What exactly is a skilled nursing facility?

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I think the terminology "Staffed Nursing Facility" is a more accurate description. Given the wide variety in quality of care, "Skilled" advertises a level of care that (depending on the facility) you may not be actually receiving.


I wish that they would have put a patient on to ask the difference from our point of view.

They are the same except one has more PT, OT, ST.

Call times for waiting to go to the restroom, be cleaned up, or just need something, or fallen, could take 30 or more minites. I don't know about you but waiting to urinate up to 2 hours is not ok in my book, and it does happen.

The food is a step up from prison food. It is gross. But of you are on SSI and in a skilled facility/long term care facility you will get $30 a month. That's $1 a day.

I'm a bariatric patient and the food is designed to put weight on residents because most are older and more frail. Me not so much. So losing weight is a challenge both mentally and I am goimg to say ideally physical in the sense I can touch the food. So ya.

CNAs are great but are not treated like they matter. They are over worked for what they do they should be paid more. Though I say that lightly because there are freaking amazing CNAs amd them ones when you see them you sleep their entire shift just to not see them, or you put them on your do not want file basically firing them because I have that right as a person.

Grievance forms are a joke they never get returned with a response. It seems like our voices don't matter and they make it clear to us.


Blessings in an abundance of the faith. I salute you. 😘🙏Grace and peace be unto you and to this place. God bless you. 🤟Thank you. Will you believe and receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and personal saviour??? I do. 😊


Mask, distance, hand washing per CDC. The no visitor us the nursing home rule of which hurts the patient be and love one at home (that is the older patients who have been together for 60 -70 + years causes depression, anxiety, and a slow if any recovery.


A SNF is horrible place. A horrible place to die.
