National Anthem of Norway: Ja vi elsker dette landet

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"Ja, vi elsker dette landet" ("Yes, we love this country") is the Norwegian national anthem. Originally a patriotic song, it came to be commonly regarded as the de facto national anthem of Norway since the early 20th century, after being used alongside "Sønner av Norge" since the 1860s. It was officially adopted in 2019. The lyrics were written by Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson between 1859 and 1868, and the melody was written by his cousin Rikard Nordraak sometime during the winter of 1863 and 1864. It was first performed publicly on 17 May 1864 in connection with the 50th anniversary of the constitution. Usually only the first and the last two verses are sung.

FRANÇAIS: Ja, vi elsker dette landet (Oui, nous aimons ce pays) est l'hymne national de la Norvège.
Les paroles ont été écrites par Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson entre 1859 et 1868 et la musique par son cousin Rikard Nordraak en 1863-1864 pour le cinquantième anniversaire de la constitution norvégienne, le 17 mai 1864 à Eidsvoll. Seuls les premier, septième et huitième couplets sont habituellement joués.

NORSK BOKMÅL: «Ja, vi elsker dette landet» er en patriotisk sang skrevet i 1859 av Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson (1832–1910) og tonesatt av Rikard Nordraak (1842–66). Fra midten av 1860-tallet til begynnelsen av 1900-tallet overtok denne sangen gradvis som den mest anerkjente norske nasjonalsangen. Stortinget vedtok onsdag 11. desember 2019 enstemmig å anerkjenne den som Norges offisielle nasjonalsang. Tidligere har flere andre sanger vært regnet som nasjonalsanger i Norge og på det meste av 1800-tallet var det andre sanger som var mest anerkjent, først og fremst «Norges Skaal» og «Sønner av Norge».
Рекомендации по теме

Tomorrow is Constitution Day, Norway's national holiday. Happy 17th of May to all Norwegians!


Long live King Harald V! Live long and prosper Norway 🇳🇴


God save our allies across the pond.

Let us remember the Royal Norwegian Air Force trained its exiled pilots in Canada.


Greetings from Russia to Norway ✌😉 🇷🇺🇳🇴🇷🇺🇳🇴)) Beautiful anthem, by the way, despite political situation, I hope, that relations between Russia and Norway will be much better than now. On my own.behalf, I sincerely wish Norway well-being and prosperity


The best country😊
Happy constitution day Norway❤
Lots of love from the Philippines


Congratulations for your national holiday on 17th May Norway from your friends in Germany <3 Norway is a beaufitul country with nice landscape, charming people and such a nice culture. I´m really proud to call you our friends. Best wishes for the future from your friends in Germany <3


Today is May 17 in my country so happy constitution day Norway my greeting to the Philippines


Happy constitution day to Norway 🇳🇴 from the U.S🇺🇲


Norway is amazing and has lots of great people. Thank you for being the birthplace of some of my ancestors. Love and respect from Canada 🇨🇦🇳🇴


GLEDELIG NASJONALDAG 17 MAI, til Dere!! Hjertelig hilsen fra Sverige!


Love to Norway from Puerto Rico! 🇵🇷❤️🇳🇴


Beautiful country and people, I love you Norway. Alt for Norge ! from Argentina


I like this channel, watching from the Brazil


Other Fact :
Both queen sisters Elsa and Anna ( from Disney 'Frozen 1~2~3~4') are from Norway🇧🇻.


Tusen takk for at du lagde denne videoen. Missed opportunity to show skiing and other typical Norwegian things tho 😜


Hilsen det norske folk. Du er et godt folk, velkommen til Algerie 💖😄💝


Love Norway 🇳🇴 from the United States 🇺🇸


Og gratulerer med dagen!


Seems like all versions on Youtube are missing part 2 to 6 of the Anthem, I wonder why.
I took the time to comment the whole version here.

Part 1:

Ja, vi elsker dette landet,
som det stiger frem,
furet, værbitt over vannet,
med de tusen hjem,
elsker, elsker det og tenker
på vår far og mor
og den saganatt som senker
drømmer på vår jord.

