JavaFX ObservableList
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JavaFX provides Observable list. By definition, an observablelist is a list that allows listeners to track changes when they occur.
This video talk about Using ObservableList with listeners and binding it with a listview. JavaFX ObservableList provides two interesting listener support.
void addListener(ListChangeListener) - ListChangeListener is an Interface that receives notifications of changes to an ObservableList.
It also provides InvalidationListener throrough Observable interface as addListener(InvalidationListener listener) - InvalidationListener which will be notified whenever the Observable becomes invalid.
This video talk about Using ObservableList with listeners and binding it with a listview. JavaFX ObservableList provides two interesting listener support.
void addListener(ListChangeListener) - ListChangeListener is an Interface that receives notifications of changes to an ObservableList.
It also provides InvalidationListener throrough Observable interface as addListener(InvalidationListener listener) - InvalidationListener which will be notified whenever the Observable becomes invalid.
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