INSANE Maxwell Rework Trailer Reaction & Lore Breakdown - Don't Starve Together

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Are you ready for an Encore, everyone? The Maxwell Rework Animation is here and it is BONKERS! So many questions... ANSWERED!

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Seems like Maxwell has been (potentially!) working as a double agent for a while now however whether he does anything in the end is up for debate! He is the "King" though so Charlie best be careful about moving him too freely if you know what I mean... Speaking of, do the positions of the Survivors on Charlie's Chessboard matter? Is the final showdown with Charlie - and thus the "End" of DST as we know it - coming in 2023 as I fatefully predicted at the start of this year (if so, I'm sorry for being right...)?!?! And lastly, Beardo's an idiot an spelled "Alucinatio" wrong so he didn't put together that it's meant to say "Hallucination". Other than that however, the Short here really does just spell it all out. Not too much "new" lore here.


I love how at 2:30 all the survivor pieces are fighting or horrified, meanwhile warly is just cooking on his own


Crazy theory, the reason behind Maxwell's improved abilities is his "alliance" with Charlie


Note about the chessboard: at 8:42, the chessboard is 9x8 instead of a normal board's 8x8. with Wes on the 9th row by himself.


I like that In the game, if maxwell Dies from the darkness, he just say "it's better to keep appearances"
So yeah, I think he's definitely betraying us.


One thing I love is how Charlie is portrayed exactly like maxwell at first. Dosent appear physically, just as a shadow, while communicating through giant text on a screen as if it's a performance


“The end of DST” This is the one time I hope that Beard isn’t right


Something I noticed is that the dlc characters like wormwood and wurt aren't there on the chess board at the end, I have a head canon that everyone who was not brought in by the shadows or portals is not under their control or that they are unknown by the shadows. As for Wanda she technically wasn't brought in by shadows she was brought in via a time rift, wormwood was born in the constant and presumably so was wurt and wortox.


I really love how the brought back the chess theme for this trailer, it makes sense why it was only brought back here, while also using it in such clever ways! Especially the part where the Rook charged into his statue like you can do to win chess!


One thing to note on the last shot on the chessboard, Wilson's also missing.


5:09 odevintionibus = Vengeance, Insoniam = insomnia
5:20 pretiositas = preciousness
5:57 alucinatio = hallucination, voces = Voices


One thing I find interesting about the survivors as chess pieces is that we don't see any of the "monsters" in there. Sure Webber turned into a spider, but the spider came from the constant, at least of how Charlie included them. Wx-78 was already a robot before he was pushed into it. Now for Wanda, well, she is a complicated cause :P . Don't know if that's intentional or not, but I think its a cool little thing.
3:15 And why the hell did Charlie placed Wes in the dark square too?! hahah


Only the humans minus wanda are on the board

Maybe it's saying the others (i.e the non human characters we can be) are destined to stay in the constant and survive it at that

Another thing is that the final shot of the board does not have wilson
Maybe Charlie has some plans involving wilson? After all he is our last character to have a rework


Something I like about Maxwell is his personality changes a lot due to his roller coaster of a life and his relation to the codex umbra, from hopeless performer, to likable magician, to king of nightmares, and finally syndicalist survivor, and it is showcased through him being very nice and sociable when spending time with Charlie, very nice!
Also I made a comment since there is a lot I wanna talk about!


The symbol under the Latin word for precious looks a lot like Wilson's hair to me. Maybe bringing it back to how he was the first and how maxwell used him to make the portal and what not


I wonder if Wurt and Wortox aren't on the board because they're considered neutral parties, since they were already in the Constant before everything went down? Or at least, they're native to the Constant.
As for Wanda, I wonder if she slipped past Charlie's radar because of her time travel capabilities? She's been dodging the nightmares for so long, it's possible that she's managed to escape Charlie's notice (though forgive me, I can't recall if they've ever had a confrontation in terms of animation. But we also never see Wanda with the other survivors that I can recall.)


I think that "moon" is after CC fight. It look like some king of egg


The first time I watched the short, Charlie talking literally gave me the chills. 🤣


Been waiting for this one and my reaction as well (especially the woby part). By far the best animation they've done in my opinion. So glad we got to see so much of Charlie and maxwell.


The board is only missing Maxwell and Wilson (2 people that have entered the consent a "normal way") but the others that are missing are native to the consent (the spider with Webber counts) but the only other that is missing is the timekeeper as she came in from breaking time and space, not by the shadows
