How to Learn Three.js in 2024 ( Full Guide )

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( And keep in mind that this is only one path and ofc there are many paths which you can follow!
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Here's a technical roadmap which is NOT mentioned in the video with this much detail:

- Blender
- Shader Nodes
- Geometry Nodes
- *Focus on one thing at a time and get good at it!

- Three.js
- React Three Fiber ➜ if you know react already!
- THREE.JS JOURNEY ➜ if you can pay for it; otherwise watch YouTube videos!

- Get Good At Shaders
- *Shaders are hard at first! Keep going, start with the easy stuff / my videos. Make your own projects. Copy other people's ideas. That's how you get good.

- Get Good At Javascript
- Learn async programming
- Multithreading
- Learn typescript.

- Get Good At Math
- Math is super important. Really Really Really Really Important. Understood ?

- Build a portfolio and get a job
- Building a good portfolio is all about including the projects that you want to do in the future.
You need to filter out the clients that you don't want to work with. That's the most important thing.
- Get a job in the industry! Make good money and learn new things! Senior devs can teach you a lot.

- Help others
- Share what you know with others. You will learn even more things when you do that.
- Create amazing things.

- BONUS: Learn how to work with AI
AI is changing the world. And you'll need to change too.
I don't think AI is going to replace Devs for the next 5 years at least. ( probably that's not accurate LOL )
But the important thing is becoming a master at what you do. AI will amplify the skills that you already have.

That's it. Share your progress in your journey with me and others on twitter:


Looking foward to buy your course! great content btw


As someone with 20+ years experience in games/virtual world development, this is all *excellent* advice- especially the part about not jumping straight into ThreeJS until you've built up some experience with 3d tools first. I also love that you mention being careful about who you work for / with- that can make a huge difference, especially in one's early career. Really excellent content as always.


Part 6/2 gives little hope for humanity, great job! All best 🙂


I agree with your take on learning Blender or something first. As I started learning 3JS, I noticed how I was just writing what the GUI was providing for me. That also helped me understand how I would make the GUI myself were I so inclined (and insane). Certainly that lesson made the other 3JS stuff learned stick better.


Hello! I want your advice. Where to start diving into three js? I want to study this direction as deeply as possible. At the moment my skills are html, css, react, typescript.


Hey Arya, what about Verge3D? Is it good


Can you insert complex textures to 3js, 3js seem messed up on my own perspective
They should rethink how they build it.


I am MERN stack developer and now exploring the Threejs. Learn blender seems dunting to me 😅

Do you still believe i should start from blender or cover theory of the topics you mentioned in your video would be enough to get started from point 2


I am coming along the journey with you. However, I have one question. Isn't 90% of the work all about the blender 3d model that you start with? Sure shaders are super important but you can do 90% of what you want with a good 3d model and basic 3js skills. I am only 40% into Bruno's course and this is the impression that I got.


Thank you for hard work. I have a quick question, is possible use Three Js with Next Js or React with typescript? Regards!


Very well said! I agree with Shaders. I'm definitely at the bottom lolll but thanks to your video I'm learning! CREATE COOL SHIT LADIES AND GENTS!


Hey Arya, I started with Bruno's course but haven't made something of my own till now.
I have just started with shaders lesson.
I feel like before starting with shaders I should make one or two projects with what I've learnt.
The thing is I know nothing about react. Should I learn react before r3f?
Also please share some resources to learn r3f from youtube.


do you take online private classes to teach blender and threejs ?


Why do you suggest working with blender nodes? Is it specifically to build models to import into threejs?


Thanks for the video and please get an anti-pop filter for that mic 😭


I appreciate the info, but my favorite part is that you talked about teaching others, you my friend have gained the answer of this random internet user


I’m new to three js. I have baught the course but besides that everything on YouTube particularly seems really outdated. I see videos about three but it’s at minimum 2 years old.


I used to be create stuff in blender earlier, i know c, c++, c#. What should i know before to learn 3js


My javascript and react skills are intermediate, is it ok if I start with react-three-fiber directly?
