EXTREME BEDROOM MAKEOVER (diy renovation, decorating & tour)

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Today's video is the ultimate DIY bedroom renovation. Watch as I makeover this 200-year-old dusty, moldy, cracked, disgusting bedroom into a cozy, bright, simple, minimalistic, aesthetic space! I'll be sharing wih you how I demolished and removed a wardrobe that was twice my height (and quadruple my weight I'm pretty sure), rip down hard to remove wallpaper, fill holes in the wall, sand to make them smooth (prepping walls to paint), add vertical blinds to the window, fix cracked skirting boards and paint them, and paint the windowsill and the walls. For decorating, I added fake vine leaves to pretty much everything, fairy lights, candles, himalayan salt lamps (which I don't recommend if your house is humid because it leaks), office desk setup, new blackout vertical blinds, plants, lace curtains, and a cozy bedside table featuring my favourite books.

0:00 - Introduction
0:48 - Wardrobe Removal
3:07 - Removing Nails...(?)
3:47 - Removing Wallpaper
4:14 - Clothing Rail
4:24 - Office Desk Setup
4:49 - Removing (more) Wallpaper
5:50 - Granddad helps!
7:04 - Filling Holes
8:27 - Filling Cracked Skirting Board
8:44 - Painting the Ceiling
10:16 - Sanding
11:31 - Base Coat
12:23 - First Coat
12:39 - Second Coat
12:51 - Window Sill & Skirting Boards
13:42 - Replacing Lightbulbs
14:20 - Blackout Vertical Blinds
14:38 - Ikea!
14:56 - Decorating
17:26 - Final Bedroom Reveal!



**DISCLAIMER- some of the above links are affiliated, meaning that I make a small commission if you buy them, but this doesn't impact the cost/price. in anyway!

• snapchat: @megancrocodile
• tiktok: @megancrocodile


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I'm so inspired by you. Losing all that weight, solo traveling, getting a degree, and now freaking remodeling You are amazing ❤️


I love that you are living your life exactly in your way. Nowadays I’ve been thinking “when I’m 85 and grey what would I tell my younger self” and that’s what helps me stay on track to worry less and live life for myself, how I want to and not for others or by others standards. Your channel embodies this to me so thank you for your content💞


I suffer from mold poisoning so I can say this from experience. If you have mold, you should bleach it after removal or get mold specialists. It must be removed. I can’t say but green mold can be sometimes ok and won’t affect your health. Black mold is extremely toxic. You can’t just scrape it and paint over it. That releases mold spores. Doesnt matter how healthy you are. If mold continues to exist your health will deteriorate. You’ll start to notice when your head is sore or you have nasal issues esp sneezing. Also you must find the source of the mold. There’s probably a hole that’s causing the leakiness. If you don’t, the walls are eventually going to turn moldy and damp again. You can check the dampness of your room via company.


As a couple of people have mentioned below, you really must get rid of the mould before you paint your walls/ceilings other wise it will come back through and it's very nasty stuff, you don't want to be breathing the spores from that in. When you do other rooms in your house go to B&Q and buy some Ronseal 3 in 1 mould killer and follow the bottle instructions, you may need more than one application to get it all off, then once that's done buy some Ronseal 6 year anti-mould paint (this contains a fungicide to help prevent the mould from regrowing) it's quite expensive but well worth it, don't be tempted to buy the cheap stuff, or you'll probably have to redo it. Make sure you open your windows when painting to let the fresh air in. Quick edit: forgot to mention you can get a telescopic extension pole to put your roller on when you do the high ceilings.


Megan first, I want to say I LOVE this video for what it is. The before and after are incredible and I think you did such a fantastic job. But I am SO concerned for the sorts of mold and toxins you may have exposed yourself to while stripping the wallpaper and sanding the walls as well. There was mold on the walls and you mentioned your salt lamp was leaking which means that it’s picking up moisture in the air. I don’t know if you’ll ever see this, but mold is so harmful to breath in and the exposure to whatever was in the dust could leave you vulnerable to long term health effects ☹️ I hate to seem like I’m bringing down the energy of your video with this comment, but I’ve come to really care about you and I just want you to be okay! I know it can be a bit pricy, but I wonder if getting a mold kit and sending it out to be tested might be a good idea. You can also buy a hygrometer to tell you the humidity level in the room it’s in. 45-50% humidity is ideal and any higher might warrant the purchase of a dehumidifier. Especially in your bedroom. Anyway seriously. Great job with the decor. Love your videos always


The bedroom looks great! But the fact that you did this much work on a place you’re renting! 🤯 Your landlord should reimburse you for renovating their property lol


just a concern is that it looks like u painted over mold so i just checked online and it said eventually the mold will come back because paint will not kill the bacteria, so just mindful you might see it again. place looks beautiful btw girly!


She is the only youtuber that I watch all of their videos, I get so excited when she uploads!


Oh you have tenacity lol. Love this vlog. Thank you so much! I would happily sit here and watch a 3 hour vlog from you! ❤


Your room turned out amazing! You did a lot of hard work! My concern is the mold that was not removed before you painted. That mold is sitting there and I saw when you were showing the cracks in the bottom trim, there was also mold is in there. That's a very serious indicator that there is mold not just under the paint, but in the walls as well. I recommend getting a mold inspector to come and look because even if it doesn't look like much, mold spores can be deep in the wall, and can make you and your pets extremely sick. Just want to make sure you and your fam don't get sick! Love your videos btw!


Wow this video has been worth the wait! You should be so proud of yourself! Shame on the people that have rented this place out to you like that. X


It was a lot of hard work, but the final result was definitely worth it! The room looks so beautiful and cozy! 💖✨


Watching Scarface while painting your room is such a vibe 😂 love it.


Oh wow!! You did a real renovation. It looks so beautiful!! 😃 Well done 💪🏼


i want to see your grandmas and grandpas reaction to the result so bad you did a fantastic job


I hope you're so proud of yourself! I'm proud of you! You kicked that rooms ass and challenged yourself so much! I'm a little older than you with two kids in US but every time I watch one of your videos I say "Gosh, I wanna be as brave as Megan when I grow up"! Love you my friend ❤


You should make a gallery wall with thrifted frames!


Looks so nice!! 😊 idk what your renting situation is, but I would think that if you saw mold the landlord should be the one to pay for expenses of having it tested and treated....at least here in the US it most likely would be under their responsibility. Check that out if you are worried about the cost and headache of the mold situation. ❤


It's not weird at all since I was a child my parents only used yellow lights white light just makes me feel cold and uncomfortable. I only use yellow light in my home


Girrl I know from experience that was not easy work at all! You absolutely transformed that space 😍
