Living RENT FREE in NYC - The Van Dwellings of New York City #VANLIFE WINTER

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In todays video we visit with Rob as he walks us through Van Alley in Brooklyn New York. The high rent prices in New York City have been forcing many to move into self converted DIY camper vans. There are many that come and go as they find alternative living spaces other than their van dwellings. This rent free living can also be difficult as the winter months come.


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Pioneers of today. This is what the American spirit is all about. Cheers to you all!


The bit about house dwellers projecting their insecurities onto van dwellers was profound.
They're the ones with the problems. We're out here creating solutions.
Well done that man!


I admire the ingenuity, and resolve of these people not to allow the cost of modern life to rule their lives, they are downscaling their lives but not giving up on the little necessities that we all have become accustomed to. Finding liked minded people in todays materialistic, expensive 'society' can be difficult but it appears these people are making it work . Good luck to them!


I'm a soon-to-be retired at 65 and I'm looking into buying a van and getting into this lifestyle This video is connecting more dots for me. Than you bigtime, Patrick!


If things are too comfortable or easy, the government will always come along; to complicate things and make things difficult...


I live in NYC born & raised and you're so right about the high rents and pests! I have been thinking long and hard about living the van life full-time. I'm about to be 51, it's just me & my dog and I want to travel with her around the US. I first have to get a driver's license 🤣. Best of luck to you all!!!


I’m 70 never thought I would see this America ! it’s is sad that people have live in van because of outrageous rent cost in our county ! 🇺🇸but I’m proud of there creativeness 🇺🇸


You do what you have to to survive, van life is wonderful if you are comfortable, and safe. Best idea ever. Thank you, good luck to all of you.


We must fight to control this abuse going on with high Rent! Period ..


I owned a BMW for 6 years and grew tired of it dumping money for repairs. I traded it for a promaster at a used car dealer. I converted the van into a catering truck. We cook meals at home and keep them warm with electric buffet warmers. I also sold hotdogs out of it. I run a 3500 watt generator and I also have an inverter. I’m happy with it because I see money coming in instead of just out.


Wow! I'm surprised to find out about this. NYC was my home for 40 years! Love the cultural stuff and the freedom but... got tired of the high rent, the aggressive attitude, the cold temperatures, crowded places without trees, etc. More power to you guys for living the life you want. Make your own happiness.


I am in Australia. Retired December last year. Bought a new LWB HR sprinter van. Sold my house, gave the proceeds to my two kids. Living in the van since February while building. Now my motor home is almost complete. Fully off grid with 660 ah lithium battery bank, solar and DC to DC charging from the van alternator. Induction cooker via 3k inverter, diesel water/cabin heater, two Maxxair fans. Loving van life touring Australia.


I was born and raised in NYC, retired to Texas. But he is right, you could live in a van and nobody cares. These people actually do clean up the community, literally because the street is an extention of their backyard and they keep it clean. I'm a minimalist and this life is very tempting. I'm full of so much stuff and I hardly use most of my stuff. I hope to get out there and do van life soon. God bless these guys.


respect to all people who create solution to a problem, I salute their humbleness and how they deal the day by day life ❤️❤️❤️


I lived in my van for two years but it was down in the Caribbean I washed in the sea and toileted in the jungle. I caught my food spearfishing with a mask flippers and snorkel. Cooked outside on a BBQ using coconut husks for fuel. I was in my early twenties and full of life and dreams. Very fond memories of van life don't know if I could do it somewhere cold. I would not want to do the same again as I'm too old I need my comforts.


It's awesome to see the van community coming together in NYC and taking care of each other. Building a van while also living in it is no small thing. Hats off to those guys for getting it done. Thanks for the great video Patrick!


I love this. I am about to retire. Just turned 70 years old. I have three Mercedes Sprinter Vans that I take when I am traveling. Love these things.


Van Alley is a state of mind, not just a location, indeed!
Starting at around 15:50 it is truly inspirational to hear how people in the traveling community pull together to help each other. I miss that in "real life living" where so many people are too busy to put aside their own schedules to help another in need. Peace and blessings on you all.


I remember an adventurous coworker I hired in NYC living out of a small RV and he parked it somewhere in Brooklyn, 17 years ago!! I always thought he was courageous, mind you we were young and had no commitments. It takes a special person to live this life in NYC and am so glad these guys now have a community that is supportive. BTW, my friend saved lots of money by not being a slave to insane rent in the city and having worked in a lucrative industry post-9/11, invited me after the crash of 2008 to housesit his sailboat. He eventually moved to a warmer climate. Great video!


The VanLife Community is awesome! Thanks Patrick for featuring these special people in a NYC. This was refreshing to see!
