Heartbreaking Beast Boy & Terra Theory Completely Changes The Show

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Heartbreaking Beast Boy & Terra Theory Completely Changes The Show

The Teen Titans cartoons that aired in the early 2000s on Cartoon Network is still the most talked about superhero show to this day. And Beast Boy’s storyline with Terra is, to this day, one of the saddest stories about love and friendship seen on primetime TV. And interestingly enough, there is a theory that, in a way, gave us a bit of closure to what originally felt like an unfinished story. Today we are going to be discussing a theory about Terra, and how there might have been a version of her that Beast Boy simply made up as a coping mechanism.

In today's video we look at the Heartbreaking Beast Boy & Terra Theory That Completely Changes The Show...Keep watching to see Beast Boy explained from a different perspective in the show. Beast Boy's broken heart regarding Terra actually might show beast boy having trauma from the whole entire situation that went down in that fateful episode.

Inspired by The Complete Teen Titans Timeline | Channel Frederator #shorts

Inspired by Things Change ‒ The END of Teen Titans

Inspired by The Sad ending of Terra from The Teen Titans 2/2

Inspired by No Wonder Terra Dumped You

Inspired by The Final Episode of Teen Titans is DARK

Inspired by the REAL TRUTH Behind Teen Titans Ending

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*this comes from the "Things Change" episode writer Amy Wolfram. Schoolgirl really is Terra. She was restored from stone when Trigon's spell wore off. Being restored back to life and given a 2nd chance, she chose to live a normal H.S. girl's life and no longer be a superhero. If you listen to what Slade tells Beastboy in the house of mirrors it's the truth - but nobody would expect the villian to be honest.


I still think that this could have been Terra. Yes it is likely it was just Beast boy's imagination but hear me out. Terra turned herself into stone to save the whole city. When Raven's demonic father Trigon came to earth he turned everything into stone and lava. When Raven defeated her father all the stone people turned back to normal. This means it was highly likely that Terra was also reverted back to herself. I think it's possible that upon being freed from the stone she did lose her memory and her powers. I know there are many theories but this is the theory that I believe in. We'll never really know what really happened but imagination is truly an amazing thing.


That's clearly Terra
- Aftershock 2, she said she was sick of fighting

- The End part 3 Raven Resurrected all petrified people, and ofcourse counting Terra

- In Things Change literally Robot Slade confirmed that she is Terra, and we can see how Terra in some scenes feels unfortable and bad for Beast Boy.

The message of Things Change is that sometimes you have to let things go no matter how much you love them. Terra did, and Besat Boy has to respect that and let her go too


I go with the comic book that is canon, which makes it clear that she was Terra. I think she only pretended not to know Beast Boy, which is why she said her comment at the end. Beast Boy only imagined that she wanted to be a Titan, and etc, in reality, all she really wanted was to be a normal lass.


Terra was resurrected for real. Why ?
Because after the last episode of the last season and the movie trouble in Tokyo that came after the last episode of the last season the story continued in the comic book adaptation of the 2003 teen titans. In the comic book adaptation there is a issue called the return of Terra and geoforce. To those who don't know who is Geoforce: Geoforce is Terra's elder brother who was looking for her and when he met the titans he asked them about her. The titans told him everything including what happened to Terra in the season 2 finale. But then beast boy told Geoforce about the events of the episode things change. Geoforce and beast boy tracked down Terra to her school and this time Terra was scene by Geoforce too. But instead of taking her home Geoforce saw that she was satisfied with her New life so Geoforce let her be and left the school. And Terra who was unaware of both of their presence smiled at seeing both of them leave indicating that she has neither lost her memory nor her power but she is consumed by regret so she tried to live a normal life but also beast boy wouldn't let her because he has not let her go yet.
Terra only wanted a normal life after getting a second chance and beast boy without realising was taking it away from her. To those who think that beast boy was imagining Terra returning I recommend to read the comic book adaptation of the 2003 teen titans.
It is called teen titans go comics


There is a comic that continues the Terra story line where BB and someone claiming to he Terra older brother stalk her and the brother Co firms it was Terra but realizes she wanted a normal life outside of her life before joining the titans and outside the life of being a titan
So he quietly says good bye to her and leaves with BB which Terra noticed them and smiled knowing that her friends and family were looking out for her


