Awaken Your Solar Plexus With This Powerful RAM Mantra

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The mantra for the solar plexus chakra is “OM RAM Namaha.” RAM includes the consonant “R” which is a fire consonant with “AM” (UHM) to bring in the “M” sound for the energy of the Divine Mother, also known as shakti. By starting with “OM” and ending with “Namaha,” the most basic mantra for the root chakra using this syllable becomes “OM RAM Namaha RAM.”

The solar plexus is the center of emotions, often referred to as a “gut feeling.” The solar plexus chakra is directly associated with the digestive function, lending the “fire” necessary to break down and digest food.

Energize your chakras with sound! Each of the seven major chakras are affected by particular sounds and mantras. The practice of chanting can be used to heal and strengthen the chakras.

Each chakra has its own vibration. In the Vedic tradition, there are “seed syllables” connected to the vibration of each chakra. These are single syllables that can be chanted to strengthen the energy of the respective chakras. The seed syllables are as follows: LAM (root chakra), VAM (sacral chakra), RAM (solar plexus chakra), YAM (heart chakra), HAM (throat chakra), OM (third eye chakra) and AH or ANG (crown chakra).

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