Crazy ancient stack Jakiro #dota2 #shorts #jakiro

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#dota2 #dota
►Dota 2 is played in matches between two five-player teams, each of which occupies a stronghold in a corner of the playing field. A team wins by destroying the other side's "Ancient" building, located within the opposing stronghold. Each player controls one of 111 playable "Hero" characters that feature unique powers and styles of play. During a match, the player collects gold, items, and experience points for their Hero, while combating Heroes of the opposite team.
#dota2 #dota #jimjim
Crazy ancient stack Jakiro #dota2 #shorts #jakiro
Jakiro new Aghanim's Scepter is Broken 🔥 Dota 7.34 #dota2 #dota2clips #dota2gameplay #shorts...
Jakiro position before action rampage #dota2 #shorts #jakiro #rampage
EZ +2000 Golds with 13x Stack Ancient #dota2 #shorts #techies
you didnt expect that hook sad jakiro
CM Farming Big Ancient Stack #dota2satisfy
How God TECHIES ate 13x BIGGEST ANCIENT STACKS #Dota2 #Dota2Shorts #Techies
Jakiro: Burninated!!
Update 7.33 is Crazy 🔥 Ancient vs 3 Legends using Armlet of Mordiggian #dota2
How to ACTUALLY lane as Pos 5
When YATORO ganks MIRACLE this happens #dota2 #shorts
Nisha's funny reaction to M1cke's Ultimate on creep
Jakiro vs 30x Ancient black dragon | Who Wins? |
Play smart not hard Techies Mines 🔥🔥 #dota2 #dota2highlights
GIGACHAD Jakiro steal aegis #Dota2 #Dota2Shorts #Jakiro
Pudge and Jakiro combo triple kill
Worst Team Ever in Dota 2 #dota #dota2 #dota2highlights #rampage
Beastmaster Stacking 6 Camps on Dire 7.33c #dota2 #shorts #beastmaster #stacking
NEW CRAZY META Jakiro Insane Slow Burn Imba OC + Overwhelming Blink Build vs Dusa Late Game Dota 2
Easiest way to Counter Lifestealer Part 2 #dota #dota2 #dota2highlights
WHEN JAKIRO GOES FULL POWER! Crazy Max Burn Stun vs Invoker Marcy Most Imba Off To Carry Hero Dota 2
82 kills and 29k gold in 1 second #dota2 #shorts #primalbeast
This is Crazy 🔥 Impossible 1vs5 Bristleback Rampage #dota2