part 4 : soon terra realized that Nobody else will accept her now after all the evil things she has done, She belongs to Slade now as his “property” which he can dispose of at any given moment, Terra comes to a realization that she no longer wants to be Slade’s apprentice anymore and attempts to escape, Slade remarks that “It’s far too late” for Terra to feel guilty and gain a conscience seizing the opportunity to take full control of Terra using the suit he made for her, Beast boy sneaks into Slade’s lair and confronts Terra. she asks him to destroy her while she has some control over her body, If not, Slade will regain control over her and force her to attack Beast boy, Terra exclaims that she has no desire to fight anymore, In response, Beast boy remarks “Don’t allow Slade to control you, If you don’t want to fight anymore rebel against Slade’s influence.” Terra declares that she didn’t have a choice or an alternative, Beast boy rebukes her stating and told her that she always had a choice.
Terra’s confession signals to the viewer that she has given up “the fight” for control over her life. She has resigned herself to self-destruction at the hands of Slade. Beast boy points out that she always had a choice and that it didn’t have to turn out this way, Things could’ve been different between them but Terra chose to join Slade out of fear regarding her powers.
It was her decision to betray the Titans who have been nothing but hospitable towards her with the exception of Raven. As Beast boy says this, Terra won’t face the fact that she brought all this trouble on herself. Just like before, Beast boy reassures Terra that [she] can still do the “right thing” Even though she has done despicable acts in the past, she can still use her powers for the “greater good”. In the midest of her reflection, the Titans come charging through pleading with Terra to stop “this madness” while Slade commands her to “finish the job”, Hearing all these voices surrounding her, advising her on what action she should take, They later get drowned out by Beast boy’s voice allowing her to make “the call” Beast boy encourages Terra to regain control of her body not to mention her life back from Slade, Beast boy allows Terra the chance to shed her evil past and begin anew. She can still be “saved” and forgiven. Taking Beast boy’s words to heart, Terra’s redemption arc commences. She regains control of her powers and uses them to defeat Slade. Unfortunately, the extreme magnitude of Terra’s powers awakens a dormant volcano bent on destroying Jump City and all its citizens, The other Titans evacuate from the scene leaving Beast boy as the only one left behind, He pleads Terra to escape with him however she declines, She states that taking care of the volcano is her responsibility, She’s the only one who can stop it. In this very scene, Terra continues her character arc from earlier. Instead of running away from her problems or difficult situations like usual, She chooses to stay behind and face the volcano head-on bearing full responsibility for her actions, In a valiant effort to make up for her past mistakes, Terra sacrifices herself to save the city and everybody in it. Before she carries out her final mission, she and Beast boy share one last hug, Terra’s parting words to Beast boy are: “You were the best friend I ever had.” Despite everything that has occurred, Terra considers Beast boy to be a “true friend” because he was always supportive of her, encouraged her to give it her best shot and openly accepted her without question . after that all of that remained of terra was a statue symbolizing her heroism .


Was the fight with robot Slade all in BB's mind too? Maybe as a way of dealing with his grief, since anger is one of the stages of grief.


