🦖Roar! Tyrannosaurus meets Pinkfong | Compilation | Dinosaurs Songs for Kids | Pinkfong Baby Shark

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Let's sing and dance along to the Dinosaurs Songs!
You're watching "Tyrannosaurus Rex" and more, an educational and interactive Dinosaurs series prepared to you by Pinkfong!
⭐️Time Stamp⭐️
00:00:00 Tyrannosaurus Rex
00:01:37 Spinosaurus vs Tyrannosaurus
00:02:28 The Best Hunter, Tyrannosaurus
00:03:27 I Am the Best
00:04:43 Baby T-Rex
00:06:18 Boom! Boom! Dino World
00:07:29 Where Did the Dinosaurs Go?
00:08:55 Pteranodon
00:10:13 Elasmosaurus
00:11:27 Brachiosaurus
00:12:22 Animal-saurus
00:13:41 Spinosaurus vs Tyrannosaurus
00:14:31 Dig it up
00:15:46 Triceratops
00:16:48 The Dinosaur Parade
00:17:55 If Dinosaurs Were Still Alive
00:19:18 I'm a Chef Today
00:20:42 Who am I?
00:21:51 The Three Mimuses
00:23:03 Parasaurolophus
00:24:08 Maiasaura
00:24:58 Diplodocus
00:25:50 Pachycephalosaurus
00:26:45 Brachiosaurus
00:27:40 Ankylosaurus
00:28:43 Animal-saurus
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