How Are SEBI Chief, Her Husband & Adani 'Linked'? | Hindenburg Report

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Did SEBI Chief Madhabi Bucha have ample opportunity to make her disclosures? How are the Buchas and Adani linked? P Vaidyanthan Iyer explains.

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Рекомендации по теме

Knowing the close relationship between Adani and Modi, appointment of Madhabi as SEBI chief was fixed.


Middle class has to abide by all the rules and laws and pay taxes. Whereas these people in the ivory tower has a different set of rules. Enough is enough!


Great Power Comes with Huge Responsibilities. SEBI chairman should understand this. SEBI is harassing Retail Investors with lots of rules and conditions.


"मैं लेस्सान नही खाती "
सेबी चीफ पहली बार एक रिसर्च फर्म से आया है,
जबकि इससे पहले हमेशा रिटायर्ड ias होते थे
शुरुवात से ही फील्डिंग चल रही थी


I think Sucheta Dalal should be in SEBI chief position. She is the best candidate.


Modi and his cronies are making a joke of the whole country's system and feel like they are laughing privately at the entire country😂.🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂


Never trust a person with an extra smile on a face!


Her position is due to adani and high network connections. Sure it will reach to the highest level. Of course CHILDHOOD friends make a lot of CONNECTIONS POSSIBLE. 😅😅


The whole of the Hindenburg issue requires a relook by Supreme Court, as matters stand. The very fact that the Chairman of SEBI had connections with members of the Adani group leads to the conclusion that there was conflict of interest, and the report could have been compromised.

The Supreme Court had placed a lot of faith in the report of SEBI, as it is the regulatory body and one cannot have any doubts about its intergrity.

This assumption stands shattered, as the conduct of the person who headed the organisation, is suspect and the contents of the report submitted by it becomes suspect.

The matter is serious, as it can lead to heavy loss to investors, in case the matter is not dealt with all seriousness it requires.


Why is the BJP giving a clean chit to the SEBI official and Adani without a enquiry ?


Chitra was managed by a "Himalayan Yogi"...and now Madhabi seems to be managed by a "Non-Biological's Dost" ....wonder what happened to Chitra's case....will the small investors ever get justice??? Will the system ever be accountable to the lakhs of small investors????


SEBI scam must be Probed.
Madhabi buch must be dismissed.


Has anyone understood anything that this guy is trying to explain?

All he kept on blabbering was the link between Vinod Adani and the SEBI Chief in the past through an investment.

There's no such rule currently in India that the chairperson must disclose their assets and liabilities before taking charge.

Second, the so called link between the two is through a fund, not direct. It's the prerogative of the fund manager to invest in wherever and whatever he wishes to invest.

Before taking charge in 2016 or 17, she has already redeemed everything. In fact, there's no such rule in India that a SEBI chairperson must declare his wealth before the public. But as a matter of fact, she redeemed everything beforehand.

I don't understand what these so-called journalists are trying to pin?

He kept on saying that due to this reason, she should either quit or prove her innocence.

For what?


Indian Express please do away with this background music in explaners and long videos


Every time there is a report from Hiddenbug they demand jpc . Can it summon Hiddenbug to come and answer questions. So we will have time only for this because by now Hiddenbug knows they have accomplices here . Expect periodical reports .from them.