part 2 : After their victory party, the Titans rest for the night with Cyborg turning on the Tower’s security system, While he does this, Terra’s eyes look straight in the direction of the control panel and stares sadly at the tired retreating figures of the titans foreshadowing that she won’t see them tomorrow because she’ll be gone before they even wake up She’ll certainly miss all the hospitality the Titans have given her not to mention their friendship, She proceeds with the plan looking around her room just to make sure the coast is clear and nobody’s watching, With much sadness and hesitation, Terra sends Slade an email about the Tower’s security system, then Beast Boy arrives outside her door planning to ask her out on a date Terra speaks up first by saying “goodnight” as a way to break the silence, Beast Boy snaps out of his daze and bestows upon her his present, a silver heart-shaped box, Terra was uncertain, she cares about Beast Boy He’s her first friend to accept her without question. On the other hand, she’d only hurt him in the end due to her position as Slade’s apprentice. In order to spare his feelings, Terra makes up an excuse to decline his offer stating that she has other plans in mind which involved taking down the Titans but after seeing beast boy's dissapointed look she really accepted his date offer and she asked “Do you trust me?” Beast boy replies” More than Anyone I have ever met.” He has complete confidence and trust in Terra, she takes Beast Boy to a restaurant called Ben’s Diner. A restaurant she frequently visits, As Terra looks at her reflection on a spoon she feels guilty for her Betrayal, she then brings Beast Boy to another frequent hang out of hers, an abandoned theme park. She remarks that being at the theme park is the closest thing to “feeling like home” to her, Terra probably feels this way because she views the theme park as a “safe haven”, once again Here, she feels safe and secure. It’s as if all her fears and insecurities are a thousand miles away and she can just enjoy herself. Having Beast Boy around makes her feel regretful and totally guilty about selling out the Titans to Slade by giving him their secrets and weaknesses, Beast boy has been nothing short of a good friend to her He was always supportive and welcoming, When she came back he welcomed her with open arms. He doesn’t deserve to have his good faith in her shattered He’s such a great guy, She’s trying to decide whether or not to proceed with the plan or abandon it altogether in favor of keeping her friendship with Beast Boy. Terra reconsiders carrying out the plan because her friendship with Beast Boy is more important to her, she then asked Beast boy’s trust as proof that even though she’s Slade’s apprentice their friendship is still intact, then they shared a tender moment but it was ruined by Slade’s appearance, Terra allows Beast Boy to escape distracting Slade by using her powers. A few minutes later, they meet again with Beast Boy begging Terra to return with him to the Tower. With a heavy heart, she tells Beast boy she won’t be going with him because she’s been masquerading as Slade’s apprentice, Slade steps in to support Terra’s claim. He found her wandering all alone and took her under his wing to become his apprentice and help her control her powers, She owes “everything” to him, He taught her how to harness her powers instilling confidence inside of her. Slade points out that the Teen Titans namely Beast Boy don’t know how to give Terra what she needs, Terra needs a friend who will stick by her side no matter the circumstances and give her plenty of encouragement, However we all know this is far from the truth, The Titans especially Beast Boy gave stability to Terra’s hectic lifestyle. In addition, they were supportive of her during the obstacle course and eagerly welcomed her return with open arms. They even treated her as “one of the team”, Upon seeing her reflection in the mirror which showcases a sad, lost, and confused girl she drops to the floor on her knees with her head down in shame.
Terra realizes that she has became a “monster” similar to Slade and begs for Beast Boy’s forgiveness, They get into an argument calling Terra’s friendship with Beast boy into question, As a last-ditch effort, Terra pleads with Beast boy reminding him of his promise stating that he’d have her back no matter the circumstances.
Shocked, angered, and hurt by Terra’s betrayal, Beast boy utters Slade’s words from earlier to Terra, “Slade’s right, You don’t have any friends.” This line signals the ever-expanding rift in their relationship, Terra is completely crushed by Beast Boy giving her the “cold shoulder”. With this motion, her worst fear has been confirmed Beast boy, her best friend rejected her and left her behind, when beast boy told the titans about terra's betrayal they blame themselves for placing their trust in Terra after she backstabbed them, Beast Boy lies on Terra’s bed feeling heartbroken over losing Terra. His gift of a silver heart-shaped box is the only memento he has left of Terra. The only reminder of all the fun times they’ve shared up to this point .


Sorry, but this theory is completely ridiculous.

First of all, the fact that Beast Boy was the "only one who saw Terra" in the opening sequence is merely credited to the fact that, with all the Teen Titans spread out every which way during the monster's attack, he was the only one at that particular vantage point to observe her, and clearly, the attention of the others was clearly diverted elsewhere.

The notion that Terra was really there is also supported by the fact that two of her friends stepped in, telling Beast Boy to leave her alone because, "she doesn't want to talk to you."

And I'm getting sick and tired of people constantly taking Robin's comment about "sometimes we see what really isn't there" to such literal extremities. This was clearly a reference to how we draw conclusions based on what we want to believe and not in the least bit implying that Beast Boy was suffering from hallucinations.

And what of the encounter with Slade? The fight and destruction of the roller coaster?

If this was all a figment of Beast Boy's imagination, then we might as well conclude that the entire series was nothing more than an elaborate delusion going on inside Beast Boy's head.


Teen Titans Season 6 with Terra someday, because Tara Strong said in the interview of Warner Discovery merging or whatever it is. It is possible now. It's happening someday now. I don't believe it. I've just heard rumors about that.


- the fact that we know nothing about new terra isnt evidence that she's fake
- beast boy was the only one to see her because he was the only one looking in that direction
- what the other titans think doesn't really matter, they dont have omniscience
- terra walking off was just a nice artistic technique, nothing more


