Red Army Choir - The Song of the Allied Forces (Песня объединённых армий)

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I have been looking for this song like 12 years. Finally I have found it. It is a song about soviet army, ready to defend the motherland, the peace, alongside with allied forces of the WARSAW pact. In the video, you can see the pictures of the armies of Czechoslovakia and Poland. I hope you will find this song interesting. As always, tell me what you think about it. Thanks.

We do not want a war, but again
enemies try to violate our peace,
For peace and happiness, we are ready
for a difficult fight, we are ready to fight.
Should you attack us, we are ready to respond,
Land of the Soviets and China
Pole and Czech, Romanian, Bulgarian -
Try to count us!

Friends, friends, keep the powder dry,
Friends, friends, form a strong line!
For the children's laughter on the sunny open spaces,
For free labor, for free labor, we are ready to fight!

Enemies are hoping that an atom
will give them victory, but it wont be so.
Through Labor and intelligence of our soldiers
We have answer to everything
Let them have their cowardly atom,
But we know for sure:
Beating heart means more,
Fire commands a hand!

Friends, friends, keep the powder dry,
Friends, friends, form a strong line!
For the children's laughter on the sunny open spaces,
For free labor, for free labor, we are ready to fight!

Our land fires with willingness
Just dare you, mean enemy and attack us
Half of the mankind is ready to step up with
an armored fist
We are ready to fight you anywhere you should choose
We, like a one man, will march forward
The unity of our fraternal armies
will save Earth once more!

Friends, friends, and keep the powder dry,
Friends, friends, equals the strong line!
For the children's laughter on the sunny open spaces,
For free labor, free labor for we are ready to fight!
Рекомендации по теме

0:37 From left to right- East German, Polish, Soviet, Czechoslovak, Bulgarian and Hungarian soldiers on a mutual exercise.


Great and powerful song comrade Kalinin, thanks you for uploading this. Greetings from Poland.


Its good to see more content about the Warsaw Pact.


Putting this on max volume because I want my neighbours to think I'm a communist maniac


The begging made me think I was listening to the Sacred War.


The T90 that stares into your soul with its "eyes" is terrifying and beautiful at the same time.Holy shit.


very nice pics, i drive a russian car from the 70´s and i love the music from the red army choir very much, thank you for this great music.


absolutely great, as always! Thank you so much Kalinin! I


Thank you, I find the music of Alexandrov ensemble most enjoyable.


Thank you mate, its good to be back. Hopefully I will be able to upload another video on the 9th of May.


Russkij jazyk (Latinica) tekst pesni:

*Pesnja Ob"jedinonnyh Armij*

My ne hotim vojny, no snova
Kol' vrag narušit naš pokoj,
Za mir i sčast'je my gotovy
Na groznyj boj, na pravyj boj.

My na udar v otvet udarim,
Strana Sovetov i Kitaj,
Poljak i čeh, rumyn, bolgarin -
Poprobuj nas peresčitaj!

Druz'ja, druz'ja, suhim deržite poroh,
Druz'ja, druz'ja, ravnjajte krepkij stroj!
Za detskij smeh, na solnečnyh prostorah,
Za vol'nyj trud, za vol'nyj trud,
Gotovy my na boj!

Pust' grozen atom ih prokljatyj,
on ne dostavit im pobed.
Truda i razuma soldaty,
Na vsjo imejem my otvet!

Pust' grozen atom ih kovarnyj,
No znajem my navernjaka:
Živoje serdce bol'še značit,
Ognom komandujet ruka!

Druz'ja, druz'ja, suhim deržite poroh,
Druz'ja, druz'ja, ravnjajte krepkij stroj!
Za detskij smeh, na solnečnyh prostorah,
Za vol'nyj trud, za vol'nyj trud,
Gotovy my na boj!

Naš kraj s ognjami trudovymi
Pust' tol'ko tronet podlyj vrag -
Pol-čelovečestva podnimet
Svoj bronirovannyj kulak!

My v bitvah na ljubom placdarme
My kak odin pojdom vperod,
Jedinstvo naših bratskih armij
Eŝjo raz žizn' Zemle spasot!

Druz'ja, druz'ja, suhim deržite poroh,
Druz'ja, druz'ja, ravnjajte krepkij stroj!
Za detskij smeh, na solnečnyh prostorah,
Za vol'nyj trud, za vol'nyj trud,
Gotovy my na boj!

Za detskij smeh, na solnečnyh prostorah,
*Za vol'nyj trud, za vol'nyj trud, *
*Gotovy my na boj!*


I used to enjoy your videos a lot before you stopped uploading years ago. It's great to see that you've you returned to your good habit a couple of months ago, Kalinin.
Keep the good stuff coming!


Workers of the world, unite! ALL power to the Soviets!


NO, thank YOU, for taking your time and watching the video. My pleasure as always.


This sounds so awesome.would make up a hell of a national anthem.greetings to russia from sri lanka


Good old times... Maybe one day all Slavic people will be marching shoulder to shoulder once again.


Well I have thought about that. But to be honest, there are many "victory day" songs, but I find just a couple of them really good. And I dont want to post the same footage all over again, and finding a new one is quite challenging.


This song was called "The Song of the Allied Forces", the title makes me think that Soviet really made songs for the Western Allies in World War II, until I watched the video...

Ok, it wasn't for the "Allies" I thought before... xD


Dík, samozrejme nebylo, ale chytry youtube mi rekl, ze se moje video "trese" a ze ho opravi, tak vidis, jak to dopadlo. Jsem blb, ze jsem na to kyvnul.


oh yes, i find they can sing with power and heart. so everybody can feel the message of the music:)
