This is Why I'M World Champion! | Fischer vs Spassky | (1972) | Game 4

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Also, check out Bobby Fischer on the Dick Cavett show here

Robert James Fischer vs Boris Spassky
Fischer - Spassky World Championship Match (1972), Reykjavik ISL, rd 4, Jul-18
Sicilian Defense: Fischer-Sozin Attack. Leonhardt Variation (B88)

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cd4 4. Nd4 Nf6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Bc4 e6 7. Bb3 Be7 8. Be3 O-O 9. O-O a6 10. f4 Nd4 11. Bd4 b5 12. a3 Bb7 13. Qd3 a5 14. e5 de5 15. fe5 Nd7 16. Nb5 Nc5 17. Bc5 Bc5 18. Kh1 Qg5 19. Qe2 Rad8 20. Rad1 Rd1 21. Rd1 h5 22. Nd6 Ba8 23. Bc4 h4 24. h3 Be3 25. Qg4 Qe5 26. Qh4 g5 27. Qg4 Bc5 28. Nb5 Kg7 29. Nd4 Rh8 30. Nf3 Bf3 31. Qf3 Bd6 32. Qc3 Qc3 33. bc3 Be5 34. Rd7 Kf6 35. Kg1 Bc3 36. Be2 Be5 37. Kf1 Rc8 38. Bh5 Rc7 39. Rc7 Bc7 40. a4 Ke7 41. Ke2 f5 42. Kd3 Be5 43. c4 Kd6 44. Bf7 Bg3 45. c5

The name Bobby Fischer, at least to Americans, is synonymous with chess. A prodigy in the 50s, a world class player in the 60s, the 70s saw Fischer at his pinnacle. He earned the right to challenge Boris Spassky in a title run without comparison, defeating Mark Taimanov and Bent Larsen with perfect scores of 6-0, and ex-champion Petrosian 6½-2½. Now the stage was set, and the only thing standing between Fischer and Spassky was Fischer himself.

The match was mired in political overtones, during the height of the Cold War. The Soviet chess system had a monopoly on the title since 1948, and the expectations on Spassky were enormous. While Fischer studied chess virtually in seclusion, Spassky had the full resources of the USSR. Victor Baturinsky, head of Soviet Chess Sports Committee, said: "Basically, the Soviet leadership and the powers that be in sport, were interested in just one issue: how to stop Fischer from becoming World Champion.

With the match set to begin in Reykjavik, Iceland, Fischer (who had not signed any documents confirming his participation) began to make a number of demands, including a percentage of television rights, a larger prize fund, and all manner of conditions covering everything from the lighting to the chair cushions. To satisfy Bobby's demands of a larger prize fund, British chess promoter James Slater donated a dazzling $125,000 to be added to the prize fund. Fischer still needed more convincing by Bill Lombardy (Fischer's last-minute choice as second), and one famously persuasive telephone call from Henry Kissinger. Mere hours before he would be forfeited, Fischer arrived in Iceland.

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I'm not good at chess. I understand the basics and rules, but I don't play it well. Nonetheless, since I found your channel, I've grown to like the game better, understand more the history, the plays, and the games.

Thanks for your great work and entertainment.


*Spassky makes move* "Brilliant move by Spassky here, this gives him four openings for a devastating attack."
*Fischer makes move* "The best Spassky can hope for is a draw."

I have no idea what I'm watching but the fact that so much can change in one move is thrilling to me.


"It's not all black and white"
Agadmator even cracked himself up with that one haha


Spassky complies under fischer's conditionds but also plays with openings fischer's good at. Definitely a very nice guy!!


Yes, I enjoyed that very much.
I especially like hearing about and learning more of Spassky. Your analysis is an introduction of him to me, and has transformed my thoughts of him from that of a Soviet era, (evil empire), machine to Nice Russian guy that loves chess and competition.
It's always nice to step away from ignorance :-) Thank you!


"Fischer was actually there on time"
The full time on the clock variation....interesting


14:57 when you cant decide whether to say covering or guarding so you say governing :D


Once again amazing job on your preparation, makes me think if you have an Efim helping on the background too. Cheers!


Mind boggling the memory and analytical skills of these GMs. To remember and incorporate games from years before blows my mind! The number of variations of a chess match has to be in the millions. Take a very young genius who loves the game and add obsession and a tireless work ethic and years of experience and you may become great. Maybe learn 3 or 4 foreign languages so you peruse other countries chess literature and maybe you play for the world championship. I understand why these guys had so many demands as they were playing for chicken feed in sub par conditions for Masters of their craft who should have a been granted any atmosphere they wanted. I guess chess has never had the respect it deserves. Another superior analysis from a Master of the youtube!!!


Agadmator, please pin this comment as it will give interior insight on this game from Spassky's side. Source: The book about this match by Nikolai Krogius.

This variation was a novelty home-cooked by Spassky, Iivo nei, Geller and Krogius. Instead of 21.h5 they planned to play exchange rooks on d file and play Rd8, that was a home-preparation. Spassky spent 45 minutes on this move and played h5. After the game Geller interrogated Spassky about that move, he rebuked him saying "let us say the two moves are equally good, then you could spend those 45 minutes on our home prepared variant if you did not forget." Spassky replied he did not forget 21.Rd8 but said that he thought h5 is better. Then Geller rebuked even more saying "you did not forget and did not play. You did not trust us?"
The book gives their home variation, I checked it via Droidfish and it says Black is winning. The score starts with -0.65 and increases the depth increases. Spassky was to exchange rooks and play Rd8 instead of h5.

Karpov says in his interview (Karpov on Fischer) that that was a winning line and a novelty created by Spassky's team but Spassky did not memorize the analysis saying "I will find the moves over the board."

EDIT: It has been years since I read the book in Russian, the way I recalled it might not be precise. I may be confusing the conversations but I am sure Geller rebyked Spassky and the home-prepared continuation was to exchange the rooks and play Rd8. and I recall quiet sure Spassky spent 45 minutes on that move according to Krogius.


As an American teenager in 1972 I'll never forget Shelby Lyman and his live presentation of these games on PBS (in New York, it was channel 13, lol). By far the most fun I've ever had regarding chess!


The only thing that's faster than light is me when I click on Agadmator's notifications for this amazing series


Hell of a good game, hell of a good series as were all the previous series. Look forward to your videos every day.


Because of the information you shared on Fischer, I Googled his name to see why he was so weird! I was shocked by his personal history and his unstable state of mind! Poor crazy genius!


I've been following your videos and series for a long while now, but I've never commented for some reason. You're doing an amazing job with these analyses. I just wanted to say thank you for the content!

Good job!


brilliant analysis, really enjoyed your breakdown of the lines as the middle devolved into the endgame. and man, your dog loves that couch! thanks for all your amazing work, only found you since being locked in because of the virus, makes me want to play again!


This Fischer series is fantastic. Thank you for doing it.


I’m loving the Fischer series! As a long time supporter, your channel has grown so much. Genuinely good content. I hope to buy you a beer over some chess games one day. Cheers!


You are the only channel that I turned notifications for AND also watched all the channel's videos.
Really there's no bad video here, while I was waiting for you to upload the Fischer series I went to see if there was a video that I could watch from your channel but found that I already watched them all!
Needless to say I had to re-watch some Tal games again, they never lose their magic.


This particular game is impressive. It's like game between two powerful engines
