Zika: Why now and what next? | Wellcome
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The Zika virus appears to have emerged from nowhere, causing widespread health concerns throughout the world after decades of relative silence. This begs the questions, why now and what can we do to prevent it from happening again?
A film made in collaboration with Earth London
Wellcome is a global charitable foundation. We want everyone to benefit from science’s potential to improve health and save lives.
A film made in collaboration with Earth London
Wellcome is a global charitable foundation. We want everyone to benefit from science’s potential to improve health and save lives.
Zika: Why now and what next? | Wellcome
The Zika Virus Epidemic: Why Now and What are the Does and Don'ts
Lyle Petersen, MD, MPH: What Do We Now Know About Zika Virus?
Lyme, West Nile, and now Zika
Zika Virus: What Why and When? - Exploring Ethics
Why is Zika virus spreading so quickly?
SciTech Now | Episode 206 | The Zika Virus
Zika Virus Fears Grow, Now 15 Cases In Miami | TODAY
What You Need to Know About Zika Virus | Pregnancy and Sexual Transmission
Disturbing new information about Zika Virus
Will global efforts to contain the Zika virus succeed? - Inside Story
Zika Virus in America: Where Are We Now? by Lisa Brumble, MD | Preview
Zika Virus Testing
Simple Zika Virus advice for pregnant women
Zika, Mosquitoes and How to Not Get Bitten
Zika and sex: New research and avoiding the risk
What to Know About Zika if Pregnant
Zika: Will this baby be okay?
Zika Virus Epidemiology and Congenital Zika
Zika Virus Outbreak: What You Should Know
Hoxworth to begin testing for Zika virus
Zika Virus: What You Need to Know - AMNH SciCafe Special Event
What Exotic Destinations are Zika Free? | This Morning
Zika Virus, Dengue and the Yellow Fever Mosquito - Professor Chris Whitty and Professor Francis Cox