How to Social Engineer ISFJs | Social Engineering | CS Joseph

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CS Joseph details how to Social Engineer ISFJs in this installment of the Social Engineering series.

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ESFJ cat? Am I missing something or animals can be typed?

I'm calling it now, Mr. Joseph please make a new season on how to type your pet.


Watched the whole vid. This seems like more of a critique of ISFJs rather than how to actually hack them positively and help them mature like your other videos focus on. Certainly you're not suggesting to use MLM or cult type of schemes to manipulate?


Still waiting for an INTJ cat to build a company of their own.


I'm pretty sure my mom is an ISFJ, and my Boss is an ISFJ. Both drive me crazy for different reasons. My mom is a very unhealthy isfj who in my opinion gets along best with my ESFP brother. Both my boss and Mom are very bad at being forthcoming with information. Both are stuck in "the way its always been done" mentality, and in my perspective are completely blind to whats actually going on around them. As an INFP these ISFJ's in my life have brought me a lot of grief honestly lol.


The problem with people with Fe parent and Fi trickster is that that they can hear person A accusing person B of being mean and think that's worse than person B actually being mean. As an Fi used this is very hurtful and doesn't seem fair.


Trying to manipulate my ISFJ mom to see how she’s the cause of her troubles and solve generational trauma by engaging my superego ISFP.

Wish me luck.


I'm an INTP and my mom is an ISFJ. It's....rough.


Mom is an ESFP and dad is an ISFJ. She can't persuade him with anything. He is unmovable 🤷🏽‍♀️


20 percent of women self identify as isfj. It is also the type most resistant to change. It is from Chase that I discovered my mom is an ISFJ. Thanks Chase. I spent years trying to figure her type until you came.


My mom is ISFJ, been waiting a while for this. And at an hour long, this should be extra dope!


Here is a possible useful tip for ISFJ's, if you want to keep your Ti child verifying everything, always hold on to healthy dose of paranoia (which wont be hard courtesy of Ne inferior) and before you know it, your fear will serv you ( withing reason, remember "healthy dose". You were warned ! if you loose control of your paranoia your in BIG trouble. )


True, I am sick and tired of people not verifing and then playing the victim, like it is not their responsability. I think a lot of people including me have stories about ISFJ's taking dumb and harmful actions in the name of faith.

Anyway, great lecture as always.


Intj here ... how come you thought they are gonna watch this when you've pulled truth in their heart by a bullet


I have an ISFJ mother and she never forced me to do anything. She never made me go to Church when I really didn't. I was usually the one that ran roughshod and did things my way. "But", I don't know what to believe if even she is one even though she is consistent with the type grid. I'm wondering if maybe she has been pacified by my Si demon never to cross it (I find ISFJ's irritating and annoying). One thing is though, I do see a pattern of denial such as "needing more storage space" when she really doesn't and that she is a disorganized hoarder. So frustrating she will never get it and I had to suffer from it (messy house). What are your thoughts Chase? -INTJ


Omg, you don't know how many times I was saying "Yes!" My ISFJ brother is very much like that. The Village is a movie that hits home for since I feel my brother follows that system and yes, he gets triggered by Harry Potter 😂


This video was really timely.I applied everything just like you said and it worked. You are a genius CS Joseph!
I hope your next video is on social engineering isfps, I really need that one urgently.


Thank you. I think you should to put some special effects on your magic wand during using and swinging it. That would be fun. C.S. Joseph The Social Engineering Wizard. And of course, your magic cat too. LOL


My ISFJ mother wonder's why her sons do not really communicate with her, but it's because anything they say can be used against them so they are safer saying nothing at all. It's sad, I hope ISFJ's can learn to be more forgiving to not alienate people. For example if i tell my mum i will visit on the weekend but then I'm ill or have another reason not to visit she would inevitably get very angry since i told her before that i would visit. So eventually I, and my brothers stopped making commitments to her since I fear letting her down too much. This is just one example but anything I say can be brought up later as an example of my failings, often outside of the context it was originally meant. Since I am an INTP and can talk about ideas and possibilities and she will recall it like i was talking about it literally. I do my best, i want my mum to be happy, but it is a tough relationship to manage sometimes


Did you make this shadowy and horror movie-like on purpose so ISFJ's would actually listen?


Lmao! You get all Norman Bates every time you start talking about our Te trickster! Not laughing at you, but it is soooo funny. As an ISFJ I do need to believe in something, never even realized it was a personality trait until recently, but.... I turn everything inside out before believing anything, for the most part at least. Maybe because of past childhood trauma? Not sure, but I constantly analyze what I believe and why I believe and follow things out kind of logically. And I tend to come back to things over and over and over, taking them apart and putting them back together until I am satisfied with the why of things. My thoughts, my beliefs, my actions. I guess I might be more skeptical than most ISFJs, even of myself. And I would never force any way of believing on anyone. I would ask someone to do something even if they didn't want to if I felt it would keep the peace of the group, i.e. asking my son to go to family functions if I felt it was expected, but that would be a keeping the peace kind of thing rather than trying to "enforce" tradition on him.

p.s. I quit a job of 18 years because someone came into upper management that I absolutely could not follow his fear style of leadership, meaning he was my VP and I was lower management and he expected me to manage those under me in his "fear based" style. I could not, in good concious, lead in that way, or commit what I considered those types of atrocities, because I was blindly following his "orders" so I quit!

I hate that you don't like us, lol. I promise we are not all the same. Come pick my brain, I swear it!
