GMG Reviews - Adeptus Titanicus - The Boxed Game (2020) by Games Workshop

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They've finally done it! A true, bonafide, playable Starter Set for one of my favourite games of the last two years - Adeptus Titanicus. Let's crack open the box and give it a review. Retail is $150 USD.

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My favorite part of the newer starter box... is the two reavers. One of my favorite memories is Games Day US in Baltimore 2004/5. Big table game with an actual Reaver Titan and it’s always stuck in my head since then. Something about the design that isn’t replicated or touched on in the same way for the other titans. It’s almost HR Giger meets Gundam, but not quite.

Definitely grabbing this box.


And definitely take the time to magnetiz the weapons so you can change out weapons for each game.


I've been getting AT since its relaunch and love it but one thing that irritated me was that when you got a model you didn't get the weapon cards or control terminal card you would need. They would be 2 additional purchases so a Warlord would be £60 for the model £15 for the terminal pack and £7.50 for the weapon card pack.

Thankfully with the new Warbringer Nemesis they are including them in with the model! Took them long enough.


They should have gone all-in and made this a full 5th ed Epic :)


I really want to like Adeptus Titanicus, I do. I built my imperial knight army because I love big robots. Titanicus is one of my favorite black library books, and I have every titan or Imperial knight book.

But they price everything at full 40k pricing for a niche side game almost no-one plays, with an entirely different rule set you have to teach people. The one decent starter set with each type of titan is no longer available.

It also fails at being a box game because there are so many mandatory supplement books that are, again, full 40k premium price. To even get one of each titan for collecting purposes costs over $300. This is like them pricing the pitifully small Blackstone Fortress expansions at full boardgame prices.


INSOMNIA REWARDED! Thanks, Ash! ♥ This made my night.


I'm disappointed how little this games seems to have caught on around here. Too bad this wasn't the original box set, as I imagine it'd have caught on much better. Maybe this new box will cause it to pickup.


Dammit GW, I'm tying to reduce the number games I am trying to play, not increase it! But this box is so good!!!
The next thing they will do is release an updated battlefleet gothic....I DARE YOU no really... do it!


The value of this set is phenomenal, and that's before you go to third party retailers who will knock off 20-25% of the cost here in the UK. I've seen copies going for £67.50 ($87) which means you are getting the rule book, the warhounds and the knight for free.


Finally! Now I definitely know what I'm going to wish for my birthday!


The front of the tracking tokens lays flat - the skull doesn’t poke beyond, so you can just use them face down on the card terminals.


Re-watching this after 3 years whilst I magnetise my markers for the command terminals


This.This I don't need This, this I may buy (actually probably will - it looks rather


Awesome value this starter set. even in Aus $. I'll be looking forward to see more AT battle reports.


I wonder if we will ever see epic 40k again


Looks like all the heavy card command terminals for titans are already removed from the GW site now


Big fan of your content Ash.

As an original version fan of that era, I chose to give the grand master box a miss as it was far too expensive and seemed a world away from the original boxed game. This does seem more like it (also comes with my two favourite titan types).

Which do you prefer to play Ash, this latest boxed version or the original epic one from years ago?


I was so trying to avoid this. But I can't. Big <giant> Robots... just have to...sigh.


Would love to be able to get into this one day and play with you guys in St. Catherine's.


Cripes, they repeated that idiocy with the maniples in the rulebook requiring extra models to legally build?  It's better than last time in that there's one you can do, but the other two require 1-2 extra warlords to play.  It's too much to ask new players to go spend money on another book or worse, a Warlord to try pother maniples.  You're absolutely correct, the "no Warlord" maniples from Doom should have been in the book as well, or in place of the ones they chose to use.  This is not how to help the game gain traction, GW.  Good box for existing players, but as a new-player-friendly box, could have been smarter about it.
