Has an invisible SCRIPT hijacked your life? Unscripted, by MJ DeMarco
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What If Life Wasn’t About Paying Bills, Working FOR a weekend, and Then Dying? Why entrepreneurship offers an escape.
Tired of sleepwalking through a mediocre life bribed by mindless video gaming, redemptive weekends, and a scant paycheck from a soul-suffocating job? Welcome to the SCRIPTED club—where membership is neither perceived or consented.
The fact is, ever since you’ve been old enough to sit obediently in a classroom, you have been culturally engineered for servitude, unwittingly enslaved into a Machiavellian system where presumptive rules go unchallenged, sanctified traditions go unquestioned, and lifelong dreams go unfulfilled. As a result, life is hijacked and marginalized into debt, despair, and dependence. Fun fades. Dreams die. Your life’s consolation prize becomes a car and a weekend.
Recapture what is yours and make a revolutionary repossession of life-and-liberty’s reins through the pursuit of ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Paradigm shift? Heck, the paradigm doesn’t need a damn shift—it needs to be thrown-out altogether.
UNSCRIPTED shows you how to rewrite life’s dream-killing script. Ditch the job, flick Wall-Street the bird, and escape the insanity of trading your life away for a paycheck and an elderly promise called retirement. UNSCRIPT today and lead life—instead of life leading you.
Tired of sleepwalking through a mediocre life bribed by mindless video gaming, redemptive weekends, and a scant paycheck from a soul-suffocating job? Welcome to the SCRIPTED club—where membership is neither perceived or consented.
The fact is, ever since you’ve been old enough to sit obediently in a classroom, you have been culturally engineered for servitude, unwittingly enslaved into a Machiavellian system where presumptive rules go unchallenged, sanctified traditions go unquestioned, and lifelong dreams go unfulfilled. As a result, life is hijacked and marginalized into debt, despair, and dependence. Fun fades. Dreams die. Your life’s consolation prize becomes a car and a weekend.
Recapture what is yours and make a revolutionary repossession of life-and-liberty’s reins through the pursuit of ENTREPRENEURSHIP. Paradigm shift? Heck, the paradigm doesn’t need a damn shift—it needs to be thrown-out altogether.
UNSCRIPTED shows you how to rewrite life’s dream-killing script. Ditch the job, flick Wall-Street the bird, and escape the insanity of trading your life away for a paycheck and an elderly promise called retirement. UNSCRIPT today and lead life—instead of life leading you.