5 Differences between an INTP and INFP Personality Types

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Are you an INTP or an INFP? For those unfamiliar, these acronyms are two of the sixteen MBTI types, also known as the Myers-Briggs type indicators. The combinations INTP and INFP are among the rarest out there, making up roughly around 3% and 5% of the population respectively. If you ever wondered whether you are an INFP or INTP, we will share with you five key differences to help you tell these two types apart.

DISCLAIMER: The Myers-Briggs type indicator is not a strict set of rules but rather a general framework that can help guide you to understand your personality better. If you want a proper MBTI evaluation, visit licensed professionals to help you understand yourself better.

Writer: Joshua Munoz
Script Editor & Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Ania K., @qbatgirlq (new animator)
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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As an INTP I enhanced my English speaking skills with the help of imaginary interviews I conduct every 2 am.


Being a INTP is weird to explain, you... feel an emotion for a person/event but then your brain defines it with a textbook definition and it suddenly means nothing to you, your feelings are melted by objectivity


INTP: “I’m sorry I’m not attacking you, just your outdated ideas...”


I have tested INTP and INFP at different times, and let me tell you, I believe it; I relate to literally every statement in this video. The INTP in me will start debates with people...and the INFP in me will hate myself for disrupting the peace... I'm a writer, often plotting out all the details and themes of the world I write...but when it comes time to actually write the story, I literally just sit down and start typing, without thinking too much about the structure of the story, quite literally making it up as I go along.

I sometimes think the T and F in me are in constant war...lord knows how it'll end...


How to spot INTP: They always question results of every MBTI which declare them as INTP.


Me being an INTP liking arts and music while despising maths and physics: 🧍🏻‍♀️


At this point I’m not sure whether I’m an INTP at INFP.


As an INTP, I do have conversations with myselves. We argue all the time we have and change the topic as we see fit.


as an INTP, we snort at least 10 lbs of crack cocaine for the whimsy alone.


as an intp i could always make a 3 page essay after watching a single show instead of focusing on my homework


INTP: "Is this an emotion?" * anime guy with butterfly meme *


As an INFP, I could still relate to both the personalities how they're depicted in this video. INFPs can be analytical too and they aren't really those little sunshines like described here. Sometimes they may seem childish or naive, but they have a lot of thought going on inside and being childlike is a good way to hide from having to accept the world that is just too strict with everything. They are sensitive, really sensitive, but they aren't helpless, they're just holding back most of the time because they don't want to hurt the other person with what they know can and will hurt them emotionally.
...I'll make a cut here.
Thanks for reading I just can't get over being depicted as sunny and lovely as this seems lol


“So how’s life?”

INTPs: **cue existential crisis**


As an INTP, I really hate when some people tell me that I'm heartless or emotionless while I can become an ultimate sweetheart when watching a movie or supporting a friend. I just like thinking rationally rather than judging according to emotions in general, oh and I like using sarcasm a lot.

And also thank you for the 2k likes! It's really surprising that my thoughts were understood or even shared by some people lol. Remember to not judge someone by their type but by how they use their functions 🤝


"Instead, infp's tend to be drawn towards the arts, poetry and music"

Me: *Drawing, while making stories and my head and songs that got stuck in my head are playing in the background*


as an intp the spending hours learning about random topics part is so true. i wanted to learn more about space so ive pretty much spent most of this summer on websites and watching documentaries. im thinking about combining my research and creating a poster or video out of it idk lol. i did this in the past with snowy owls and flowers, its a hobby of mine i guess lol


The whole class: * Argues about what's the right answer *

INTPs in their mind: "Y'all wrong" *continues to enjoy the argument in class in silence*

Edited: Omg that's for the likes


As an INTP someone can be yelling in my face and I’ll have just a complete poker face. Then I say “sorry I didn’t realize that would upset you” in the most monotone voice imaginable and then they’ll get even angrier.


me (an INFP): *loves reading philosophy and astronomy but also poetry and art*👁👄👁


For those who aren't sure which one you are, learn about the cognitive functions.

Introverted Thinking
Extraverted Intuition
Introverted Sensing
Extraverted Feeling

Introverted Feeling
Extraverted Intuition
Introverted Sensing
Extraverted thinking.

INFPs and INTPs are similar in ways because the positions of their Ne and Si are the same.

So the differences are in the Ti/Fe for INTPs and Fi/Te for INFPs.

The reason you can oscillate between being a thinker and a feeler is because we all have a "thinking" function and a "feeling" function. Everyone has emotions and values. But INFPs are more in tune with their own emotions/values and INTPs are more affected by others' emotions/values (albeit awkwardly). INFPs form their logic and reason based on popular data from outside themselves (and this is not their strong suit, but it's also not impossible). INTPs tend to form their own subjective logical framework based on all the information they've obtained up to this point throughout their entire lives, along with their own personal experience and what makes the most sense to them based on all of that.

Our thinking and feeling functions are just the things that determine our decision making process. Do you make decisions based on what seems to be most logical/rational to you (Ti/INTP), or do you make decisions based on your personal values (Fi/INFP)? Also take into account that an INTP has extraverted feeling, so that will play a part in the decision making process, caring about how their decision might affect others (but this will be secondary to what is logical to them, and if they make their decision based solely on how it might make others feel but going completely against what they think is rational, it will not feel like a good decision and it will feel like a part of them is dying inside).

INFPs can also care about how their decisions might affect others, but that is only if one of their personal values is to care about how they affect others, which of course can often be the case... this is why it is so confusing. INFPs are probably trickier than INTPs because anyone can have any personal values. Someone with introverted feeling as their top function could have logic and rationality as one of their core values. But INFPs are much more likely to not do things they simply do not want to do.

As an INTP, I barely know what my likes and values are, but for the things I do like/value, I can give reasons for all of them. From my experience with INFPs, they tend to have very strong values, but when you ask why they have those values, it is often very vague, or when you ask why they like something, often it is just something along the lines of, "I don't know, I just do." This is generally speaking.

Just remember that just because you hate math and science, it doesn't mean you're not an INTP, and just because you like poetry/music, etc, it doesn't mean you're not an INTP. And vice versa. The personality types are based on how our brains work, which will play a role in what we like/dislike, but not 100%. Think about how your brain works. There is no "right" answer, and no cognitive function is better than another, just different. And no two people are exactly alike. You are you, no matter what your type is.
