I Can't Stop Buying Things Now My House Is A Mess | Hoarders Get Your House In Order | Only Human

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59-year-old widow Sylvia Stewart is struggling under the remnants of decades of out-of-control shopping. A self-confessed bargain hunter, Sylvia can easily spend up to £1000 per week, often buying multiples of the same items if it's at a good price. She estimates that she has spent around £100,000 on her hoard - amassing everything from furniture and ornaments, to dried flowers and empty milk bottles -but what used to give her pleasure has now turned into a living hell. Embarrassed by the state of her house, and with her son David desperate for his mother to change, Sylvia is determined to turn around her home and life.

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From: Hoarders Get Your House In Order

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This interior designer is the worst sort of designer - the moment she started pushing her own ideas without really listening to the client shows it. Her design in the other episode made a small space feel even more claustrophobic. And anyone who uses “squishy” as a descriptive in a professional setting is also a red flag.


I don't get selling off functional furniture that is the taste of the hoarder. Why can't they design around some of them?


Sylvia doesn't need an interior designer she needs a counsellor and therapy then the hoarding problem will sort itself out


I really dislike this designer! She’s horrible! This is a gorgeous home and doesn’t need to be overdone, no help to the owner!


I would not let that designer within an inch of my house - it’s a migraine inducing dust trap - nothing matches and it looks like it’s been designed by a box of frogs - each to their own but not for me 😫


The designer was selfish. Sylvia knows what she wants and shouldn't be forced to live with the designer's design ideas only.


What a dangerous thought - to think new floors and wallpapers can cure an illness.


Horrible designer. No imagination to use Sylvia's quality possessions. What a tragedy.


Sylvia said that getting rid of the junk will allow her to buy some better things. She's already planning her shopping trips.


Thank god she was able to keep that kitchen table. It is tasteful and gorgeous. Shame on them for trying to force her to sell it. Good for Sylvia for sticking up for herself about that.


This designer lady is very disturbing, if she was any good she would definetly take into consideration the customer's preferences. She also pretty much does the same to all houses: turn them into a dark horror. Definitely NOT what these people need. Boo.


The worst thing about this video is the designer. I totally hate what she did. I would sue her for malpractice.


Nothing was wrong with the floor. It was bright and clean. What a waste of money. Don't fix what isn't broke.


99.99% sure the interior designer exists to stir up drama and anger the audience. 🤔


As a graphic designer, I originally studied interior design. You are designing for the client, not yourself! She's so dramatic and obnoxious. Doesn't want to hear any input from the person who has to live there! Can't stand her...or that stupid wallpaper.


This designer should be sitting down with her client and going over her mood board and discussing it. After all the client has to live in it after the TV cameras are gone etc.. Bullying ppl into what the designer want is not fair!!!


"This is what I want for my "no, let's do it my way!" Ugh. I can't stand her.


They keep using this worthless decorator. She loves really dark colors and gray. I didn't see anything wrong with the light colored floor boards - it makes a room look bigger. You can also use oriental rugs. She didn't even talk to the people who HAVE TO LIVE THERE! I would hate having someone else decorate my house. She also picks really cheap looking furniture. Wood is much warmer, and I also do not like mixing 20 different colors together in one room.


There were things in her house that could have been used to decorate her space that would not have cost her anything more. She had some nice pieces of furniture that could have been used. The design wasn't as bad as the other video I watched, but this isn't much better. It is tacky.


The designer and the presenter are just cold controlling bullies. They have no idea about mental health and hoarder disorder.
