Where the Gospel of Roman Catholicism Fails

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1190
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Romans 9:15
I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy. I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.
So it depends not upon a person's will or exertion, but upon GOD, who shows mercy.


If we have to work for our salvation then Christ died for nothing. Galatians 2:21


What I love about Piper is his ability to expose the heresy & false doctrine of anti-Catholic theology. Good job sir. You will forever be remembered.


I was a Roman catholic and when I understood the biblical teaching of Justification by faith alone, on the merits of CHRIST alone, I can only quote one of the Reformers " the door of Paradise swung wide open and I walked in"...thanks for the reminder John Piper...❣❣❣


Believers obey God's law by faith, and not to build their own righteousness. The law does not provide faith, but it is Christ who is the author and finisher of our faith. We do not make void the law of God, but rather our faith upholds the law of God.
Be blessed


Agreed, when you are saved you WANT to be good, because of the Holy Spirit and out of gratitude for what Christ has done for you, not because you HAVE TO be good.


Unless God opens the eyes of Catholics you will NOT ever help them understand that Jesus and Scripture is ALL you need. I was Catholic once which means I was indoctrinated since I was a baby to believe whatever the catholic church taught which is is Jesus plus, plus, plus, plus, plus....if you think about it, its an attractive offer for the church to do all the work on your behalf. You don't have to carry your own cross. Just go to church every Sunday because that's where God is. The Almighty can be boxed in a little building and fit to a schedule. MY GOD is omnipresent and I can talk to HIm ANY time of the day/week. Because of what HE DID. not what I do.


Salvation is a gift. You cannot work for gifts. Ephesians 2:8-9.


I am catholic, and as such i believe that my Church is that of Christ, but every day of my life i pray with all my heart to my Lord so that all of us who love Christ, let us together fight the evil one, and all together let us say to the Lord, " Your Kingdom come to us". Brothers, my Lord Jesus bless you all, and bless Jhon Piper, i admire him.


It is not about what you are doing, it is about what Jesus did✝


Wow!!! Thank you Pastor John! That is such a great encouraging truth. We have been saved by grace through faith. It is a gift. Praise be to God who gave us His only begotten Son. To Him be all the glory!


For those who truly love Christ for what he did for us, will & should pursue what he also told us to continue doing.


I don't think the RCC disagreed with the reformers because they feared lawlessness, but rather they feared loosing control of the people. Scripture makes it really clear as to our justification through faith in Christ.


Growing up from 1st grade to 3 Rd I was Catholic. In every Catholic church I attended, they are all filled with all types of statues/ Idols. Demons are behind and in idols. Praying to idols of any kind is literally praying to demons


Can't it be both? Of course, all our guilt is done away forever the moment we first believe, and God sees us as holy and as much as his children as his firstborn Son. But isn't it true that saving faith, if it is genuine, both frees and motivates us to more and more imitate Jesus, leading to righteous actions? In that sense, his righteousness is imparted on us. It doesn't contribute to the effective cause for our salvation, but it sure matters for those around us whether we bring fruit, and only thanks to Jesus and his Spirit in us can we actually do that. When God says "you're righteous now", you aren't just righteous on paper, because he is a God who speaks, and it happens. We must only be wary that we don't begin to try to prove our worthiness or similar folly. That would quench the freedom that comes from believing in God's full acceptance.


Thank YOU JESUS, I want to be perfect for you!


What an interesting and a major Theological topic i.e. Imputation versus impartation righteousness through Jesus Christ. Thank you Dr. Piper.


Very helpful… thank you and God bless you


If Peter was "the first pope" then why didn't Paul call him and treat him as such


Neither does the Arminian view of salvation in that your salvation is dependent on your making a decision for Christ give Christ all of the glory for salvation.
