Ancient Indic Astronomy: Fascinating Facts | Dr. Raj Vedam | #sangamtalks

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About the talk:
Over many thousands of years, the brilliant celestial nightly displays over the unpolluted dark skies of ancient India led to astronomy becoming an integral part of the rhythm of life, paralleling the cosmic cycles, as ancient Indians sought to make sense of the skies, leading to building up of an enormous corpus of astronomy knowledge. In this talk, the speaker highlights several fascinating facts about ancient Indian astronomy, bringing to fore the deliberate distortions injected by Western agencies.

About the Speaker:
Raj Vedam holds a doctorate degree in Electrical Engineering with many years of multi-disciplinary experience, and has developed a strong research interest in the history of sciences, mathematics and technology. His research shows unacknowledged but significant contributions of ancient Indians to sciences and math, impacting several civilizations over different periods of time. While Western texts on the subject enforce a parochial narrative sourcing all sciences and math from ancient Greece or Rome or Egypt, Raj Vedam presents contrary facts and evidence to show their indebtedness to the Indian civilization. He has presented his findings in over 200 public talks, several teacher training workshops, several research publications, and offers two courses on the same at Hindu University of America.

Topics covered:
0:00 Prerequisite: To understand antiquity of Indian Civilization
1:00 Frameworks imposed on Historiography - Colonial, Euro-centric, Missionaries, Socialist Academia bias, Marxist
3:46 Structural Problems in Indian History - Enforced narration vs Evidence based narration
4:30 Need for Scientific, Rational & Logical analysis of Data, Models, Methods & Claims
5:55 Model based analysis of historiography
7:23 Early Corruption over 300 years : The Claims & today's Corruptions
8:56 Impact of spurious Aryan Invasion/Migration narrative
11:00 Sample colonial scholars & Translators of Indian Astronomy
12:13 Fascinating Facts of Indian Astronomy - From Comets to Galaxies
26:37 Fascinating Facts of Indian Astronomy - Measuring Precession
40:22 Fascinating Facts of Indian Astronomy - Extraordinary Accuracy in Planet Modelling
48:41 Fascinating Facts of Indian Astronomy - Great antiquity of parts of the Surya Siddhanta
53:26 Fascinating Facts of Indian Astronomy - Ancient Astronomical Observations
1:13:10 Fascinating Facts of Indian Astronomy - Indian-Greek stories
1:18:40 Concluding remarks
1:22:20 Vedas being the source point of all Indian Knowledge Systems?
1:25:15 Indian astronomy and Indian texts - how to reconciliate? Why different dates being brought up by different Indic chronologers currently?
1:33:35 Uttarayan and Makar Sankranti connect?
1:37:10 Why horoscopes signs have Greek names?
1:41:40 Why don't Indic studies get State patronage in India?
1:43:15 Written records of mathematical calculations?

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Its a big pity that big industrialists donate millions of dollars to harward which is trying to break india, but not to researchers like Raj, Nilesh etc. Even govt doesn't think of need to find such research.


Lovely presentation Dr. Vedam.

“Until the lion learns to write, every story will always glorify the hunter.” – African Proverb


Ah! What a puff of fresh air!! Bharat needs ten or more of you, and Bharatiya millionaires and the Govt. of India need to find a way to fund works of scholars like you. If there was a way to donate to you, I would have done it immediately. I will try to find you on the internet and connect with you somehow. Mean while, please accept my million thanks for this awesome, very enlightening, lecture. I will find your other lectures and listen to them and may even join your Hindu University!


One day, i hope to see these lectures getting broadcast on TV channels on regular basis, ay be through sowm kind of tie up where sangam talks allow TV broadcasters to access their contents.


Dr Vedam referring to Tilak work is available as a book ‘Orion or Antiquity of Vedas’ which Tilak published in Ninth Oriental Congress held in London. There is incomplete work of him on Vedanga Jyotish and Indian calendar which is published as ‘Vedic Chronology and Vendang Jyotish’ book by Kesari Press. Both books are phenomenal.
I read this 1st book at State Library Of Victoria in Melbourne and second book at National Library of Australia in Canberra. It really reflects his intellectual and deep study in the field. Being a Maharashtriyan I feel ashamed that I didn't know this scholar side of Tilak until last year.


What a marvelous lecture, these scientific facts were some of the reasons I started practicing Hinduism and began studying the Vedic Scriptures. Namaste 1:21:59


Dear Dr. Raj Vedam I have your first Videos about 2 years ago and that was primarily About Astronomy and Dating of Ramayana! Thank you! I wish I was still teaching but I am now retired 6 years ago! You would have invited to my College in DU🙏


i feel you are one of the rishis reborn to retell the stories to make India great again. A salute to your endeavour and i hope our Modiji will do something towards patronising


Brilliant video! The sheer number of historical astronomic markers are huge. If a million books had not been burnt in Nalanda for 3 months we would have all documentary evidence and knowledge reservoir we need today. 😢


I listened to a talk this long after a very long period and boy o boy... it was heavy... inspiring and I hope that the youth pick this up further...


He is a gem. I always give his reference where he talked about west bias ness toward publishing Indian research work.


Mind boggling, feel proud of our heritage and culture.🕉🕉🕉🕉🕉


Dr. Shri Raj Vedam A.National Asset. Joy Of Knowledge, he basks IN


Adbhut our akalapniye sanatan gyan ki bahut hi gyanwardhak jankari pradaan karne k liye saadar dhanyawaad.


I heard this 3 times and it’s just brilliant… still many things are sinking in


Dear Dr Raj, i have been facinated by your sharing of all these information. Im a Malaysian of Indian heritage and bow down to the IHAR team for the work all of you are doing. I wish you and your team the blessings and success in your journey. Tqsm


Keep doing this good work. Its not for them. It is for us, our ancestors.


I think Raj Vedam sir is very patient in answering all the queries. The audience should keep their questions short.


Dr Raj Vedam model based analysis of sky / universe and correlation of Indian inventions in the area of Astronomy are great and eye opening about great Indian ancient scients. Thanks for a very elaborate analysis. I have become fan of Dr Raj Vedam sir. Namaste.


These lectures of Dr.Vedam should become a part of high school or college histiru syllabus!!
