Searching for Language in Dolphins – Cracking the Code | Stories of Impact | Denise Herzing

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Understanding language is a major obstacle in recognizing the diversity of intelligence across species on Earth. Do other species besides humans have language? How would we recognize a nonhuman language if it existed? And how might we begin to not only assess the structure and patterns of signals, but interpret the meaning of nonhuman communication signals?

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This needs NASA level Funding.
I thought this was “discovered” already. That the language has a ‘header’ and ‘end’ which is the dolphin's name, and the one targeted for the message, similar to our packets in computer language. The middle is confusing still, but is postulated to be images, probably descriptions of sonar, therefore its VERY difficult for humans to even start to comprehend. Alex the Parrot could do math and speak english. Orangutans can use sign language. So why are ‘we’ still so far behind, while actively looking off-planet? We can’t even talk to the ‘aliens’ here on earth yet.


This is good practice for learning how to speak with aliens.


I think only difficulty is that simply we can't talk under water like dolphins or whales. And I wonder if Denise speak other languages. But on land, we or at least I speak fluent English cat language and English fox language; basically ordinary English and my cat and wild fox family who visited in my garden for many years understood everything I told them. I told a young fox cub to watch me garden and s/he sat down immediately. I was little surprised but only for the cub's cooperation. I also understood what they told me by vocalisations and body language. I am thinker/doer/bilingual. Scientists often over analyse nature but in everyday reality we can communicate with wild animals as we open our minds and hearts as equal beings in respect and love. I haven't had opportunity to swim with wild dolphins yet but I have some confidence I can be friend with them. By reading the book by Dr Horace Dobbs' Follow The Wild Dolphin, people can develop friendships with them without 'language' or 'conversation' or 'debate' rigid scientists think necessary. Sure, most dolphins are more considerate than some humans to protect swimmers from shark or rescue drowning or pregnant women and foetus and playing is notion of higher intelligence from boredom.


How many sounds do they make and do any of their sentences ever repeat?


“What would a dolphin find so interesting about a human.”
We’re literally their equivalent of space aliens wtf you talking about I’d be interested af if a space alien named Steve came by and took a gander at me.


Yes, you could legit be a friend to a dolphin in the near future.


Mom dolphin to calf: "come here baby!"
Male dolphin to female dolphin: "come here baby!"
Other dolphin shouting his own name:"DJ KHALED!"


It might be a proto-language? Like, the cetacean equivalent of the proto-languages that humans had. I mean hell, it ain't like WE suddenly just started talking in a completely structured language with grammar and rules one day. It builds up. So, perhaps this is something that is happening here? Idk


The audio is insane. I could feel the dolphin sounds between my ears and it felt like something physically vibrating inside my head. Cools video for sure.


Orca are dolphins aswell and can change their language to talk to other dolphin species. That absolutely blows my mind. I wonder if different dialects between them are so different they can not understand each other at first


if we do manage to decipher dolphin language
then i would really like to have a philosophical debate with one.


it will take a while before humans build any software capable of processing dolphin communication as well as a dolphin brain can, but AI should help

keep in mind that dolphin brains can also be appending extra metadata onto the communication that these researchers are not considering (such as positional and directional processing, altering communication based on temperature/pressure conditions, dialects, etc.)

so if AI is not processing enough of the necessary input (as much inputs as a dolphin brain is processing), it will not figure out the answer

edit: 6:36 glad to see they are starting to consider such aspects (social context in this case)


I wonder how a dolphin and an orca would communicate if both grew up together in the same environment.


Communicating with them instead of hunting them down and killing them. ❤ With earth dolphins as with the cosmos dolphins we may come to find. Nonhuman intelligence on erwth but more than that... Nonhuman capacity of suffering on earth... At our mercy...


"mother chasing calf for discipline" makes the same sound as "male chasing female for courtship"? and you're wondering how to interpret that?? 😂


what about if we create a mechanical suit that allows dolphins to walk move and grab stuff and we put baby dolphins in there and let them grow up in those suits since their childhood?


This would be the greatest breakthrough this century. With AI this could be possible. I love this woman work. I don't understand those 22 dislikes? Are those from religious fanatics?


😎🇺🇸🏴‍☠️🧜🏼‍♂️🐬❤What Are The Dolphins Saying ??? Dive With Captain Scotty & The Dream Team Aboard The Dolphin Dream


She doesn't study the communication of dolphins, she studies their communication systems. Very important difference.
This is really cool though.


They should let a dolphin raise a human baby! Then he could teach us their language!!!😮😮
