EASIEST WAYS to EARN ONLINE INCOME (even if you're NOT a techie)

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These online side hustles are the fastest, easiest ways to earn $1,000/month. All you need is a computer and a reliable internet connection. Technical skills are not necessary.

Once you hit that magic number, you'll have a lot more options and freedom in your life. You can use that money to pay off debt, save for retirement or move abroad.

Unlike the United States and Canada, you can live a high quality of life in a lot of countries for $1,000/month so once you reach that milestone, you'll be free to choose the expat or digital nomad lifestyle.

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Our AMAZING Unconventional Supporters:
Maité Duran
Joe Stratton
Leif Brogren
Maureen Kelly
Jennifer Hughes
Deborah Linton
Susan & Rick Joyce
Bliss Mitton
Leigh and Carlos
Byron Jacomo

DISCLAIMER: This video is for entertainment purposes only and does not constitute consulting or advice including, but not limited to, visas, tax, medical, or financial advice. Please consult immigration attorneys, tax professionals, medical professionals and financial advisors for current information.

We are not responsible or liable for your use of the information contained in our videos, articles or linked from our web pages. We do our best to provide timely and accurate information. However, news, laws, guidelines, rules, regulations, etc. are often open to interpretation, change frequently, and sometimes we make mistakes. You must do your own research and consult professionals who familiar with your unique situation before making any travel or moving plans.
#ameliaandjp #ecuador #expats
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Congratulations 🎉 This channel has just WON the most helpful videos on YouTube award. 🎉


Farming. My side hustle is farming. I grow many vegetables to sell locally. It started out as just wanting the best possible food for myself. The best "resume builder" is knowing how to create my own soil. The best asset is compost and if you compost your own at your own location. TY for inspirational vid!!


My side hustles started after I went to Le Cordon Bleu culinary school. I traveled the world and taught cooking classes both to tourists and locals, worked as a private chef, demonstrated food samples at grocery stores, catered events and parties, conducted farmer's market tours, wrote a food blog and tested new food products. I also did market research for food manufacturers to create recipes and identify potential new markets for their products. There are a lot of ways you can earn extra money if you have a skill people want.


Amelia and JP Thank You ! I got a job offer for work from home (part time) ...my goodness thank you thank you thank you..may God be always be with you and bless you and may your channel cross 1 million subscribers...I am so grateful to you guys ...stay healthy happy and continue to help us with the dissemination of information about great online job opportunities


About teaching English online, I taught for Cambly and what they pay there is $10/hr. Not practical of reaching $1, 000/mo. Also, you might have to wait an hour or more before your next student but you still have to be by your computer.


Loved this video. I'd start in Canada first and then move abroad.


This is a different subject, but another mass shooting at a mall near Dallas Tx yesterday. The second on in a week in TX and today 7 killed by a driver near Brownsville. It’s beyond time to exit this country. Thoughts and prayers NOT working, folks!


I'm a Strength and Performance Coach, lived as an expat almost 20 years. I will be hiring a coach soon to help me get online. I need to brush up my online skills.

I'd love to work with other expats and help them in their health and fitness journey.


fantastic!! waaaay more realistic than bloggers claiming $500pd. excellent!!


This is the kind of work I already do, and LOVE IT!!!


User testing has gone out the window and now end-users are the beta testers. So happy to be out of the software development world and now into the finance/accouting side (in the nonprofit world, no less!) ;) Thanks for all your videos. Can't wait to get back to Ecuador on a Professional Visa. Appreciate you both!


Just found and started watching your videos as I will leave my current country due to it becoming quite unsafe especially for solo women-Cambodia. This video is so to the point and I am sure will be helpful to me as I want to diversify what I do online. Thanks for posting it and I will be checking out more of your videos. I do currently teach online for 2 companies including Cambly and I want to point out that their pay is only $10/hour and $12/hour if you teach kids. I have researched a lot of online companies and what I have found is; you can get better than $10-$12/hour only if you commit to certain hours a week or days and times, so lose flexibility. Stay safe!


My side hustle is being a travel consultant! I love it, and i even get perks!


Great videos thank you for taking the time to make them


Good choices for side hustles. Creating a great profile is important, especially with the competition on different platforms. By the way, voice overs might fit Amelia more than she thinks.


Wow, thanks, Amelia and JP. I just subscribed to your channel today when one of your videos on Medellin popped up as a suggestion. I'm very happy to have found you & I will keep coming back. I plan to do your online course within a few months.


Thank you motivating me to use my TEFL certificate. I applied to Cambly this week. I’m waiting to hear back from them. I had to do an Intro video.I’m hoping to go to Mexico to teach in person but I think teaching online may be more practical.


Very useful video. Sometimes the hardest part is to pull together the confidence and initiative needed to get started and believe that you can do it. This video is helpful with those things. Once you cross those bridges of self confidence, these online pathways mentioned by Amelia and JP offer real possibilities. And your new host countries like it too because you bring in US dollars to the host country and don't try to take away any local jobs in the process.

One other point is that you can also get started with these projects while still in the US holding down your regular job. That way you will have your US banking system all set up, and then once you do move, you can contiune to have your pay can direct deposited in the US bank as it always was. (It's no trouble to access this money from the new country) So you can have your $1000 a month momentum already up and running and in place for after the transfer to the new country, making the whole transition a breeze.

It can be very hard to make a living in the US and still have time and money left over to enjoy life while living there. Life in the US these days can be crushing and oppressive. And yet, for me, even after hearing of international opportunities it still took me years before I allowed myself to believe that this could be an answer for me. Finally I just reached the point where I had to do something or my US life was going to send me to an early grave. I am now coming up on my ten year anniversary in Ecuador. I've never even visited the US since I left (although most people do go back to visit from time to time). I love Ecuador, but as Amelia and JP point out, there are also many other great host country options to consider.

This is real. This is possible. If you are struggling with your life in the US, give this some serious thought. And if you are at a point in life where you want to continue bringing in income, these "side hustle" ideas in this video are a real and true way forward for so many people, if they could only believe it.


Thanks! Great info from 2 people I trust!
I've enjoyed watching you 2 for over 4 years.


Good stuff guys! Thank you!

Californian in Thailand. 🙏
