What is Tulpamancy? How To Create A Tulpa + My Experience (Occult Magical Entities)

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This video discusses tulpamancy which is the art of creating and maintaining tulpas. Tulpas are magical entities similar to servitors but still have distinct differences.

If you would like to join the channel membership, all my links can be found here!

How To Create & Maintain A Servitor

Guide to Sigils

Guide to Brainwave States (Altered States of Consciousness)

Guide to Meditation

00:00 What is tulpamancy?
01:50 What is a tulpa?
04:25 The Controversy
06:58 The History
08:50 This practice is subjective!
09:51 How to Create & Maintain A Tulpa
20:07 Parallel Processing
23:00 What NOT To Do
26:06 Resources
28:24 My Experience
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"First of all, I will talk about WHATEVER I want on my channel..."

Hell yes, sister! OWN these armchair occultist naysayers! Slay!


It’s important to note that the vast majority of Tulpamancers (and tulpas themselves) believe that the phenomenon is entirely psychological, not occult.


This sounds like what writers/authors of fiction do all the time. We invest a lot of energy creating our characters and then spend enormous amounts of time with them. I've always joked that after awhile they feel real, and even seem to communicate with the writers.


Many years ago I read a book about the life of Alexandra David-Neel. She was a fascinating woman. Nowadays if you say you're going to Tibet on your own most people don't think anything of it, they just say send a postcard. Back when she did it, men didn't even travel there, it was scary and unpredictable. She went all by herself, leaving her husband behind for years at a time. Thanks for bringing this subject up. I always enjoy your videos, you have so much enthusiasm and energy towards any subject you talk about. I love it!!!


I live so close to Tibet, yet I was today years old when I realized I have been unknowingly practicing an ancient Tibetan technique all my life. This is why I appreciate the level of research you put into your work because I had never heard of this term before. I think our modern culture kind of discourages "indulging with our imaginations", yet my imagination has always been such a big help to my ADHD and trauma, even throughout adulthood. Thanks to you I now know that I'm not crazy for manifesting and hanging out with a voice in my head, and that there is actually a whole community of people out there that do this? WHat?!


I heard about tulpas from Adventure Time, it was the episode named "Blank-Eyed Girl", and it also mentioned haints along with other mystical creatures. I wish more people would talk about this, it's so mysterious and very intriguing


I can't think of Tulpas without thinking of Supernatural "It's not a Tulpa" in the Schwarzenegger impression.


This is SO interesting. I had no idea. I can tell how much your personal experience has affected you. As a life long skeptic, your channel and listening to you and learning about chaos magic - it completely has changed me. I usually stop my magical interests in the summer, but it's changed my current perspective on... My gosh. Everything.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


I've heard you reference this before, and was so sad that you had to take the video down. Thank you for recreating this! I have ASD and ADHD, so I've been interested for a good while. You're like my first line, no BS source for solid information though, so I wasn't going to mess with it if you hadn't made a video explaining it 😂 good sources are hard to find, and you always leave me feeling well equipped to do my own further research. Thank you!


Girl. Yes. The last part of your video wasn't only resonant with me - it was also very synchronistic. I've also very recently begun being able to discern the voices I hear during meditations. I've also FINALLY started communicating with my Spirit Guides during meditation also. It's wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing your experiences. You're awesome!!!! I LOVE your channel. You're so good at giving different viewpoints on practices.


What a thoughtful and intricate breakdown. Thank you for your time and energy. 🙏


This is exactly what the Scarlet Witch (from Marvel movies and comics) did. She used chaos magick to create her children. They weren’t real physical living children, but they were real to her.

I am so glad I opened my heart to magick!!! This is much better knowledge to have and activities to do than what I had in the past (light worker, empath, service type of lifestyle)


i was looking for this video from you, i tried to click it in a description but it was privated, im so glad u uploaded this lol, i started creating tulpas around last week & your the main creator i watch and trust with occult content


Tulpamancy is my favorite magick practice. It can be a great experience for those who have a yearn for character-building and world-building or those who want something that will keep them in the gnosis of a magick mind. I have done all sorts of crazy experiments with tulpas, servitors, and egregores, many of which I would not advise anybody to repeat for the sake of their sanity and/or social relationships. They're awesome for art projects!


Yes! I have been waiting for a video on this I'm so glad your remaking this!!!


Every time I watch a video you make, I learn something new. Hands down, you're my favorite teacher :) Thank you, Ivy


This was so clear and concise. I think that, since everything is ultimately just energy vibrating, our thought forms, if maintained, will attract other packets of energy of a like " vibration". As aiden wachter said, creating a servitor is like hanging out a "help wanted" sign. So servitors tend to be self reinforcing. I have a crew of servitors that I've maintained for years and they are all getting increasingly real. And increasingly efficiente. Thank you for your really excellent podcasts.


I’m so happy you’ve created this video. I really enjoyed your first one too. I truly feel blessed by having stumbled upon your channel so many moons ago. Your gift of teaching complex things in an easy to understand way is such a fabulous contribution to our community.


What a wonderful Monday surprise! Thank you for re uploading this, I watched it when it was first posted, but at the time my practice was a little overwhelmed and I wasn't sure if I was ready, but I have been thinking about this a lot more lately! Thank you Ivy! I hope you have a Wonderful week full of beautiful moments!


This sounds like what I have been doing with my plushies! I've loved my plushies since I was a child, and I've always treated them like my babies or pets. Soon enough, they'd develop their own personalities, and even "behave" that way in the physical. I have a rag doll who developed a clingy personality in my mind, and she demands that I give her lots of hugs and kisses. A few years back, I was preparing for a dance performance, for which I needed my palms to not be so sweaty, so I used a certain antiperspirant every night before going to bed. The antiperspirant insert said that I shouldn't touch fabrics while my palms were wet with the antiperspirant. I'd put my rag doll on the edge of the bed farthest from me, explain to her that I couldn't kiss or hug her that night and would do so in the morning when my palms were dry. I would wake up in the morning ALWAYS with this doll hugging my head or my face, as if saying, "It's morning now! Give me the hugs and kisses you owe me!" That never happened before or after that period.
