Release the Hoard!

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Looking in at a hoarded account as it becomes active.

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Main reason I like this channel, shows me something new about the game...I knew people could do that but never thought it was this bad.


Wow. Sort of a combination of disgust, admiration and wtf! Is how I'd describe my reaction....mixed with a bit of jealousy that I didn't think to do this. No way I'd want to start the game now, nor would I recommend it to anyone else


I just wanted to bring up that most arena shards aren't likely nearly as lopsided as this one is. There is usually a handful of people who have hoarded long enough to reach level 40 on day one (which is what I'd originally planned on doing when I started this account). There might be 2 or 3 people who hoard long enough to reach level 50.

This was a rare case where several hoarder's event goals (Padme/Revan/etc) were likely to happen at a time that would work well for our accounts so we decided to "go live" at the same time and work together.


Gotta agree with all your points man. Something about the lack of competition feels dastardly, but it is legal in the game and requires a lot of commitment so hey, it is what it is. Interesting content, heres my sub!


Thats insane.Thanks for the inside look. After watching that no way in hell I'll ever start an ALT account.


Wish I could see such a diverse meta in :) Nostalgia.


It's a whole guild "Savage galactic knights" in his top 20 that's apparently all hoarded. A guild of ticket alts and a guild of hoard alts together is my guess with 1-2 high level accounts to clear raids and mercs to clear HSTR?


Great analysis of the hoarding system mate! I hoarded for 150 days and took young Han to 7* before entering arena at lvl 28. I went in with enough energy to 5* Ezra too. The Sim tickets is the big issue. Anyone hoarding needs to collect those sims. I’m holding a top 20 spot by the skin of my teeth despite bigger hoarders around me. Some of the hoarders in our shard started to whale which makes it even tougher. The challenge is good though. Shame you stopped playing in our shard though. Would have loved to see you up in the top 20 buddy.


My brother has one is over 200k normal energy!! he's obsessed with the numbers going up lol. I don't think he will ever enter a shard.. its already been years.


Wow. Just wow. Although, I will say I'm a dolphin playing for 10 months now, and I'm in top 200 arena and #1 fleet. And I got the enjoyment of playing the whole time. But yeah, wow.


Yup, i started in july 2018, had a hoard of about 6 months. Joined arena with full wedge rebels ready to go. Still finishing first 1.5 years. some guys hoard for years+. The advantage falls off after about a year compared to big spenders


I think it sucks for new players, if I faced that, from the start, I wouldn't be playing. Easier way to stop it, is to be assigned immediately to a shard at account creation. Why does it wait in the first place? Never understood that.


I started a new account a while back for my kid to play. Figuring that my 1.5 years of experience and knowledge would be able to take us to the top and be on an even field with the spenders. We encountered a few of these type of accounts which I couldn't understand at first but after investigating how it was done it was even more upsetting that it's allowed by CG. But, is anything CG does or doesn't do really a surprise?


Neat. Good video. I created an alt many months back but just a free to play fun style. I don’t personally care from that lazy FTP perspective. This does suck for the new people spending and wanting to compete to beat a hoarder. Wonder if this is actually causing new people to quit early or at least stop devoting daily play since being top 100 isn’t as exciting as top 10. Although, If CGs able to profit well from the top 50 competing against the hoard then I don’t see why they’d change anything.


Even if you wait 6 months. That's alot of Crystal's and raid gear etc you are gonna miss out on just to have a slightly better chance at a better arena? Doesn't seem worth it at all in the long run


Yeh im a day 1 almost 4yrs now player myself but i could nvr imagined myself downloading this game an basically not playing it for the first yr an just hoarding. I downloaded cuz I wanted to play then tht day not a yr later. I guess if they want to wait a yr to play then thts their choice. Sux for his shard mates for sure but as u said technically its not cheating.


I was thinking about doing something like this but not so extreme lmao. But that is the smartest way to do it, jw how would he get all the sim tokens? buying the energy every day or something?


When was this recorded? I saved my cantina energy for double drops and it maxed at 1000 (if I refreshed at 999 I could get 1119)


CG probably loves this because it makes people whale out to try to compete with the hoarders 🤔


when i started playing this game a year ago there was a darth revan in my shard sitting at #1 for like half a year. He now has 4.8 mil gp while i have 1.6.Its really disgusting
