Something In Between | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

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Jesus can meet you in between. 

In “Something In Between,” Pastor Steven Furtick reminds us that we serve a Savior who is greater than the guilt, grief, or grave that can keep us separated from God.

0:00 - God Is Up To Something Today
2:00 - A Fresh Perspective On The Resurrection
5:03 - Something In Between
12:14 - Jesus, I Need You In Between
15:24 - Anticipation Versus Anxiety
19:10 - It's Not All Good
23:30 - Between Stimulus & Response
26:45 - You Need Space Before You Hit Send
29:37 - You Don't “Gotta” Do It Anymore
32:41 - God's Calling Your Forward
35:03 - A Suddenly Savior
38:48 - God Can Do Something In Between
43:53 - Grace Is Greater
47:26 - There's Room At The Cross For You

Scripture References:
Matthew 28, verses 1-10
Romans 8, verse 28
John 19, verse 18

#elevationchurch #somethinginbetween #stevenfurtick #resurrection #restoration #easter #perspective #grace #transition #eastersunday #faith #hope #church

Elevation Worship and Steven Furtick recently released the Praise - EP, which has different versions of the song “Praise” from Elevation Worship’s album “Can You Imagine?” The album has other hit songs like “Trust In God,” “Been So Good,” and “Jehovah.” Also be sure to listen to albums like “LION,” “Old Church Basement,” and more. Elevation Worship is the musical expression of Elevation Church, led by pastor and visionary Steven Furtick. They have been steadily writing, recording, and releasing music since the church was founded more than 15 years ago in Charlotte, N.C. The ministry now has multiple locations throughout the US and Canada.

Something In Between | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church
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Where in your life do you feel in between?


God is that “something in between”. When Jesus died and rose, Him being pure and punished like a criminal, He did it because he knew we will be everything in between. Faith without work is dead so go to Galilee and Jesus will meet you in between and be your in between. Nothing is impossible when Jesus is in between. Amen.


Looking forward Lord. As far as the East is from the West your love is. There is no pole so it is immeasurable 🪨🌴🌬️💦🔥🚣On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand all other ground is sinking sand🎼🎤🎵It doesn't matter what i see, i know you are good. I believe in you father and that you love me. You have done so much for me already yet your promises are yea and Amen. As it is in heaven so shall it be on earth. Im getting a glimpse and it's wonderful. I glorify you in the earth of my body Lord. I feel your fruits growing and budding ripe and harvested. A chosen generation. A royal priesthood. A glorious church. A bride ready and waiting. A peaceful habitation. Oh sweet Joy. Giving thanks with a greatful heart🎵🎼👏🙌❤️🧡🌴🌬️💦🍶 Sweet oil🙇


My sermon notes for "Something in between"

1.) You are not cursed, and you are not dead. You are something in between, you need him in between

2.) You can be afraid, yet filled. You can be empty and have complete confidence. Jesus is your conjunction

3.) God works for your good, it's all good. He is your in-between

4.) You need space before you hit send. Your savior is your space maker, praise him the middle

5.) Jesus will meet you where you are suddenly, he's coming your way

6.) You are in between something great that God is working on for you

7.) God always does something in between


Jesus was beaten, Whipped, bruised, mocked, spit on, shed His blood so we can be forgiven and have eternal life! Oh the BLOOD OF JESUS!



“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NLT‬‬


This sermon saved me. Today is my day of salvation


That i can be afraid yet filled. Empty yet filled. That he who began is faithful hallelujah. I am yet filled with faith that the God who was with me in the previous season will not leave me. I know that is going to be good in the end. This is why because i believe in you father inspite of. Jesus is my conjunction. But God. It a dawning season 😅 im something in between Lord. In all things God works of the good for those who love him. It's not but it's all God. U believe and i got God. I got something in between Lord God is my in between. If it's bad he'll make it good. Oh my sweet Jesus 🎉All God hallelujah 👏💪🙌🤸


Pastor Steven. I first started watching you 7 years ago. When I was in prison your messages. Help me write 26 devotionals in which I'm in the process of finishing 7 years later. But when I got out of prison. I got angry at you and I don't know why.
But for the last 6 months. I have been listening to you again and through all of my hurt to my experience of trying to get licensed as a pastor and not being able to after getting a college education because of denominational rules. God has used you to help me focus on the calling I have on my life.
That God chose me and has a purpose for me.
So in between when I was in prison. And until now, God was using you along with the mentors in my life. To help me keep going and pursue my calling.
Because jesus met me in between god bless you brother


Our saviour is our space maker yes Lord hallelujah 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌I got a space maker. Im praising my space maker👏🔥🌬️


It's something in between 🧡 You're not an angel but i don't think you're a devil either Lord


*To the person who is reading this, may God take care of you, enlighten you and may God bless you and your family for life and eternity🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻*


My name is Devon jina from South Africa East London I'm going through a very tough time in my life right now but if I think what God brought me out of I can't help but to be grateful for my lord and saviour Jesus Christ who strengthens me Devon and that is within me who loves me a sinner not worthy of his love for me


Lord, please bless me and Lee and our children come home to each other safe and blessed by you. Allowed us to come home to each other Amen


he will never leave you ever.dont give up on nothing. keep on fighting for your life.please. 😮🎉 Amen amen.Amen


I had a heavy load I’ve been carrying the last three months on my soul, I prayed about it Tuesday night & left all my baggage at his feet. When I tell you he delivered and put a glow on my soul is an understatement!! 🙌🏼. The whole time I’ve been carrying my baggage he has put signs into my life to reach out. He is always here. I feel free of worries & protected. What you preached on Sunday in this video, It spoke to me in a powerful way. Thank you Pastor Steven ❤.
WONT HE DO IT 🙌🏼. I pray for everyone that has baggage to leave it at the lords feet, that he shares the same energy with all and to glow your souls as he did mine!! Too new beginnings ❤️


Jesus is my space making Savior Lord I thank you for saving me from addiction of Drugs Ian free from ALL!, CHAINS OF ADDICTION.Thank you Jesus for your grace and salvation


ive got a god that can turn a grave into a garden amen


as I listened to this Word, I began to understand the meaning of this season. Thank God He is a suddenly-Savior, that He is a Space- Making- Savior!! hallelujah!! thank you for meeting me on my way to Galilee!


Pastor! You were up late because of me! I'm out here in California so Saturday night when I was praying around 1130p about why do I have to experience all these negative things that I'm going through when I'm not that way. I said to Jesus I'm full of joy and love and all these things are annoying lol then I said SPECIFICALLY, Lord I know I'm in the INBETWEEN of my heavenly home while I'm here in this world! I asked please show me Lord.

Then I woke up at 7am, turned on the Sermon and then 💥 💥 💥 This 💥 💥 💥
Thank you so much for bringing the WORD of God so RELEVANTLY 🙏
I'm dealing with alcoholism in loved ones, seizures, toxic home scenario, exhaustion and to top all that off I have my perimenopausal journey now and MY MOTHER moved in 1 yr ago from health issues. Many more things happening but after I heard this sermon my heart was RESTORED

Hallelujah Jesus!

I can not wait for the next 8 week series cos I know it's aligned on point for what we need! God bless you Pastor! Hallelujah Jesus! Thank you.

My testimony is coming! Watch out 💥
