DIY TLR Plastic Camera - Is it Worth a Shot?

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This vlog covers the assembly, operation and use of the Recesky/Eight/Haynes Classic Twin Lens Reflex Camera. I discuss the challenges I faced during its assembly and with its operation, I share the results that I obtained using a roll of fresh Ilford HP5+ 400 35mm film out in the world and discuss the problems I encountered and what I would do differently in the future.

Introduction 00:00 - 05:40
Timelapse of Assembly 05:40 - 06:42
Build Discussion including Challenges Faced/Overcome 06:42 - 13:48
Camera Operation Tests & Loading Film 13:48 - 20:10
Shooting the film (B-Roll and Image Montage) 20:10 - 22:24
Results and Issues e.g. Light Leaks Discussion 22:24 - 27:08
Am I Going to Use it Again? 27:08 - 28:22

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I really appreciate you including photos that didn’t turn out well and talking about them instead of just curating a selection that turned out well.


I have this camera kit but have never ventured to build it. Maybe one of these days. Looking at the photos you got doesn’t give me much optimism in the capabilities of the camera.


Just remember the counter is always the same amount of film that passes “one revolution”.
The “wind knob” is variable.
Meaning as you roll film on the advance knob the amount of film per revolution “stretches”. Being as the film builds it changes diameter, as the counter never changes how many sprocket holes is “ one full revolution”.
I recommend some window weather strip near the sprocket putting pressure at the film/sprocket meeting spot.
I haven't tried it yet but will post something when I figure it out.
my shutter also only opens after I release the shutter knob, but I left it like that thinking it might be kind of interesting to shoot and once you hold it whatever picture you take you take but you hold it until you want that picture .


I found this video very interesting! I am actually pleasantly surprised, the centre of the images are sharp, including the one in the tube station. Thank you for your entertaining comments as well :). I notice someone in your home sews and knits, as do I, so I notice these things.


Hi Chris another great and interesting video you had very good patience to assembly that camera I hope you won't to disappointed with the results, some of the photos were and looked bit arty do think if can solve the light leak it would produce similar images to the Holga, it was very clever of you to work out the film spacing, looking forward to see how you progress with the camera.


I've never shot film with this camera but I've built it and beem messing with it a lot. I could tell immediately that there were going to be light leaks at the top and bottom of the frame by the way the backplate is. The frame indicator thingy works if you press in on the backplate right where the counter sprocket is.

Here I go, I'm gonna try to fix the light leaks on the backplate and load up some film tomorrow.


I saw this on sale in Waterstones in January. Almost bought it. I have enough silly cameras so, for once sensibility won.


Having the same problem with focusing. Thought maybe the screen is on wrong. Currently rough side up.


Had one of those too. Not very reliable but I liked it. Think I managed to put 5 rolls through it before I accidentally dropped it.
If you wanna go a step further, there is a paper camera design called Rubikon. A pdf is available online to download and print. The pictures are even worse 😂


Hi, Chris i have just finished watching your latest up load and I must say what a good sport you are for demonstrating the assembly of the TLR Toy camera . I don’t know how you kept a straight face when bits started to fall of the assembled item ??? And as for the results after the London photo shoot were a bit disappointing to say the least they reminded me of those early photos off a 100 years or so ago when they came out all cloudy? I hope you had as much fun making this up load as i did watching it . Thanks it was interesting as usual Brian.


Witch film is good for this camera I bought one in Temu and I wanna give it a try I don’t know if duty 100 or 400 iso 35 mm film can you help me?


has anyone put lubitel lenses on one of these? i have a broken one but the lenses appear to be in good condition...and prefer 35mm


Hi Chris, thank you for this video! You mention a helpful video regarding the shutter mechanism, would you mind giving me a link to that? I'm struggling massively with the "Shuttle plate feeder" not snapping back up, leaving the shutter fully closed or partially open.. Thanks!


how do u upload photos from old cameras ive taken loads but i wanna upload them to my pc


I tried to count the number of times he says "kind of".
