No Code - No Limit (2021)

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An invited talk I gave at the annual HPI research symposium in 2021.
Due to the COVID-10 pandemic the conference was online. The talk was somewhat disrupted by technical hiccups which were cut out later. The first couple of slides are missing and you only see me talking. The most important slide missing in the recording is the famous 1969 photograph of Margaret Hamilton standing next to the stack of print-outs of her Apollo Guidance Computer code. I'm attaching a link to that missing photo further down in these notes.
In this talk I'm also butchering Ken Perlin's famous algorithm to make beautiful noise in the interest of demoing it from scratch. I'm linking to a Snap! project that implements it somewhat more faithful to Ken's original idea below.

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I didn't know that you can get an Oscar as a programmer. And that Ken Perlin got one. What an interesting story. Nice narrative line. Raising expectations, letting us disappointed and then delighted. Wow.


Wow indeed. From nothing to Oscar award winning code in minutes in an easy to follow way.
And because you say it: I want to see the Tom Beckman talk too. Will it be published here?


The link to the Interactive Snap! demo of the idea behind Perlin Noise does not work ("project does not exist")
