Safety Assurance Solution Demo - KPI Goals, Continuous Improvement, Meetings, and Training

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First we’ll look at the Goals and Objectives module, which places company goals and objectives within reach of everyone, shows real-time progress, and guides managers through the process of defining goals and objectives.
In this module, management can:
• View their goals and objectives
• List their goals by writing goal statements
• Can create objective sets, which allow safety managers to create many objectives, and for each set allow safety managers to write a time length and start date, a safety plan, auto tracked safety objectives which will appear in the chart on the module’s primary page, as well as manually tracked objectives that safety mangers will manually input and give goals for.
• Finally, management can track normalized KPI goals and history, and export the data to excel, pdf, CSV, or word.
One of the major benefits of this module is that all goals, plans and data is documented and can easily be demonstrated to auditors as proof of compliant performance. Beyond prescriptive goals, the level of depth this module delivers functions equally as a tool for custom performance goals as well.
Continuous Improvement
Next we will look at the continuous improvement module. This module is a powerful way to visually represent and track many aspects of the SMS over time. This functionality shows users how the various aspects of their program are improving or not improving.
Using this module is extremely easy. We click on the menu, and an interface pops us allowing us to display charts for:
• The most important activities in a given time period. With this chart you can filter the data by division, by your activities or the activities of all users, as well as the duration that the chart displays.
• The number of reported issues every day in the last 180 days. Days with 0 reported issues are not shown.
• The annual reported issue by each division, in which case data can be set for any selected range within a 6 year period
• An executive report of issues based on their type and how well each type was managed
• A graph of company reporting culture
• The history of on time closures for CPAs and Issues
• A configurable data set of associated hazards with issues
• The average days to close for acceptable risk, mitigatable risk, and unacceptable risk issues
• Types of issues by month
• And issue reporting trends from the past twelve and pervious twelve months
All of these charts are extremely useful for giving safety managers a solid understanding of how, when, and where their safety program is improving.
Safety Meeting Management
Another extremely useful module available in the Safety Assurance Solution is the Meeting Manager. This module allows safety managers to:
• Prepare and schedule meetings
• Document the meeting name, purpose, desired outcome, meeting minutes, and type of meeting. You can also invite other SMS users, set a designated speaker
• One of the best tools here is that managers can develop and document each meetings agenda based on issues and CPAs. Being able to integrate safety issues and CPAs in this manner allows meetings to be structured, organized, and with efficient workflow.
• Meeting can be paused and reconvened
• Past meetings can be viewed and filters, reports generated about the meeting agendas and an overview of meeting minutes and attendees.
The documents manager is not only useful for facilitating communication, providing structure, and workflows, but the ability automatically track minutes and provide reports can prove to be extremely useful during audits.
Training and Qualifications
Next we will look at the Training and Qualifications module. This module acts as a hub for safety managers to create, manage, and assign trainings for individual users or user roles. Because the trainings will automatically expire, renew, and notify safety management, it saves them a considerable amount of manual work for overseeing the training and qualifications of employees.
Using it is very straightforward. Managers can follow the menu tabs to:
• Check each piece of training material’s users who have expired or will be expiring soon. Managers can then reschedule a training for these users, who will be then be notified
• Managers can create custom training material and qualifications
• Managers can then associated any of the training or qualifications material with specific user roles…or specific users within user roles.
• Trainings can also be associated with specific training providers as well
• Finally, managers can schedule trainings with locations, dates, providers, users, and user roles. Once scheduled, all relevant users will be notified via an email with the message that mangers write.
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