Rav Dror Responds to a Recent Personal Attack on His Teachings

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Rav Dror’s teachings touch the hearts of people from all backgrounds around the world. His honest and compassionate approach to truth has helped countless individuals discover a sense of purpose, hope, perseverance, and the wonderful qualities of their unique souls.

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I always get closer to HaShem when I listen to you Rab Dror, your words uplift my soul, You bring so much light to the world 🌎


Rabbi you are the best. There will always be negative people who miss the point. Don’t be discouraged. Your speeches and teachings are perfect and to the point. There is only one judge my friend. Love you and may G-d have mercy on that person who has so much time to attack you. You are def doing what is right.


My children and I love you, Rav Dror. You have always been so kind and gentle to us and you have lifted our heads when we went through very hard times. May Hashem bless you. We know your neshama and what anyone else might say will never shake what we know. Thank you for your kindness. Please do not let their words hurt your heart..


Rav you are the man! People can wear a mask of light and pretend for a long time, but nothing lasts forever and their mask will always slip off eventually. Just pray that they someday find true peace.


Yes, you are very simple, humble, and honest!
I really enjoyed your teaching!


kol hakavod Dror...and you prove it by not even mentioning the Ravs name which is the way it should be....well done for this response and being so humble....


Hashem has sent u and I’m most grateful beyond explanation u are a God sent, I believe u are on the way ahead of your time I’m grateful for u brother please never stop or change the way u teach it’s be the most help I’ve had in my 47 years God bless u and yours all my Peace Prayers and love ✌️🙏💙!!!!


Satan, accuser, judges us when only God is the Judge. When people make attacks like this, they are taking on the role of satan. You are peaceful like messiah. Ignore the haters, as they thrive on it. Shalom


You don't need to change a thing. Some people just won't "get it" because you are too deep for them. You speak about such profound, holy, beautiful things. Please don't stop!


Your gentleness and kindness says it all. This must be difficult - unfortunately the door also opens to this type of thing. I found it amazing! They went so far as to make animations of you! And replay long sections of your videos! You had them with all their books out on the table speaking all angry showing how triggered and offended they were. It is ultimately good for them. You have no need to do anything like that. You’re focused on the love and getting information to as make people as possible around the world!
You are kind to call them sophisticated. I find that in some communities it’s true they’ve become so caught up in themselves that the whole love for the world has been lost. It irritates me because sometimes they think they’re better than others. You don’t do that. You’re a radical voice for that mentality. Even if they disagree they could have spoken about it in a calm manner to challenge you, or even better spoken to you directly or expressed concern for you, or like you said you would pray for them, that’s the right thing to do. They never said that. I say “they” because of the people in the comments.

I think this is a great success and your credibility was only fortified. Like someone said to me, a champion turns all energy into power. So they’re giving Emunah.com power. Even if it’s negative energy it’s still energy. And the negativity is theirs.

They misinterpret so much and to me it’s clear why, they want to discredit you before they even listen so they can’t even really listen. You’re reaching so many people they would otherwise reject and not bother with.

Thanks for this. It gives me strength and wisdom of how to react when this happens. It must not feel great, but I think it’s part of the whole thing. 🙏 Shana Tovah✨


We love you Rabbi you're a Blessing to me my friends and my family. May HaShem continue Blessing you and your family and the amazing Emunah proyect.


I am not Jews but I find throw you I can understand Jewish wisdom which help me better life . You doing good job but few they don’t have knowledge to understand you .👍🏼we love you


The problem is with them, I see some of the video and responded to it offering them pity as they are lost, you are their brother and they attack you instead of communicating with you and offering you their understanding. Please do not change, you offer a different message to them and offer light to ALL which I am sure Heshem is so pleased with, at times when I needed hope you have offered it with your insight. I pray and am thankful to Heshem that you are in my life, ignore ignorance please.


Even joseph he was persecuted by his own brother, pls Rav Dror continue your purpose and only Hashem know about you we love your purpose may hashem be with you all the time .


We love you, your family and rav nachaman teaches, ...


I am thankful to HaShem that you share your love and truth to us. I understand your teachings because I love the truth . You prayed for him and that was good! We must do what love of the Blessed LORD and His Truth dictates. Be loving and humble. Ein Od Milvado! Continue the good work ! You are loved!


What a blessing, your words can be comprehended by another soul, to provoke thoughts and reactions....We want to hear his voice, your voice, everyone's voice, in a manner of explaining your understanding of what has just happened to you. Your experiences, while still understanding your personal experience cannot be the same for everybody....So lets explain to each other these parallel, universerses, dimensions, realities, experiences - what ever you want to call it! - to each other, so we can understand and discuss WTF is going on....But wow isn't it great i can may be get a response from a fellow cherished human being, reacting to my thoughts, and giving their ultimate truth - reality does NOT exist, only our explained and experienced you can make it what you want....Now and forever, god bless xxx


You're speaking just fine, from a point of view that is esoteric. Some ppl are literal and are not going to get it. Dont waste your time responding to those ppl. Don't change the way in which you communicate. Haters will always attack regardless. Stay real and be honest.


Rabbi, if you are talking about the "Rabbi" (who, as far as I know, doesn't have a proper ordination) I think you are, he attacks everyone who does not adhere to his own personal interpretation of Judaism.
Although I am not particularly observant, you should know that your teachings and the teachings of other well meaning scholars are impactful on every Jew that takes the time to watch them, whether he be Reform or Haredi, or anything in between. I wish you the very best in the New Year.


I have watched the video that you refer to and I just feel hate in the words of that Rabbi. It is almost as though even if you fail to eat kosher food at some time you should be put to death. Too attached to religious dogma than the true spirit and love of our Living father in heaven. I feel a great love towards you and your teachings Rav Dror. Kindest Regards.
