Who Is Lord? - Barry Bennett - CDLBS for October 20, 2022

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In today’s Charis Daily Live Bible Study, Barry Bennett is investigating the subject of Lordship with us. He asks the question, “Who is your Lord?” The first thing we need to realize in this subject of Lordship is that the things, or the people, that you are submitting to, really are your active Lords. Watch the video to find out more!
Join our Charis Daily Live Bible Study to interact in real time and gain a deeper understanding of the Word. The Live Bible Study is held during the following times:
Monday: 10:00am MST
Tuesday: 6:00pm MST
Wednesday: 7:00am MST
Thursday: 6:00pm MST
Friday: 10:00am MST
If you were blessed by this Bible Study, share it with your friends!
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Time codes for Who Is Lord?
0:00 - Intro
0:22 - CDLBS Live stream times
0:35 - Invitation to ask questions
1:02 - Giving information
1:24 - Prayer line information
1:41 - Introducing Barry Bennett
3:22 - Who Is Lord?
33:56 - Q&A Intro
34:41 - How can we "shake off the world", or fleshly lordships, and have Jesus as our only Lord?
36:00 - How do I move past thinking I am too old to start over? (I want to change jobs and feel called to do that, but I live in a country where 50 is considered too old.)
37:37 - My dad is 87 years old with stage 4 lung cancer and is very weak (and doesn't seem to have much time left.) I have been consistently praying for his healing, but I sometimes wonder if this is God calling him home?
38:37 - Does God work differently on different people with different spiritual maturities? And, does it depend upon the person? Or God?
40:33 - What is some biblical advice for maintaining and growing your relationship with God?
42:13 - Suppose a loved one is insecure and anti-social, they study their bible and pray but refuse to socialize. How can I biblically show them that they're not making Jesus their Lord and they need the body of Christ?
44:14 - Prayer line information reminder
44:24 - Friday CDLBS reminder
#BarryBennett, #CharisLive, #CharisDailyBibleStudy, #AndrewWommack, #BibleStudy, #Jesus, #Faith, #Grace, #Bible
Join our Charis Daily Live Bible Study to interact in real time and gain a deeper understanding of the Word. The Live Bible Study is held during the following times:
Monday: 10:00am MST
Tuesday: 6:00pm MST
Wednesday: 7:00am MST
Thursday: 6:00pm MST
Friday: 10:00am MST
If you were blessed by this Bible Study, share it with your friends!
Where to find us:
Follow Charis Bible College on your favorite social platform:
Follow Andrew Wommack Ministries on your favorite social platform:
Time codes for Who Is Lord?
0:00 - Intro
0:22 - CDLBS Live stream times
0:35 - Invitation to ask questions
1:02 - Giving information
1:24 - Prayer line information
1:41 - Introducing Barry Bennett
3:22 - Who Is Lord?
33:56 - Q&A Intro
34:41 - How can we "shake off the world", or fleshly lordships, and have Jesus as our only Lord?
36:00 - How do I move past thinking I am too old to start over? (I want to change jobs and feel called to do that, but I live in a country where 50 is considered too old.)
37:37 - My dad is 87 years old with stage 4 lung cancer and is very weak (and doesn't seem to have much time left.) I have been consistently praying for his healing, but I sometimes wonder if this is God calling him home?
38:37 - Does God work differently on different people with different spiritual maturities? And, does it depend upon the person? Or God?
40:33 - What is some biblical advice for maintaining and growing your relationship with God?
42:13 - Suppose a loved one is insecure and anti-social, they study their bible and pray but refuse to socialize. How can I biblically show them that they're not making Jesus their Lord and they need the body of Christ?
44:14 - Prayer line information reminder
44:24 - Friday CDLBS reminder
#BarryBennett, #CharisLive, #CharisDailyBibleStudy, #AndrewWommack, #BibleStudy, #Jesus, #Faith, #Grace, #Bible