Our God Of Promise – Dr. Charles Stanley

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Our entire Christian life is built on promises, including those for eternal life and resurrection. These promises are either unconditional or conditional. God will fulfill certain promises regardless of the circumstances. Other times, He will do something only if we meet certain conditions.

In this message, Dr. Stanley explains why we know God will keep His promises—because He is truthful, faithful, immutable, and loving. Also, we can trust in His ability to keep those promises because our Lord is:

Omniscient: God knows everything about every decision we need to make. He knows what came before and what comes after. His promises to us are based on complete knowledge, so He doesn’t make mistakes.

Omnipresent: God is always with us no matter what’s going on in our lives. He promises to never leave nor forsake us.

Omnipotent: El Shaddai is the Hebrew name for God that means “God Almighty.” He is always in control whether we understand what He is doing or not. Nothing is too difficult for Him.

The only reasons a conditional promise might not be fulfilled is because our requests aren’t in the will of God or sin has gotten in the way. For these promises, God only requires two things from us: obedience and faith. If we follow the Lord and trust Him to keep His word, we will experience the great blessings of His fulfilled promises.

This message is part of the series “The Promises of God.”

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I believe we deserve better than what we got.AMEN AMEN AMEN I BELIEVE YOUR RIGHT👍❤️❤❤THANK YOU GOD FOR EVERYTHING ❤🙏🙏🙏


You don’t know how God is working in your life right now. Where did you get that strength to withstand the temptation? How are you able to keep a good attitude with negative things happening? How can you still be strong and do the right thing with those challenges you’re up against? It’s not just your will, your determination. It is God giving you grass in the desert. He’s not letting that trouble overwhelm you. He’s not letting that bad break defeat you


Man do I miss this man of God. Lord may you bless us with Men that will fill his shoes holding strong to biblical truth that reject cultural Christian theology.


I miss seeing Dr. Stanley on television. I watched and learned from him for 20+ years.


I had heard the name of Charles Stanley many times over the years but until recently had not listened to him.
He is an amazing vessel for the Lord, truely inspired by the Holy Spirit to bring people to salvation.
I was blessed to buy a car for very little but it had sat for a few years and it needed attention to run. It took months.
Finally, after two years without my own transportation I got to drive. Just a test drive, but it was so nice.
I was paying attention to the sounds in this new to me vehicle and heard the radio on so low, I turned it up and it was In touch ministries with Charles Stanley just beginning.
Oh how I was in Awe!
I prayed for a car, I prayed for the car to be good in all areas. The bonus was, I didn't have to locate a Christian radio station- it too was set for me.
When your down and the Lord lifts you up in those ways you know you are loved.
These two years of being stranded has taught me many things about people, family members amd myself.
I figure it too was the Lord sitting me down and causing me to be still.
These past two years gave me more time for study.
I enjoy listening to Charles Stanley.
He clarifies scripture and application in our lives in a way that's retained after the lesson.
Praying always for the body of Christ everywhere and Israel.


*While you're waiting, GOD is working. Things may be difficult right now. You may feel like GOD hasn't heard your prayer. But stand on His Word today & know that He is renewing your strength.GOD is giving you everything that you need to keep going. You're going to make it.Don't give up!*


What a amazing man! The older he gets the more heart ♥ he puts in them! Thank you Mr. Charles Stanley


Amen. This sermon is one of about 20 I have recently watched and as a new christian, I thank Dr Stanley for redefining in 5 days what it means to desire Jesus to truly be my saviour, not just add Jesus to my sinful life as a new COG BUT to surrender fully and want to be sanctified. This particular sermon spoke to my heart in a belief that it will be THE one that saves my parents, who are non believers. I pray today that God softens their hearts, that they watch this powerful sermon and I thank every day Charles Stanley for being the Man of GOD he is and how happy I am knowing he is in his rightful place covered in majesty in Gods Kingdom. Thank you Charles :)


"If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."

John 15:7

We know that our God is always with us in our struggles and trials.
When things happen that we don't understand,
we can trust His Word when He says that He will not leave us or forsake us.

Thank you Pastor Dr. Stanley for your faithfulness to the Word of God!
Your sermons and In Touch Ministries are so helpful and a blessing to us.

May our Heavenly Father continue to strengthen and bless you.

In repentance and rest we will be saved, in quietness and trust is our strength.

Glory to God!




Dear God💗❤️♥️💖💖💕💖💕❤️💞🙏in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the, life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.
I believe that your only begotten Son Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.
You said in the bible that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.
Right now I confess Jesus as my Lord. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved. Amen.


I love you Dr Stanley' thank you for true teaching of the Bible, something that's missing from most of our homes and churches. ❤


Claim your Promise Now I Love You Amen😍 Come In Jesus.❤️


Thank you In Touch for bringing these truthful sermons of Dr. Charles. May God continue to bless you!


“I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me.” God gives us the strength to perservere through difficult hardships.


I will not be bribedAmen. I AM Jesus❤️ Faithful n True to the end.


*Lord Jesus, I thank YOU in advance for everything YOU'RE doing in my life, & for the ways YOU'VE made. YOU are constantly giving, mending, & developing me in unforeseen ways.May I remain focused & ready for what YOU have arranged me in the THINGS.HALLELUJAH🙏🏽*


Psalms 62:5 (NKJV)


Gods timing to my complaints, doubts, and sadness in my season of wilderness!! So thankful for this channel!!!!


Upper Westside, New York
In Touch
With Touching The Hearts
Of Many.
Just A Humble
Teacher, Authentic
Heart Of Jesus Christ.
The Most Wonderful
Endearing, Caring
Compassionate Of
The Chrildren Of Our
Lord And Savior.
" Jesus Christ "
Who Let's You Know
Your Standing In Thee
Ever Lasting Arms Of
Jesus Christ ✝️.


GOD IS Faithful.
ISAIAH 60:22
When it is the right time, I will make it happen.
