Have You Ever Wondered What a Baptist Believes?

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"Have You Ever Wondered. . ." A playlist dedicated to answering those biblical questions that you have always wondered about.

Whether it is spiritual, biblical, historical, or just random, "Have You Ever Wondered. . ." will answer your questions from the only Book that has all the answers for every question if life . . . the Bible! Every question is answered from a segment of our classes which you can view on our channel.

If you have a question that you have always wondered about, comment below, and we will try to get a video to answer your questions.

We're taking this acrostic, B- A- P- T- I- S-T, to review and summarize Baptist distinctives.

To read more go here:

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Do not call yourselves "Baptist", or Catholics, or anything that has to do with worldly corporation. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. We are faithful followers of Christ and Christ is the head of the church. Not a building or an institution, but a people. I pray the Spirit will anoint you all who read this.


I couldn't expect people would believe in me ! thank you so much guys


I was actually born again in a baptist church. I was taught that our only unique thing was what we believe about baptism (full immersion). This was interesting 🤔


Wow, this Pastor has given clear definition of Baptism. Although, this Bible class seems very reasonable.


I’m a Christian and believe in full immersion baptism.


Blessed to be part of the BAPTIST BRIDE


Growing up my whole life In Baptist church did a lot of damage to me. They taught me to fear God but never talked about his love. They used the fear tactic into recruiting men and women to attend there non credited schools. Years later I was able to find a non judgmental church that taught me how loving he really is and it really was the first time I understood and felt comfort. I’m sure not all Baptist churches are like that but be cautious. Not everyone is called to be a pastor….. Jesus was a carpenter.

Watch the chosen if you get a chance. It changed everything for me :)


My adorable Jesus,
May our feet journey together.
May our hands gather in unity.
May our hearts beat in unison.
May our souls be in harmony.
May ow houghts be as one.
May our ears listen to the silence together.
May our glances profoundly penetrate each other.
May our lips pray together to gain mercy from the Eternal Father. Amen.


Praise Jesus! In Jesus Name I pray! Amen 🙏❤️📖


If the Bible is their only rule for faith & practice, then why would my Pastor say to me (when I had a doctrinal question) "Let's see what the Westminster Catechism has to say about that", & then proceed to answer my doctrinal question from it instead of using the Bible? Thanks.


I can see now why so many Bible students are leaving the churches. I still don't know what Baptists have to do with what the first century Christians where teaching the nations when they were sent out to speak in the many foreign tongues. I still don't know what Baptists believe, because he just put words that sounded like they should be meaningful up on the board, but ended up just being a convoluted something blah, blah, blah about rules. What a shame. If those people are paying for that class...an even bigger shame. Because the best Bible education available to the world, is totally Free.


Wow praise God for you. Thank the Lord for using you. We need people like this in my country 👉 Cameroon. I'm a IF Baptist Evangelist and this distinctives are really what makes us deferent from others. Please come to my country.


I’ve seen some comments about how Baptists are sorta extreme in teachings so let me say this. I grew up in a baptist church. They taught me to fear the lord (which is a GOOD thing) AND taught me about his love.
Further, “nonjudgmental” churches are usually not built on the truth. The Bible should convict you. We’re not good people and we do need saving. Realizing you’re not a good person isn’t judgmental, it’s God’s words exposing how corrupt we are. People don’t like hearing that or much of what the Bible says, which is why they “feel” that they’ve learned love/comfort from progressive churches which focus on God’s love and ignore other aspects that people don’t like.
The Bible says to watch out for wolves in sheep’s clothing and that we’ll be able to spot them based on their fruit. Anyone can claim to be a Christian but that may not be the case.


I had more to say coz I am raised in Baptist Church but when the Bible teaches us that by grace alone and not by any of our works why Baptist Church rely only or formost in water baptism? Insn't it a holy baptism?


If the Baptist or any church believes in only the bible, then why does the church flirt with the world so much? Do you see Christmas in the bible? So, where did it come from? Do you see Easter eggs and bunnies in the bible? God ordered tithing to the Israelites under the old Covenant. There's absolutely no order for tithing under the new Covenant. We are to give as we are able, and that is biblical. Paul explains about giving money in 2 Corinthians 9:7. I attended a Baptist church and I'm not judging others, I'm revealing what I think, and that is many believe what their Pastor teaches them without looking in the bible to find scripture to back up what goes on in the church. If you get all of the information from the bible there is no room for tradition. Everything taught in the church is not biblical. Look at the things that goes on in the church and then see if it's in the bible. The church has their own agenda, not God's. Read your bible, and study it. There's a lot of information on the internet that can help you in your studies. You just have to be careful and see if there is scripture to back it up. Take a close look at Galatians chapters 3 and four. Use a modern interpretation, as the KJV will only confuse you.


God is your friend, your brother, your father, He exist at thr very present of your exitense here on earth.


Can someone elaborate on what the “separation” means? I’m thinking of joining a baptist church and I want to know more about their principles


Is it really the meaning of " Baptist" and is it so important than believing in God faithfully and spiritually at this end time?


This is terrifying. So thankful to not have been subject to a religious education and instead attended an academic university to study the Bible.


The belief bible based style of Baptist church is what I appreciate as I would such the same in any church I attend. I do have certain issues with man made rules and regulations, but I have found over the years that every church has those rules and regulations from man that someone is not going to agree with.
I am only a follower and believer in Jesus Christ. Received and walking in Him. Rooted, built and established in Him, Jesus Christ my Lord and my God.
Still, I do appreciate the Canadian Baptist style of church. The American style is a little different with the style of preaching all though we have a black Pastor, a majority black congregation, it's not the same style at all. No organ and band playing during the sermon playing shout style music at times etc...
I have found that as long as your church is based solely from Gods infallible word, all the man made stuff can be dealt with accordingly. Taking the proper steps to move the stumbling blocks out of the way.
For my church, a stumbling block was a schism and court. I had to step away. Now, the next stumbling block are the Freemasons involving theirselves during service. (Its not a christian organization therefore during praise and worship it has no place or has no right to take up time interrupting church services).
I have been to catholic, Pentecostal, methodist, Presbyterian, evangelist type churches and always drawn back to Baptist for its truth and how its conducted. I hope to find a church one day with Baptist roots but with more of a praise and worship free style and the ability to control the settings and not get way out of hand in the service.
As far as what this man was teaching. Never heard this before in my church or how its explained necessarily. I will not say other or majority of Baptist believe this or not. Only that some of these things dont apply to mine.
I do believe Gods word is infallible and everything I need to conduct my life as a follower of Jesus. Somethings are literal and some things are lateral. Example: you should not kill literally. Pluck your eye out if you ever look at s woman in lust lateral.
John 1:1 and John 1:14 some it up why we should conduct our lives according to His word and how Gods word is infallible. The more you become rooted in Him the more your love for His word grows and wanting to live in Him because of the cornerstone your spirit is built and continuing to be built by the Holy Spirit.
Okay, done my spew or novel. I'm currently writing a sermonette on Colossians 2:6 and God seems to be pointing out how it fits in everything to do with our lives as we are established in Him.
