Steven Universe Future - Steven Trains With Jasper (Fragments)

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Steven Universe Future - Steven Trains With Jasper (Fragments)
Clip from Fragments, where Steven runs away from the Crystal Gems and goes to train his powers with Jasper, things are heating up for sure
Mr. Universe - Airing March 20th at 7pm Eastern time
Fragments - Airing March 20th at 7:15pm eastern time.
Steven Universe and Steven Universe Future belongs to Rebecca Sugar, The Crewniverse, and Cartoon Network (TurnerEST)
Clip from Fragments, where Steven runs away from the Crystal Gems and goes to train his powers with Jasper, things are heating up for sure
Mr. Universe - Airing March 20th at 7pm Eastern time
Fragments - Airing March 20th at 7:15pm eastern time.
Steven Universe and Steven Universe Future belongs to Rebecca Sugar, The Crewniverse, and Cartoon Network (TurnerEST)