part 5 : in the last part of my analysis we will talk about beast boy's denial over terra's death and the mysterious doppleganger of terra and it is also the final ep of the series during the titans's fight with a monster, beast boy looks around the corner of his eyes to see a girl who has a striking resemblence to terra and when she disappears he thought how he must be dreaming because terra died saving jump city from the volcano, Just to make sure his mind isn’t playing tricks on him, he checks out Terra’s resting place, The statue appears to be empty with only the plaque remaining, This leads Beast boy to conclude that Terra’s alive somehow, He shares this news with his fellow Titans however they think it’s all in his head, Robin even remarks “sometimes you want to see something that isn’t there.” Robin went through a similar situation with Slade, He thought Slade was still around plotting schemes so he became obsessed with trying to foil them, As it turns out, those visions of Slade were only hallucinations brought on by the dust surrounding Slade’s mask. It was really all in Robin’s head, In Beast boy’s case, it could be the same thing. It could be possible that the girl resembling Terra could be a mirage tapping into his desire to see Terra again, Regardless of whether or not the girl in question is actually Terra, Beast boy is determined to find her and uncover the truth. He returns to the amusement park and Ben’s diner where they last hung out but his search bears no fruit, when beast boy found the girl she is a student in murakami high, however when he tries to talk to her the girl doesn't know who he is at all, throughout the ep, beast boy does whatever he can to remind terra or at least he thinks is her of her past but the girl assures him that he mistook her for someone else, he then took her to the titans tower but again she doesn't remember anything about the place and she also wasn't intrested in any of the activities beast boy says that she likes, Following this Beast boy gets irritated with Terra for forgetting her past. As a way to jog her memory, Beast boy throws mud in her face. “You can move the earth” he told her His hope is that this single action will reawaken Terra’s powers but it doesn’t, Annoyed at Beast boy for throwing mud at her the girl becomes upset and leaves, Searching for answers, Beast boy heads to the amusement park where he and Terra last hung out.
He encounters Slade in the House of Mirrors where he makes a bold statement: Maybe she doesn’t want to remember. If the girl doesn’t remember or use her powers, it’s her choice.” in here we realize the girl is really terra but avoids any attempts to be reminded of her past because she is too ashamed of her past actions and tries to start anew as a normal human, but beast boy is still persistent and follows terra around the school to make her remember her past life, Terra’s avoidance of him reaches a breaking point when Beast boy gets thrown out of the library for being noisy. He’ll go on the condition that Terra will talk to him, she concedes to his request for a couple of minutes in the hallway. Beast boy starts off the conversation stating as a fact that Terra is his friend and a Teen Titan. Terra continues to be in denial though. He continues saying that she doesn’t belong at school living a civilian life. Her place is with the Teen Titans fighting alongside them against evil villains, Beast boy's biggest hope is for Terra to remember her past and become her old self once more. His hope gets dashed when Terra hits him with a large dose of reality ; Memories aren’t always how you remember them especially when you take off the rose-tinted glasses and begin to view them from an objective and analytical lens. Beast boy hands out his communicator to Terra as an open line of communication between them. Terra rejects his offer explaining to him that she won’t have any use for it. Filled with a tinge of regret, Terra makes this final declaration: “Things change Beast boy, the girl you want me to be is just a memory.”
Terra isn’t the same person anymore that the Titans met near a cave. Beast boy has to face the fact that Terra longs for a normal civilian life. Now that she has it, she won’t just abandon it to resume her role as a superhero. There’s no way Terra would do that. As a last resort, Beast boy invites Terra along to fight the “White Monster” alongside the other Titans.
Terra shakes her head “no” and reaffirms Beast boy’s role as a Teen Titan not her. She’s just a normal school girl unprepared for her geometry test in her next class, She walks away fading into the crowd of students in the hallway, Beast boy updates Robin telling him that he’ll be coming to help them out. The final scene shows Beast boy running out of the hallway to the other Titans . the story of terra is really tragic she was just a girl with problems and whenever she turned to both sides of good and evil she noticed they weren't enough and decided to live in normalacy to avoid the bad things she did against the titans and beast boy, she chose the peaceful life because she can't handle her past mistakes so even with losing her memories she was ready to be someone else and maybe life get better for her one day, terra's story is really sad and heartbreaking . tell me if you like my analysis, thank you .


I just got the teen titans DVD box set at Walmart recently, and I love it ❤


1:35 "...a figment of Beast Boy's imagination..." except there was a comic book published around the same time where Beast Boy met up with Terra's brother. The brother was brought to the school to witness the Terra/Terra clone. The brother basically said he couldn't tell, but that Beast Boy needed to do what he did and let her go. The brother enumerated a number of reasons for this, at the end of them he basically says "It doesn't matter".


A simple explanation is that it's someone else look like Terra.


This theory has been around for a while and is debunked. There was a tie in comic series called Teen Titans Go (not at all related to the reboot show of the same name) that was 100% canon to 2003 cartoon. In one of the final issues they meet Terra’s brother and Beast Boy takes him to the school to see her and he (the brother) confirms that the girl is Terra. Whether or not she truly remembers them or not remains a mystery though because the pair decided not to approach her and to let her live her own life but she catches a glimpse of them as they fly off and makes a face implying that she knows who they are but she doesn’t say anything and the issue ends.


I think the theory of when after Raven defeated Trigon and unfreezing everyone and also unfroze Terra as well could be possible 😮


Wish we have more seasons of this show in continuation, love this one a lot


I say Tara is alive and she just doesn't want the Titans but no because she doesn't want to die again and she wants to live a normal life but she still wants these beast boy some stuff but she doesn't at the same time
