned village can change in a very short time into a sanctuary for plants, birds and animals. Shy and rare species, some thought to be on the brink of extinction are found in robust good health.

This is Chernobyl, deserted by people after the worst nuclear disaster in history and now reclaimed by a remarkable collection of wildlife and the descendants of pets that were left behind

This film unmasks the surprising faces of the new inhabitants. In houses here people once lived and laughed, left behind treasures of their childhood, unexpected wildlife is making itself a home. It's quite unimaginable what it means to have to flee and leave everything behind.

A quantum of solace: the adventures of a rather adorable cast of non-human characters give viewers a rare glimpse into an alternative world. It's cute and creepy at the same time, probably because we know why these animals are here. Anyways, enjoy!


Watching that Bear slide down the roof on his belly was the shot of a lifetime. Bears are hilarious.


Some people here don't seem to appreciate how hard it is to make a nature documentary. I was impressed by the shots they were able to make and how it was all edited together into a story.


I am amazed at how these guys managed to shoot such impressive images and tell a story. This documentary deserves an award


I was so moved with mom cat’s way of life. She educates her kitten how to live out in such a harsh environment and she never forgets to live as “home - cat” her grandma taught her -Now she is a owner of the house human has forsaken ‼️❤


This documentary was released in 2007, so now it's 15 years old. I hope to see a follow-up documentary that shows us how this 20-year-old abandoned town is doing after 40 years.


"They wont see a human being."
The non-human cameraman: *Damn straight*


It’s nice to see even a little bit of sliver lining in a tragedy like Chernobyl and see a place were animals and wildlife are truly protected from human intervention or harm :)


Something about the journey of the mother cat is so hauntingly beautiful. She creates a home for her kittens and find happiness with humans once more.


The mother cat was so brave. Gives me so much appreciation for mothers. Also, the wolf and his mate starting a family in his house. Damn. Feels like sth out of a fairy tale.


Science prediction: wide spread mutation

Reality: Worms start bangin


"She's now down to two kittens."

*repeatedly shows all three kittens afterwards*


I really like how this documentary didn't show us how the animals were killed (in detail), because it usually is very traumatic to watch it in other ones. Thank you for a wonderful documentary!


The ending with the cat mother moved me to tears. I had been pulling for a proper resolution for her and her kittens. Thank you so much for this documentary. It was beautiful.


Was hoping the whole time the cats would find a friendly babushka who takes them in and lets them live in her warm mice filled barn.


What a lovely, heartening documentary on what is a disaster area. I was so happy the cat found a new home at the end. I hope the kittens survived. It''s amazing how Nature has reclaimed and, made a paradise for animals, who don't seem to be suffering from the effects of radiation.


That was easily among the best documentaries I've ever seen... It may even sit at the top. How you guys managed to get such unbelievable and astounding footage is beyond me, but I'm very grateful to be among those who benefit from what must have been an incredible amount of work by all of those involved at every level.

Thank you for this amazing, eye-opening and ultimately educational film. Considering what an experience it was to watch, I can only imagine the adventure it must've been creating it.


Mother Cat: We are house cats, we have lived in houses for generations untold. This house was past down to me by my mother and owned by her mother before her. but now we must leave my children


The cats were the star of the show but this was, quite honestly, the best Documentary I have seen on Chernobyl from a nature purr-spective. Thank you so much.


Hmmm, One of the kittens dying was a lie to create drama wasn't it? The Cattle Shed, you can clearly see 3 kittens after the Owl's presence was revealed and even when escaping and the fur coat off the two surviving kittens was inconsistent too.
