LittleBigPlanet Reference in Spider-Man Homecoming #shorts

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Did you know that Spider-Man Homecoming references LittleBigPlanet during the movie? Does this mean that LBP is canon to the MCU?
#spiderman #ps4 #ps5 #lbp #littlebigplanet #sackboy #playstation4 #playstation5 #sony #playstation #spidermanhomecoming #tomholland
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Did you know that Spider-Man Homecoming references LittleBigPlanet during the movie? Does this mean that LBP is canon to the MCU?
#spiderman #ps4 #ps5 #lbp #littlebigplanet #sackboy #playstation4 #playstation5 #sony #playstation #spidermanhomecoming #tomholland
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