Toy Story 4 Toys - Epic Haul Unboxing

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We’re super excited to unbox a huge haul of new Toy Story 4 toys. There are toys from Mattel, Lego, Thinkway Toys, Disney and more.

The RV Friends 6 Pack is perfect for fans who want to instantly build their Toy Story 4 collection. It includes Woody, Buzz, Forky, Rex, Slinky, Jessie.

Who wouldn’t want to create their own Forky? We found this Creativity Craft set. With pipe cleaners, Play-Doh, and googly eyes. It allows you to make your own DIY Forky just like Bonnie.

Bo Peep is a part of the True Talkers line, which feature 15 phrases. Press the button on her belt to hear her talk. It’s so fun to see what she will say.

Here’s the Benson and Woody 2-Pack. The coolest part? You can press the button on his head to make him talk just like a real dummy. It comes with a special movie edition of Woody.

Here’s a couple of new friends that we won as carnival prizes - it’s Ducky and Bunny, played by the humorous duo of Key and Peele.

Look it’s Woody’s horse - Bullseye! He comes in this special edition Woody & Bullseye Adventure Pack.

Both figures can be posed on their own or together.
Wisecracking piggy bank, Hamm is here. What’s cool? He’s a real piggy bank!
Three aliens from the strange world of Pizza Planet also arrived on our doorstep.
From the Disney Store, we picked up plush figures of Dolly ,Mr. Pricklepants, Buttercup,and Trixie.

If you didn’t think that the Toy Story 4 toys could get any cuter, check out the minis.
If you’ve ever wanted Buzz Lightyear with all the features from the commercial, check out the Special Edition of Talking Buzz Lightyear.

Wearing 80’s-inspired workout gear, Barbie’s ready for a workout.
Mattel has taken the essence of all our favorite characters and turned them into cars. Aren’t these awesome?! Characters in the line include Woody, Buzz. Alien, Rex, and more.

With Stunt Racer Duke Caboom can bring home Duke Caboom. He’s the most spectacular daredevil that Canada has ever seen.

We got this Forky & Duke Caboom 2-Pack from Amazon. Poor Duke - he can’t perform any of the stunts he’s advertised to do.

With his cape and helmet, Duke Caboom looks similar to the standalone figure, and he has all the same articulation. The biggest downside? You can’t take off his helmet. What’s great is you can use the standalone figure with this set.

Bo Peep’s back! Now you can capture all her fancy moves from the movie with Epic Moves Bo Peep.

Lastly, we’ve got a Lego set. Designed for ages 4 and up, Buzz & Woody’s Carnival Mania set recreates the carnival scene inspired by Toy Story 4.

These are just a few of the new Toy Story 4 toys. It’s not everything. Check out our Toy Hunt for even more toys.

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