New Details Emerge In Saif Ali Khan Attack Case: Four Male Househelps Present, Failed To Intervene

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Four male househelps were present during the attack on Saif Ali Khan. The assailant, Shariful Islam, entered through Jahangir's bathroom window, which lacked a grill. Three female workers screamed for help, while the male workers did not intervene. Shariful was briefly locked in a room but escaped. Police have recovered bloodstained clothes as evidence. Questions arise about the househelps' response to the incident. #saifalikhan #saifalikhanattack #kareenakapoor #itwebvideos #mumbaipolice #celebrityattack #bollywoodnews #crimenews #mumbaicrime #househelpcontroversy #securityconcerns #forensicevidence
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I think only Saif will be able to tell the correct story.


Absolutely not the same man as on cctv....that man was skinny face and body but this guys face is fat....something awry? Even though they are saying the blood trace is identical to saif....unless the cops are lying coz they can't find the right guy...very suspicious


The accused does not look like the man caught by cc TV camera on the stairs. Eyebrows different, hair have no greying at all also features are different he looks mutch younger than the man caught.


So sad!!! Imagine someone trying to hurt your children no matter who you are 😭 Saif Ali khan is a real hero


Haha! What a fake story…lol! The guy entered the building for 1st time and knew about a duct from 10th floor to 11th floor and the bathroom window. He was able to carry back pack in a duct.


It is not the same person. The Man in the cctv footage looks fairer in complexion and much younger. I think the Cops are just finding someone that looks similar or identical to wrap up the case quickly.


First he is not look like same person caught by cc tv. The guy came mumbi 6 months ago and knew everything about the building and climbed pipe to 10th floor to 11th floor and bathroom has no grill. This is unbelievable . Trying to cover up real fact.


Family member might have involved otherwise it was not possible.


The 4 male staff that hid must be sacked.


the guy caught doesn't look like the person seen in the cctv camera footage...


This is complete crap!
The story only they know and don’t want to share.
It’s not worth knowing!!
Bollywood Scandalous lifestyle.


If there were 4 male present then why did Taimur take his father to the hospital?
All BS .
Everything being told is a lie.
Why did Kareena Kapoor go to her sister’s place rather than take her husband to the hospital.


Please stop showing this sort of false stories if that fellow was locked up why police was not informed they will respond in minutes that was not happened you can't people for aride


There are more questions to be answered to prove that the arrested person acted alone.


When was the police called? Verrry fishy.


1. If the suspect didn't know Saif, why he made the effort to go the 11th floor to rob and not the lower floors with easy access?

2. Why a 7 a year boy accompanied Saif and not the 7 other people in the apartment? 4 men, 3 maids

3. Why there is no CCTV footage of Saif going down and coming out of the building?

4. Why none of the 7 people at home didn't use intercom to alert the night guard or call the police?

5. Why the 7 year old was not left behind with the staff for his safety?

6. How could a steel metal knife break cutting a soft muscle tissues?

7. Why photo of suspect going the stairs different than the one who got caught?

8. How did he get inside the apartment with tough security?

9. Why Saif didn't ask neighbors for help him drive to hospital?

10. Where was the driver? Celebrities work round the clock with late night parties, family pick and drops, movie shoots, etc. How could the driver wasn't there?

11. Where is CCTV outside the building?

12. Why would suspect go back to hiding same place where he lives?

13. Why suspect was so an experienced criminal, then why would he leave unmasked showing his face to camera?

14. Moreover, why would he pay using his phone while he is on the run but turn off his phone during the robbery?

15. Why police is changing their stories and covering up the Saif and Kapoor family?

16. Who keeps cash of crore rupees in the closet?

17. Why fingerprints are not matched?

18. If nannies are saying they locked him in the room, how he escaped using the same stairs?

19. Why security personnel of the people is not investigated?

20.Why mainstream media is not asking the right questions?

21.A family whose assets could be more than 800 crore, why would Saif risk his life for one crore? They don't take any chance walking alone on the street and paranoid about their security even at the safest of places.


Reality will never come out, the criminal has been seen by the house staff & saif himself, the criminal is definitely known to someone in the house. Police has the cctv footage & still the attack mystery is a mystery.. here the one who was attacked is saif & knows everything, the attacker has been identified, what more does the police want. Answer is the secret now needs to be hidden for the truth not to come out...
Ans is
Did the attacker actually come to see somthing, he saw something & lost his cool, did he know the nurse, was he known to a nurse ... reality is whats thr to hide... none of the family members have come ahead & what's the use now to speak up. Thrs somthing in the hiding, some unwanted secret that the attacker has seen or wanted to confirm so came to see...
Saif ! Nurse ! attacker ! Driver
💸💷💶💵💲💰 reality will never come out ..


Male house helps are so cowardly and women house helps are so brave to alert for help. Kudos to the actor and the maids who helped. Poor actor


Very strange are that four male very coward not able to face one person no matter what criminal carry in hand if four men not able that’s mean they are very very coward not worth to tell them if they are really man


Shame on the people who think the employees hiding in the house did the right thing by not coming to his help.SHAME !!!
