Can Satan Be Bound?

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This guy always makes biblical sense to me...


The Thousand Years When Satan is Bound, but why God allows Satan living? For more details, please watch the sermon of the Light of Wisdom Church, welcome everyone to study and discuss together. Video “The Thousand Years When Satan is Bound|Meet the Lord through the Internet|Reincarnation | Revelation”
If you think it makes sense, we must not only believe it ourselves, but also spread it to more people. Evangelism is not only the job of pastors, but also the responsibility of every believer. This is also the aspect that the Lord values most when ascending to the kingdom of heaven.


Satan is standing in heaven before Yahweh  accusing the breathren day and night.   Rev.  12: 10.   May Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scriptures.  Heb. 12: 14.  Bless you


What is the biblical way to go about Deliverance when someone is manifesting some type of spiritual oppression? Fasting and prayer? Following God’s law in order to close the open doors of sin (repentance)? Or are some just meant to fall for a time in order to show the penalty for falling away?


releasing Satan, after a 1000 year sounds like a troll job but ultimately makes sense in a weird roundabout way lol


give God the gloria and and obay his word


If you say "Thanks a million", it is just an expression of extreme gratitude, you are not saying it a million times. When people talk of a 'thousand years' or a 'milenium' in the Bible, it doesn't necessarily mean a literal number of years. I really don't take it the same way. It comes across as preaching the New World Order, which is very like what the Jehovah's Witnesses teach. Satan being thrown into the abyss is surely representative of Christ coming into your life and you allowing Him to take over your spirituality? We also see the great crowd in Revelation, before the throne, which is the Gentiles that Christ invited in alongside the faithful Israelites. The 'Deceiver' or 'Devil' is also manifest in false teachings about grace, i.e. rejecting grace, so when Christ came He changed all that. Galatians 4 talks about the two women, one being still under slavery and one being the free woman who has a husband 'Sarah', and we are children of the free woman.


Only in the Corporate Body of Christ that is within the members of the Body of Christ as a corporate spiritusl army that Satan can be bound, that no individual member can not do it on their own! That why it is important for all the members of the Body of Christ in all nations as the Corporate Body of Christ to gather in spiritual prayer, because Satan and his angels cannot fight against the Church the corporate Christ here on earth. That Satan is not afraid of an individual believer of Christ but Satan and his angels a afraid of the Corporate Body of Christ that is all the members praying in One Spirit, that who Satan and his angels a afraid of! That it is only in the Corporate Body of Christ with all the members who have the power to bound the enemy and bind the strong man. Satan does not want anyone to know that, because that where the strenght is in the members of the Body of Christ here on earth who are living and standing in Christ resurrectionon and ascension in the heavenlies far above the enemies Satan and his angels. For it the Body of Christ the Corporate Christ where the power is going to come from to bring Christ back throught them living in His resurrection and ascension power, that is while Christ is in the heavens sitting on the right hand side of the throne so are the members of His Corporate Body are also in the heavens seated on the throne with Him in One Body and One Spirit and in Him while they are still here on earth fighting the spiritual battle for they have the fourfold power that Christ attained and obtained through His resurrection which are the resurrection power, the ascending power, the subjecting power, and heading up power these fourfold power is being transmitted to the Body of Christ because Christ is not only in the heavens as the Son of man with the effulgence and glory of God as the Head of the Body He is also here in the believers as the fourfold power within the members of the Body of Christ which is the Spirit of Reality who is the Holy Spirit.! Read it in Eph. 1:19-21, and Eph. 2:6.
