Adobe Muse CC Parallax Scrolling Tutorial | Text Rising from Mountains

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This tutorial demonstrates a very smooth, very classy scroll motion effect where text slowly rises through the fog between distant mountains. Using parallax scrolling in Adobe Muse, three dimensional effects like this are a breeze...

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Thanks for another great tutorial. Didn't know about adding file extensions to layers in PS...handy!


The actual scroll part of this tutorial starts at 13:30 minutes into this 16:39 video.


Would love to see the sites listed in your 'Paralax Lists' bookmark folder. Thanks for another great tutorial.


Nice tutorial. Could you do pretty much the same effect in Muse with 2 different layers for the mountains and use opacity scroll effects for the text?


Awesome! Also check out the Microsoft Surface 2 website and look at how the tablet rotates! You up for a challenge?!


This one is quite nice. I followed along with my own pics and mist and text and, at first, it was working...almost, but I was not able to get the text to rise up to the point where I wanted it to go before it all scrolled off the page at the top, unlike yours. A question, I had a composition widget on this page and I wanted to remove it in favor of this construction, the rising text, and I could remove all the content and the widget, but I could not completely remove the widget. How do I completely remove a composition widget, like the blank one, from my page? I could remove all of its added windows but not the first one no matter what I do. What am I not getting to get rid of it entirely? I'd appreciate your help. Thanks.


Where can i find this picture? I've search alot but can't seem to find it.
