i almost gave up - no shampoo update | THIS SAVED MY HAIR

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I QUIT using shampoo!
People probably think I’m crazy!
It is almost one year ago that I decided to quit using shampoo.
When I made that decision I had no idea what I actually started.
In this video I will tell you about my journey without using any shampoo.


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Much love and good vibes ,
Manon & Robin
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I am a boy and rarely use shampoo sometimes once or twice in a month. My hair feels more happy without shampoo. 😇😇


I recently stopped using regular shampoo and started using sulfate free shampoo and I am so happy with the result! Thanks for sharing your tips ❤


Its ok to use shampoo. Once in a while some SOAP is very healthy. Also u need to check the calcium in your tapwater. Its better to use water from natural scource because if the tapwater is too kalky it will make your hair dry aswell. Once every two weeks some shampoo / soap / vinegar and your hair will be great. X


Thank you for sharing with us 🥰. Your hair looks Amazing. You are obviously doing something right👌💛☘.


I use an all natural olive oil shampoo made here in Mexico and I love it, but I've always heard shampoo is not good for you cause it dries your hair! Great video Manon 😊


Im planning to not used shampoo for 5000days (13 years ) and today was my 8day journey my hair is actually still normal it kinda smell from rhe time i finished the challenge i probably gonna be 28


Spot on!! Your hair looks stunning! That beautiful face belongs on a famous beauty magazine 😉💯 Nothing beats going natural 💯 Most beauty/cosmetic/hygiene products sold nowadays contain certain known/unknown toxic/carcinogenic elements to extend their shelf life, which in turn endanger our health/lifestyle. 😉🧡


Dear melon, even in morocco people doesn't use Ghasoul alone because It dries the hair with time! They always add other natural things like herbs... To make a balance


Be careful using just conditioner - conditioner alone can cause buildup on the scalp and that can cause clogged pores and follicles. I hate sulfate cheap shampoo, I use sulfate free or a co wash. Co wash is like using conditioner but with a little more cleaner to help the scalp.


Thank you a lot of women in Morocco use ghasoul and some natural oil like olive oil and argan oil say hi to robin


I really enjoyed hearing about your hair journey, you hair looks amazing! Hope I could improve mine as well :)
I would love if you could elaborate more about you routine and if you continue it still. What do you use as a shampoo and do you wash once a week or more? Do you use another conditioner or curl cream during the week? or just this conditioner one every couple of weeks?
I live in the desert and I have a really tough time keeping my hair hydrated, would love to get some tips 🤩

By the way - the link for the blog don't work


You are so sweet and natural. Thank you for sharing for rahua. 🍀


Loved this update! I try to not wash it that often anymore, but quitting completely i never tried. I also try to use shampoo bars now because of traveling. But I may look into the poo you mentioned ☺️ is it for every hair or just curly?


Ohh, how cool! I will check out this brand asap. At one point, I stopped using shampoo but it didn't go well at all (like you, I had crazy oily and disgusting hair and it was just a no go) and then I tried using different bar shampoos, and I kind of liked that. I also had problems with hair loss so I went to a hairdresser who looked at my scalp with a microscope and they told me that my scalp over-produces oil (that probably this could be something genetic, I don't know) so I bought this super expensive shampoo and serum (I'm not sure if it contained some kind of caffeine or mint stuff but every time I out on the serum, I could just feel the tingling feeling on my scalp, haha) and it helped a lot actually. But it was a treatment where you had to use it for 4 months, then take a 1-2 month break, then use it for 4 months again, and I just ended up abandoning it for some reason. So I will take a look at this conditioner you are talking about here and see if it can help 😃


thank you very much for all your experience to share!!! have you came also across SIDR powder? Its the best product ever I think on hair and skin, ....: Sidr Powder (also known as Jujube or spina Christi) it mada my hair soft and shiny and lets on my skulpt regrow new hair!! You just mix it with hot water and let it sit 1 hour before application on the hair - here like 3-5 min on the hair, then rinse out and ready! Its the best product ever I met as no poo shampoo!!!


I have been using rye flour for washing my hair, and it's very nice ❤


What happens when you maybe wash your hair with shampoo just one time during no shampoo? Ive been washing with only water since october 2023, and i plan on continuing, but i have to go to a hairdresser and, since my hair is still in the greasy phase, i have to wash my hair with shampoo. Will it ruin the process or not really do anything?


what was the reason for only using the conditioner? ☺️ are you still using only that? ☺️


Oh no .I thought you will say that ghasoul solved your problem . Any way I am glad you found your perfect product.


Klinkt super, waar zou ik die conditioner vandaan kunnen halen?
