This might be my last 1-take performance.... so let's end with a BANG!

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Ladies & gentlemen, as germany is entering into a second lockdown within the next couple of days, without any aid or financial help for musicians and/or entertainment industry workers in sight, I will be refusing to release any new content during the time of the lockdown. It's a small sign of protest, but at least it is something.
Before I go on this (hopefully short-lived) hiatus, I recorded this immensely difficult but super gratifying burner of a solo in one live take for you guys. It's for a modern metal song called "You Are Enough" - I specifically got inspired by @JohnPetrucciofficial 's solo on @Periphery "Erised", which I always thought was one of his very best. In that spirit, I think this solo is one of MY very best and most melodic solos ever and I'm very proud of the fact that I can present you guys this one-take performance, done on my EPIC new @AristidesInstruments 070 custom.
This is the raw camera audio, since the song isn't released or even mixed at this point. Once the arist releases it - and if the feedback on it is positive - I might record a multi-angle version with the studio audio track. But in order for that to happen, show this one some love :)
If YOU want a Fountainhead guest solo like this one for YOUR project, get in touch via my social media and let's talk details! :)
PLEASE don't hesitate to comment, like, subscribe and SHARE on your favorite social media.
To get the TABS for this solo, follow me on one of these pages:
My new FREE e-book on creativity & self-expression:
My newest music releases, feat. tons of fretless guitar:
Signal chain: Aristides Guitars 070 - Winspear guitar cables and Fountainhead signature picks - Deadweald Audio "Duality Drive" pedal - @kemperampsofficial - @steinberg Cubase 10
All the best and stay safe, everybody.
Love & Light,