Yes, we love this country
as it rises forth,
rugged, weathered, over the water,
with the thousands of homes,
love, love it and think
of our father and mother
𝄆 and the saga-night that lays
dreams upon our earth.

Part 2:

Dette landet Harald berget
med sin kjemperad,
dette landet Håkon verget,
medens Øyvind kvad;
Olav på det landet malet
korset med sitt blod,
fra dets høye Sverre talet
Roma midt imot.

This country Harald united
with his army of heroes,
this country Håkon protected
whilst Øyvind sung;
upon the country Olav painted
with his blood the cross,
from its heights Sverre spoke
up against Rome.

Part 3:

Bønder sine økser brynte
hvor en hær dro frem;
Tordenskjold langs kysten lynte,
så den lystes hjem.
Kvinner selv stod opp og strede
som de vare menn;
andre kunne bare grede,
men det kom igjen!

Farmers their axes sharpened
wherever an army advanced,
Tordenskjold(A noble) along the coastline thundered
so that we could see it back home.
Even women stood up and fought
as if they were men;
others could only cry
but that soon would end!

Part 4:

Visstnok var vi ikke mange,
men vi strakk dog til,
da vi prøvdes noen gange,
og det stod på spill;
ti vi heller landet brente
enn det kom til fall;
husker bare hva som hendte
ned på Fredrikshald!

Sure, we were not many
but we were enough,
when we were tested sometimes,
and it was at stake;
we would rather burn our land
than to declare defeat;
just remember what happened
down at Fredrikshald!

Part 5:

Hårde tider har vi døyet,
ble til sist forstøtt;
men i verste nød blåøyet
frihet ble oss født.
Det gav faderkraft å bære
hungersnød og krig,
det gav døden selv sin ære —
og det gav forlik.

Hard times we have coped with,
were at last disowned;
but in the worst distress, blue-eyed
freedom was to us born.
It gave (us) father's strength to carry
famine and war,
it gave death itself its honour –
and it gave reconciliation.

Part 6:

Fienden sitt våpen kastet,
opp visiret fór,
vi med undren mot ham hastet,
ti han var vår bror.
Drevne frem på stand av skammen,
gikk vi søderpå;
nå står vi tre brødre sammen,
og skal sådan stå!

The enemy threw away his weapon,
up the visor went,
we, in wonder, to him hastened,
because he was our brother.
Driven forth to a stand by shame
we went to the south;
now we three brothers stand united,
and shall stand like that!

Part 7:

Norske mann i hus og hytte,
takk din store Gud!
Landet ville han beskytte,
skjønt det mørkt så ut.
Alt, hva fedrene har kjempet,
mødrene har grett,
har den Herre stille lempet,
så vi vant vår rett.

Norwegian man in house and cabin,
thank your great God!
The country he wanted to protect,
although things looked dark.
All the fights fathers have fought,
and the mothers have wept,
the Lord has quietly eased
so we won our rights.

Part 8:

Ja, vi elsker dette landet,
som det stiger frem,
furet, værbitt over vannet,
med de tusen hjem.
Og som fedres kamp har hevet
det av nød til seir,
også vi, når det blir krevet,
for dets fred slår leir.

Yes, we love this country
as it rises forth,
rugged, weathered, above the sea,
with those thousand homes.
And as the fathers' struggle has raised
it from need to victory,
even we, when it is demanded,
for its peace will encamp (for defense).


Norge er et flott sted. Jeg har nemlig reist der mange ganger. Og det er derfor jeg lærer norsk. Hilsen fra din nordøst nabo Finland!

Norway is a great place. Namely, I have traveled there many times. And that's why I'm learning Norwegian. Greetings from your northeast neighbor Finland!

Norja on hieno paikka. Nimittäin olen matkustanut siellä monta kertaa. Ja tästä syystä opettelen norjan kieltä. Terveiset teidän koillisesta naapurista Suomesta!
