The Ultimate Guide To Make Your Spinach Thrive

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Growing spinach is a rewarding and nutritious addition to any garden. In this video, Curtis Stone shows how to prepare the soil, sow the seeds, and provide proper care to ensure healthy, delicious greens. Watch now and experience homegrown goodness with thriving spinach plants!


About Curtis Stone:

Curtis is one of the world’s most highly sought-after small farming educators. His book, The Urban Farmer, offers a new way to think about farming𑁋 one where quality of life and profitability coexist. Today, Curtis spends most of his time building his 40-acre off-grid homestead in British Columbia. He leverages his relationships with other experts to bring diverse content into the homes of gardeners and aspiring small farmers from around the world. Learn more at FromTheField.TV.



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Misleading title. He sold me on why to grow spinach, when to grow spinach, but did not show me how to grow spinach.


Curtis you're CRUSHING IT!! Thanks so much for your time and passion brother!


I adore spinach and eat it in salad every day. It has a lovely, meaty leaf. Much better than lettuces I reckon. Nice video Curtis!


Hey Curtis i have been watching your videos for a few months now and you have been a massive inspiration. I even made my first vlog on my first ever veggie garden which is something 6 months ago I would never have dreamed of doing. I have ordered you book which to my surprise I could locate and can't wait for it to arrive. Thank you for making your videos and keep up the excellent work you are doing.


Was refining my knowledge on certain vegetable growing techniques, and not only came away with some new information, but I'm also going to watch your take on profitable crops. My family and I are going to start a couple of farmers markets this year, so I am looking for high yields and ideal crops for our conditions. Thank you for sharing!


I just sit here and shake my head when I see Curtis' rows and rows of spinach. This has been so hard for me to grow. Granted, I only ever seem to be able to plant it in June/July so that does not help. The little bit I planted late last fall did great over the winter covered in snow and came up very nicely this spring .. I never even watered it this spring. I have been working on New Zealand spinach, but man is it tough to get it to germinate. I did a little New Zealand last year during the summer and it did pretty well. I really like the taste and texture too. So hopefully I will get some sprouted in the next week or so.


70% shade cloth plus watering twice a day may let you grow spinach in the summer.


mmm I definitely agree with you on the spinach yumminess.. :)
when I was a kid my mother would cook it, drain the water, then blend it with stave mixer while adding some milk or cream to make it creamy... highly delicious.. try it out ;) thanks for sharing Curtis


I just added "Reflect" to my list of spinach to try next year. Thanks for sharing your experience!!


6" spacing between rows is that not too close spacing if one would like to have full size mature spinach? I am thinking that full size spinach plants would need at least 8"x8" space to grow, or am I wrong? I am also thinking that 6" row spacing would be hard to de-weed with instruments between the rows without hitting the spinach plants. The hula hoe is at least 5 inches wide which would be hard to fit in between the spinach rows.


hey curtis, how many spinach plants do you have in one square foot? and how much pound will it yield in the first harvest?


Spinach has been a nightmare so far for me here in the Mediterranean, we can get quite hot days even during December and Januari which makes it bolt even then. Getting seeds to germinate in the field has been difficult as well for some reason. This year I'll give them a go in shaded wicking beds after summer.


Informative video, but it's titled how to grow spinach... I don't remember seeing any bit of a "how to" in the video I just watched.


It is October 10th here in Texas. It is 94 degrees Fahrenheit.


What zone are you in? You say all winter but I don't know what that means. How cold are we talking?


Because the quantity of seeds produced, letting a few plants mature will provide all the seeds you can use. Just keep the varieties separated if you don't want to hybrize some...but why not?


I live in Cawston Bc. Its March 3rd and the forecast is looking like it might be a good time to sow some seeds. Just wanted to know if after this cold dip we are getting, if it would be a good time to plant this early. Been watching on and off for years. Thanks for the info


good information :) you and many others inspired me to start a vegetable garden on quarter of an acre with 2k cash im going to document it for others :)


What lettuces transplant well? Heirloom variety suggestions also? Thanks Curtis.


Hi, I really like your videos.   I live in Vancouver and I was successfully planted and harvested spinach in the summer.   My spinach plants even survived winter.  My question is should I pull the old spinach plants and start from seed again or would they still be good for another harvest season?
