10 Hacks for Skiers

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In this video, we are going to teach you 10 hacks to help you have a better time on your next ski trip. The ski hacks will help you stay warm save money and time.

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Hacks in the tutorial:
00:12 Hack 1 When not to ski
00:54 Hack 2 Skipping the ticket office queue
01:26 Hack 3 The pole break
01:59 Hack 4 Smarter queueing
02:45 Hack 5 1€ Lunch
02:53 Hack 6 Walking stairs in ski boots
03:19 Hack 7 Always prepared for the cold
03:45 Hack 8 Snowy top sheet
04:16 Hack 9 Cold and windy
04:52 Hack 10. Everything is an opener

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to avoid someone stealing your skiis at the apres ski; switch one ski with your friend and store two odd skiis together. make's it harder for the thiefs to find a matching pair


Try crazy tricks at the end of the day, so when you break a leg at least you enjoyed a good day before.


3:56 if you spray the anti stick spray on the mountain does it cause an avalanche


Shower and brush your teeth on the chairlift, it saves a lot of time.


To avoid lift lines, walk up the hill instead. Cardio + no wait. A win-win situation.


"Or are a kid, that's the best" 0:43 so wholesome


Man, the queueing technique is a secret you had no right to share :D


Tip: On the first couple of runs of the day, ride with slightly loose ski boots so that they can warm up and adjust to your feet - instead of blocking your blood flow early and making your feet cold and/or in pain.

Your first runs are often the most casual and easy runs where you get warmed up and back into the ski feel, so you won't lose any desired control from the loose boots. As the day goes and your feet and boots get warmer, you can tighten them up bit by bit until they have a perfect fit, and are ready for your best lines.



If you are into riding sweet powder, and the weather just delivered a huge dump - DON'T go to the big and famous resorts. Instead, go to a nearby small and local resort, because chances are that all the eager pow hunters will be flocking to the big resorts and run the place dry in hours, while you will have the entire small resort to yourself because locals and families normally don't go skiing when its snowing a lot.

Personal experience: Was staying in Chamonix a few years ago with some friends, and after many dry days we finally got a huge dump of fresh snow. I advised my friends that we should go to the small local area Les Houches instead, and we had the entire area almost to ourselves, riding in fresh powder every single run for the entire day because everyone else went to Chamonix as expected. Best decision ever! I've done this many times, and it always works :)


Opening your bottle with everything but a bottle opener is the most German thing ever🙈


I also hate queuing, so I get to the mountain early, right before opening. Have a sandwich at like 11 when the whole resort is on the slopes, then ski a lot 12-14 when tourists are enjoying their fondue. Don't forget a little bar or something for the afternoon since I usually get hungry about 15 and enjoy the end of the day :D


Bruh did you add the soup powder for your kimchi ramen? Your noodles look white as snow.


If you're an experienced skier and if you want to try all of the slopes, always go to the steepest/hardest slopes first! At the end of the day there will be a lot of snow heaps and you won't be having a lot of fun. Since you are the fittest in the morning and the weakest in the afternoon you should adjust your style and the slopes you ride in order to prevent crashes and have the most of fun :)


Video quality is so much better this season! Keep it up! I’m coming to Laax next week, can’t wait!!!


Avoid the busy trails by going in the woods and getting lost. Less time on the lift, more time on the hill.


Here are some of mine: 1) Don't put ski socks on until you're ready to put your boots on. Wear normal socks on the drive to the mountains. 2) use Gold Bond powder on your feet right before you put ski socks on. It will keep your feet from sweating - and wet feet = cold feet. 3) When lift lines are bad, that's the time to do any runs that involve hiking or traversing. Spend more time on the snow and less in line. 4) If you carry a backpack, keep a spare set of extra warm mittens and a second balaclava/facemask in there. It's nice to have spares when yours get wet or it gets too cold 5) Get a voile strap for your skis - it will prevent your edges from getting dinged up in the car, and make your skis easier to carry. 6) pay attention to snow conditions on the lift ride or drive to the mountain. If one side of the trees or rocks has more snow on them, ski slopes that face the same way. 7) If you have an old helmet, bring it as a spare. When a friend forgets theirs, they have no excuse to ski without one. 8) Keep a small bottle of Advil in your jacket pocket. Altitude and cold sometimes brings headaches or achy knees, there's no reason to suffer when you could be skiing comfortably. 9) Stretch before or after your first run.


Best day to go skiing: 1st of Jauary, really early! The slopes are completly empty


The best ski hack I have got is when you are queuing for those massive 100-200 person ski gondolas. They usually only activate the gates for you to go into some sort of holding pen (before the gondola arrives), then deactivate gates when they know it will be full. At this point you either want to be right at the front before the gondola arrives, or the last ones on and position yourself by the doors (either side of the cabin). That way you will be the first ones off when you arrive - not to mention you can actually look out the window rather than be squeezed in the middle looking at someone's back.


Slide the rail down stairs!!! No walking!


At my resort I used to make a area boundary sighn so I could have some tree skiing to myself 😂
