Google product manager mock interview (SUPERB answer)

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Akshat (ex-Google PM) gives a fantastic answer to this Google product manager mock interview design question: "How would you improve Google Chrome?".

During the mock interview, Anika (also ex-Google PM) gives feedback on Akshat's answer to give you insight into what interviewers are really looking for.

00:00 - Intro
00:57 - Clarification questions
02:17 - Business objectives
05:52 - User problems (Segmentation)
08:40 - User problems (Pain points)
10:21 - Solutions
19:30 - Prioritization
24:06 - Closing feedback

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Both CSAT and NPS are lagging metrics, which take time (end of month etc) for a PM to read signals. A good leading metric is usage %, time spent etc with the product. Also, I would pick one pain to solve and present 3-4 solutions instead of doing a pain-solution combo.


Great content. Just a feedback here: Maybe you should show how much time was used thinking for list solutions and so on. That well bring to us a more realistic sense.


Please have more of Akshat on here!! He’s amazing.


Would have liked to hear more about how he would measure CSAT, also agree with the leading vs lagging indicators comment.

On pain points, he didn’t explain why the pain point he chose to solution for is better to drive toward the selected goal. And while it’s good to reference personal experiences, it felt like he was just trying to solve his own problem vs exhibiting user empathy.


Interesting take on the chrome improvement question. I likely would have echoed the mission of the company first then double down on the collection of additional data aspect and display it to the user based on search relevancy. For example if I were to search for LA clippers I would show flyouts of latest game results along with merchandise and also ways to watch the next game. Counter metric here would be drop off due to too much different info types and make chrome busier than it needs to etc

Structure and presentation here was very sound and easy to follow. The issue with memory consumption and getting lose with tabs are both very real and relatable


What a great approach, I loved it! You guys are doing a fantastic job. Awaiting for more such videos.


Awesome Mock interview !! I love your approach and thought process..


Very good! great answer and very very good video overall, SUBSCRIBED! one point for improvment from my side: He mentioned a lot HIS point of view, and i think in those parts he should look through the eyes of the users and not only from the eyes of himself, like a true PM does. one more thing, it would be nice if you add analysis to the interview at the end with pros and cons :) can add a lot. amazing overall, 9/10.


Why is DAU user acquisition vs engagement?


This is a great example! One question is i know it may seem obvious, but between those two pain points why do we choose productivity to focus?


Akshat is amazing and I love all his interviews. One piece of feedback is: He picked "Productivity" as pain point, but didn't explain why. It would have been nicer to hear what criteria he used to pick that pain point to focus on


Great video, it's definitely pointed me in the direction that I need to improve my skills. In a real-world scenario, does your interviewer send you the question "How would you improve google Chrome?" so that you can prepare for it? Thank you!


Awesome Video! I do have a question/feedback. I noticed that the user segmentation was very sparce. Chrome was only sliced in 1 type of user (Power user, light user, etc), and no other use case or user segment was mentioned. Is this on purpose? Should we keep user segments relatively light (Pun not intended).


segmentation was very weak,
light, middle, heavy


I find it funny that these people were Google PMs. None of the things you mentioned is a business goal. Biz goal is ALWAYS revenue. Everything else are product objectives to achieve that. You need to make that very clear
