How to Shove It The Easiest Way

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Today, Aaron Kyro teaches you how to do a shove it! This is one of the first basic tricks you learn as a beginner so once you learn this, it's all uphill from there! Go out there and progress, you got this!

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What skate tutorial should we do next?


I've been skating for around 3 - 4 months, and after following this, I landed my first shuvit in around an hour. then immediately tried pop shuvs and managed to land it after 2 hours. What an experience. Gonna try to get it consitent and then do it rolling!


I'm loving how you guys are redoing most of your beginner tutorials! And with Aaron! Also, absolutely amazing timing, made at the time I'm trying to learn how to shove it


When you start, get it down stationary. Make sure to hop forward. When you start moving do it exactly the same way except focus on keeping your knees bent. After that you can move to pop shuvs. And after having pop shuvs down you should understand the scoop motion more. You can now use the scoop method(without popping) when doing shuvs without jumping forward and stomping down. In my experience, it helps make them look much cleaner and almost effortless.


You guys are the reason I got into skating again. I stayed when I was 10 ALL the time but was discouraged when I couldn't ollie. I'm 24 now and got into it again and did my first few ollies 2 weeks ago. They were small but I dont think I've ever been more proud of myself. I got a new board to celebrate since mine was 12 years old. You guys make me so happy


I would like to point out a way to gain confidence doing this trick. You try it on a side walk and shove into the grass to get the feel of it. Move the skateboard back every time onto the sidewalk. Great way to build confidence in any shuv trick


Is anyone else watching this to just see if you're doing it right?


Thinking skateboarding isn’t for me is something I think about all the time. I’m known as a quitter, I quit anything that seems too hard for me. But with skateboarding I wanna make sure not to give up and quit even when some tricks seem impossible 💯💯💯


I've been trying to shuvit for the past 15 minutes and already half landed it. I was super excited although it came with a scraped and bleeding elbow, but I'm happy to know I can do it if I put in a little more practice. Thank you so much for the advice and showing me step-by-step, I probably wouldn't have figured out have to turn the board in the first place without this.


started skating again after 20 years (going to the Navy in November & decided to start skaing instead of running) and absolutely appreciate what you do for the sport. got back on a board 8/25/2022 and thanks to you, and luckily some muscle memory, i have gotten back my ollie, shuv-it, pop shuv-it, fronstside 180, fakie frontside 180 in just over a month!!! best channel with the best breakdown of tricks i have ever seen. thanks again Braille Skateboarding!!!!


i love how aaron is redoing the tutorials! i remember watching some of the first ones! :)


On my fourth day or skateboarding and this is just the Best video I learned it on the same day and was so happy


i have stopped skateboarding for a while for like 3 months i completely forgot how to ollie and shuvit and this is helping. loving getting back.


Dang perfect timing I’m learning how to shuv it right now and was just looking for a good tutorial, thanks guys 🙏


Super helpful...started skating today after 19 years of complete abstinence. Having to relearn the basics I thought I'd never forget. Going to be on your channel A TON moving forward...definitely suggest subscribing to any mid 30s overweight guys/gals like myself lol


I think this is gonna be the first trick I try to learn. These are so helpful to break things down like this and explain every detail. I also love you answering actual questions asked. Very very cool. 🤙🏻🤙🏻👊🏻🖤💚💜


i'm learning how to skateboard at pier 15 (netherlands, breda) and next sunday i have to do a couple of tricks for a diploma and one of them is a (pop) shov-it so i'm really happy with this because i didn't know how to do it. Thanks alot :)


Right on! I've always suggested and strongly recommend "BEND YA KNEES". Any time I've been coaching, teaching any physical, athletic etc. You just can't go wrong.


Omg you are amazing! I achieved this trick in 1 hour only and I’m a beginner.
Thanks for sharing! Keep going. You are a legend


Always very generous in your explanations. Great motivational speaker. And the extra encouraging people to build a friendly skateboard community, sharing the passion and helping each other get better. 👍 I love this channel !!!
